Twenty Again


I do not have a whole hell of a lot to talk about this morning so the post is going to be brief.  Last night I went to the simulcast of Rifftrax Live Night of the Living Dead because there was no way I was going to miss that.  Predictably it was pretty great and had also been a really long time since I had seen the original black and white film.  There is a group of us from work that do this was a semi regular thing and its always a lot of fun.  This however meant that I was giving up play time on “night two” of the PC release to spend time doing stuff in the real world.  By the time I got home I was pretty out of it, but I did manage to limp across the finish line to level 20.  This morning I spent a few of the tokens I had banked up and managed to get to 211 power level.  That means tonight is all about actually finishing the main story because I dropped off before the transition to the planet Io.  I have a bunch of goals… not the least of which is to finish the story so I can unlock the “end game” and all of the group activities.  The other goal is to gather up enough purple stuff so that I can have the legendary shards ready and waiting for Xur to arrive tomorrow.  The theory is to buy the 270 weapon and armor to give myself a boost so that when I start decoding the higher tier engrams that my light level is greatly inflated.  Other than that…  not a whole lot to talk about this morning so going ahead and cutting this post off.


2 thoughts on “Twenty Again”

  1. Reading this makes me question why D2 even bothers with levels in the first place. If you can get to max level (not power mind you) in less than a day… then there’s no actual value in those levels.

    And for all intents and purposes, you maxed out your character in a month on the console. I am curious on your thoughts for the long-term viability/draw of a game that can be entirely completed in a month. It certainly looks to be different than D1 in terms of longevity.

    • Yeah the whole level thing makes zero sense especially since they already use power level to gate things. It is not like they could not gate the things they do level gate on power instead.

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