Boosh and Barroth


It was a pretty great weekend as far as gaming goals go.  Saturday I largely roamed around aimlessly in Everquest while hanging out with my wife downstairs watching various stuff on the television.  Then at some point before the podcast I headed upstairs to see if I could knock out the megaman event.  This entails fighting the most laughably small Odogoron you have ever seen…  and one that is slightly larger than normal.  In truth I am not completely sure it is larger than normal…  or if it just seems massive compared to the tiny tiny one you fight first. Ultimately you need to get five tickets to get your full palico armor and I managed to finish mine up in three events…  with the last one dropping three event tickets…  something I was not sure could actually happen.

After the Podcast Thalen and I wound up hanging out and working on our Ryu costumes, which entails doing a challenge arena where you fight a massive Barroth.  This thing is so large that really your only option is to wail away on the legs until it falls over….  then start scoring hits on other parts of the body.  This event scores event tickets based on how fast you get the kill…  if I am remembering right getting it in less than 5 minutes nets you a gold and three tickets, less than 9 minutes a silver and 2 tickets, and finally finishing at all before the 50 minute timer is up earns you bronze and a single ticket.  You need seven tickets in total so we wound up running it four times in a row allowing us to craft the Ryu suit…  that in all honesty we will probably never actually wear.


When Thalen and I both got on I created an open chat channel and we both joined the Greysky Armanda clan session, and at some point during our Barroth nonsense our good friend Shiana joined us in both.  Thalen and I were talking for a bit about both needing Kirin and what sort of gear we were prepping for the fight.  It was around about this point that Shiana offered to help us get some attempts in seeing as he was in the 90s rank wise himself.  Granted this is like at 11 pm we are starting this madness…  but my desire to kill the stupid unicorn was greater than my desire for sleep.  So we continued forth with me wearing my mostly Xeno’jiiva set that nets 40 lightning resist with a veggie platter buff.  In truth with multiple people the fight already seemed way easier because I was not having to spend my entire time trying to shed aggro from the lunatic horse.

One by one we each got carted…  with me taking the last hit and closing out our first attempt somewhere around the 25 minute mark.  On our second attempt we managed to get feline insurance, and in truth only managed to get carted the one time if I am remembering correctly.  We had better luck as far as where exactly Kirin decided to fight us, shifting back and forth between two relatively open areas.  When we managed to whittle it down to enough hitpoints to make it run back to it’s “nest” we barrel bombed it into oblivion then threw on our thunderproof mantles and proceeded to wale away on it.  All the while this was going on… I was still very much on edge… afraid something would go terribly wrong and we would fail the fight once again.  So when I saw the above screenshot…  crediting a kill for Kirin I was ecstatic…  making getting to sleep when I finally crawled into bed a little after midnight a bit harder than normal.


Sunday I spent the day swapping laundry and hanging out upstairs playing Monster Hunter while watching The Mighty Boosh on my second monitor.  I am not exactly sure what prompted me, but for some reason I fired up Hulu to see what was available and it suggested to me this show.  Now I had watched most of it some time ago when reruns were being played as part of the adult swim block late at night.  This was back during my wow raiding days… and many of the sayings from the “Old Gregg” episode became constant quotation fodder during fights… especially “Fuzzy Little Man Peach”.  So yesterday I hung out watching the Hulu feed of the episodes while doing random nonsense in Monster Hunter World.  It was a day truly well spent.


I’ve been slowly adding weapons to my repertoire and then learning how to use them.  It seems extremely bizarre but I have been crafting purple and orange versions of weapons that I have maybe never actually used…  because I figure as I learn them I at least have an “end game” version to get used to rather than mess with all of the steps in between.  For the moment I have solid versions of Charge Blade,  Switch Axe, Great Sword and of course the Longsword of which I have developed quite the collection.  One of the weapons that I have kept wanting to try is the Dual Blades which seem really cool when I see someone using them, but for whatever reason I have never actually tried.

I really really like the look of the Sin dual Chain Kama looking weapons, and thanks to farming the Odogoron quest I managed to get not only one but two gems.  This allowed me to craft the weapon and the complete set of Alpha Odog gear to go with it.  Sure it might seem weird that I have a full set of gear largely because I think its cool looking…  but whatever.  Now I am setting my sights on getting the Zorah blast lance…  before giving that weapon a go.  Sure I could just go into the training room…  but as I keep being reminded I am the patron saint of bad decisions and that simply would not be my way.


Another project for this weekend was finishing farming the Anjanath claws needed to upgrade my weapon I can’t pronounce into the final form of said weapon I can’t pronounce.  I then took the firey axe and shield out on a few test runs having really great luck with it.  It could use a few more ranks of handicraft to give me more time in the blue zone, because it takes an awful lot of sharpness loss as you use it…  but it also dishes out a lot of damage and is crazy fun to use.  I am sure there are probably better options for sword and shield, but I like this one and it at least gives me an end game suitable weapon in that category.  All in all it was a pretty great weekend…  apart from one incident…  but that is a tale for another day.


