Fun with Squirrels

Groupy Stuff

Last night I had an absolute blast in Destiny.  During the day I mentioned that I really needed to do some Court of Oryx stuff on the Dreadnaught, since the Stolen Runes in their initial state do not stack… and I happened to have like four in my inventory.  My friend SquirrelPope chimed in to mention that he could also do with some CoO goodness, but we didn’t necessarily make any firm plans.  When I got home I started piddling around on my Warlock and shortly after dinner my good friend Carth showed up and we started up a PSN Party.  Around about this time I decided to swap back to my Titan and I got a PSN friend invite from Squirrel and next thing I know it we are on the Dreadnaught doing summons.  Over the course of the night we participated in probably a half dozen of the level 300 summons, and at least a dozen if not more of the 240 ones…  then a good smattering of the low level ones mixed in as well.  We were there long past the point where our bags were overflowing, and it managed to get me a level 300 artifact and Squirrel one as well for his hunter alt.  We took a trip to decode our goodies on the Tower before regrouping.

From there we chain ran a bunch of strikes and I managed to get a couple of exotics as a result.  The other night Carth managed to pull a Telesto fusion rifle, and I had commented that I really would not mind getting one since I didn’t have a great fusion rifle option.  Sure enough in our travels last night one of my exotics was a special weapon and that was precisely what I pulled.  The other item I got was extremely situational, No Back-up Plans arms which give you a force barrier anytime you kill someone with a shotgun.  This screams like something perfect for defender titan in the crucible.  Going to hold onto them because in theory they are a decent enough item, even though I skipped getting them when they were on Xur a few weeks back.  It was one of those nights of incremental movement in my light and not necessarily anything big.  The big two things were that I was able to push up Hawksaw from 293 to 296 and my Sol Edge from 296 to 298 making me extremely happy in both cases.  With the focus on secondary weapons for my exotic slot, now that I have both Telesto and Invective I also robbed my Hunter and got my favorite version of the Zarinaea-D Auto Rifle to replace my Fabian Strategy that I am apparently going to shelve.  I mostly liked the Fabian for the survival that it granted me… and I really notice it when I am not using it.


It’s Wednesday, which means its Armsday… otherwise known as the…  I can’t remember what I ordered so for the love of god get these packages out of my inventory day.  Last week I put in orders for pretty much everything and you can see my actual picks above in the image gallery.  This is the first time I have actually used an image gallery so… hopefully no strangeness happens with my blog layout as a result.  Of these honestly… the only one I can really see myself using is the Judith-D hand canon and maybe one of the pulse rifles.  The Auto Rifle is pretty much guaranteed to turn into legendary marks because it has next to no impact.  As far as the shotgun goes… I have an invective and the ability to give all of my characters an invective… why would you use any other shot gun?  In all seriousness I am probably going to eat my 4th Horseman and give an Invective to my Hunter, because having a shotgun that regenerates ammunition auto-magically is a pretty spectacular thing.  The only thing that I really need to round out my special weapon options is the damned Black Spindle…  and next time it comes up I am probably going to pester Squirrel and Carth to make several attempts at getting it.  I want that damned thing so badly, and similarly I am hoping we see a return of the Firewall mission required to get the Sleeper Stimulant as well at the beginning of November.

The thing that excites me the most about this Armsday is not necessarily the weapons I got this week… but instead my hope for weapons next week.  For ages I have been hearing about how amazing the Suros Ari-45 Auto Rifle is… and it has now appeared as one of the packages for next week.  I’ve put in at least two of these orders, one on the Titan and one on the Hunter… and it would be pretty great if I managed to get my Warlock up to 38 this week and be able to put in another order on him.  I have a feeling like the Zarinaea-D it is going to be one of those weapons that I would love to have multiple copies of.  My only fear however is that maybe just maybe the hype surrounding this weapon is not going to live up to my expectations.  I have very specific tastes in weapons, and it is as much about the “feel” for me as it is the actual stats.  I like the Zarinaea-D because I love the “feel” of it… sure it is a laser beam of accuracy.. and packs a decent punch with good sights, but the sound is really what makes me love that weapon.  I have been running around with a version of the Suros Ari-45 on my Warlock as I level him, and while it is cool and a fun weapon to use… it is no Zarinaea-D.





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