Apex Predators


Last night I participated in a little bit of non-game related nonsense.  Over the Christmas break I rearranged my set up so that I am essentially sharing a 43 inch 4k display for both console and PC gaming.  I still have access to the PC via the secondary monitor to the side, but the main display will be showing my PS4.  The idea was that this would give me access to my proper mic while playing console games and allow me to hang out on teamspeak or discord while playing.  The only problem there is that my only sound option for console gaming…  has been to have it play through the television speakers, which means while streaming… it gets picked up by my microphone.  My alternate solution was to try and string a usb headset to my PS4 while playing but it was less than optimal and I didn’t have a long enough cord to route it around where it was not in the way.

So I set forth with a mission… figure out a way to pipe the input from my television into my PC.  The television only has optical toslink out and the pc has a 3.5 mm mini jack for input, which meant I needed some sort of a bridge to make the connection work.  After some googling I stumbled across this little device that will convert a digital input… like toslink to an analog signal like RCA/Mini.  After a bunch of fiddling and some rewiring I got it set up… and once I set my system to “listen” to the line in port…  I had console audio coming in through my PC sound card.  This left me with the problem of needing some way to have a microphone for PSN chat.

After some rummaging I found my first Blue microphone… the Nessie and decided to give it a shot.  This is the point where I am thankful I have a rudamentary system of storage boxes because I needed to find some way of stringing a micro usb cord from the other side of my monitor all the way around the back of my desk and over to my PS4.  The final solution was an old samsung charging cable combined with an amazon basics usb extender, but after some fiddling it worked.  Now I can comfortably swap between PC gaming and PS4 gaming without having to grab a new headset or do any manipulation.  While it doesn’t seem like much… it felt like a major victory to me last night.


As far as my night in Monster Hunter…. I spent a lot of time doing minor content while watching Sushi’s stream and chatting with the other folks in channel on my second monitor.  This is the other use case I have found for this setup is letting me hang out on twitch while playing console games, which is a good deal of fun.  The only negative is I try and cram discord, slack, hangouts and a twitch window on a 23 inch monitor… that seems ridiculously tiny next to the 43 inch I am playing the game on.  I’ve been on this mission to repair my cash flow problem and as a result I have been doing a bunch of investigations that reward around the 4000-5000 zenny mark.  Essentially there are two wants right now…  being able to craft a new sword from the egg bird line to see how well it works with its high affinity rating.  The other is to craft a new set of gear but I am sorta up in the air as to what to go with.

Basically in the coming evenings I should really start doing focused hunts and going after specific monsters to get parts.  I hate fighting the Radobaan, but right now…  it is one of my favorite armor sets.  I need Radobaan parts to complete the weapon I am shooting for as well…  so in theory it means in the near future I am going to start going after the tar dragon with seriousness.  It was a pretty straight forward fight, but was just annoying getting good hits on it and knocking off bits of the bone armor.  I am bad at actually seeking groups for things and instead just end up piddling around on my own most of the time.  Regardless…  my current set of armor feels like it is starting to be a little dated.


When I finally got back to doing more serious content, I picked up on the quest line that asked me to go to the bottom of the Rotten Vale.  I am not exactly sure what I expected down there, but the supposed bottom floor is a lot more survivable than the one that Great Girros roams around.  There seemed to be way fewer poison clouds going on, and not much in the way of annoying adds.  While down there I ran into my favorite character that I have no clue what she is called…  but a wiki is telling me she is called the Field Master.  I question if she is actually another hunter, or if instead she is just one of the handlers that decided to break out on her own.

This lead to the appearance of a monster called Odogoron that was honestly one of the more annoying fights I have dealt with in awhile.  Much like Legiana, this one can deal a lot of damage in a really short amount of time and I wound up fainting a few times because I simply was not watching my health bar as closely as I should.  The other problem I ran into is this thing is insanely fast, so the only times I could really just go to town on it were when my palico had it distracted or I had blinded it with a flash pod.  The rest of the time I was constantly in a state of trying to make sure it was not about to turn on me and decimate my life bar.  I am not even sure how this works, but once I cut off its tail it seemed to be super susceptible to being knocked down which allowed me to unleash some spirit blade combos.


After wrapping that fight up, I decided to keep going with the story rather than retreating into a chill expedition.  After some tracking around I found myself on a quest to essentially kill the Apex predators of the Ancient Forest and the Wildspire Wastes…  aka Rathalos and Diablos.  I did not have the energy in me to start either of those so I went back to investigations for awhile.  I now have two quests in my log ready for me to start the hunts for these two big beasts…  and I am guessing I am not terribly far from starting high rank once I knock them out of the skies.  I really could use Rathalos parts because I believe they unlock some interesting crafting options.  Still very much enthralled by this game and looking forward to venturing deeper into it.