Ghost Hunter YouTube

Good Morning Friends! I took a much longer than originally anticipated hiatus from posting. When I got up Wednesday morning I just was not really feeling it, and then I was off both Thursday and Friday and did not post then either. For those who follow me because of Blaugust, I would say that it is a good idea to just go with the flow when you are not feeling it. Chances are you probably need a break from creating content and so long as you resume at some point taking a break is extremely therapeutic. I can’t necessarily say that I feel recharged, but I was ready to get back to the blog this morning. Over the weekend a discussion happened over on the “Twitters” about Ghost Hunter channels on YouTube and I said that I should really do a blog post where I dump some of my favorites. This morning is the realization of that statement and if you are thoroughly uninterested in the paranormal, today is likely going to be a hard pass for you.

Overnight Channel / TFIL

The Overnight channel is something that branched off of another channel called TFIL, and the premise is that they go all around the country and world to do ghost-hunting videos. Ghost Hunting YouTube is this spider web that branches out, and there are a number of collaborations that ultimately will lead you to other channels. Since this one was my “first” it will always have a special place in my heart, but as I have developed slightly more refined tastes it does come across as extremely over the top. Corey is a sweetheart though and seems to be a ghost magnet, and there have been a few moments that were genuinely shocking.

The Paranormal Files

This is probably the second channel that the YouTube algorithm sent my way. Overall I like this series but there are certain aspects that bug me. Firstly Colin is a little hyperbolic when it comes to his reactions to things going on. I do kinda dig that he is often out doing stuff with his mom, dad, and now wife so it creates this interesting dynamic. It bugs me that he calls his parents by their first name, but that is just a pet peeve of mine because I had a friend growing up that did that. The only time he called them Mom or Dad was when he wanted something. Anyways there are a lot of interesting places that this channel explores, but there tends to be an excessive amount of padding with background setting content.

Twin Paranormal

It was through Paranormal Files that I was introduced to Twin Paranormal, which is a group operating out of the Las Vegas area. Over time this has become probably my favorite group because they release content reliably and it has sorta become my thing to sit down and watch their latest video while eating lunch on Sunday after I finish editing the two podcasts. They have great energy and I really like the brother’s dynamic and their friend Wyatt. All of these channels indulge in quite a bit of hyperbole at times and this channel’s greatest sin is probably its video title and thumbnail game. The videos are much better than this would denote, but they are absolutely playing the algorithm game.

Paranormal Nightmare

This channel brands itself as a TV Series, which appears to be “broadcast” on Tubi, Apple TV, Prime Video, and Pluto TV. After watching several videos, the algorithm opened the floodgates at recommending channels that I had not encountered organically and this was one of the first. The group does investigations and has a religious aspect to it where their goal is to free the family from whatever “infestation” might be occurring. There have been some interesting situations in their shows of individuals who appear to wildly change their personalities that you would think might indicate possession. One of the more professional groups and unlike a lot of the made for the travel channel type crap, it is weirdly not super over the top.

Paranormal Quest

Another group of four guys more or less follows the formula that all of these groups follow. I think it was through this channel that I first encountered the Estes Method. For those who don’t watch a bunch of these channels, it is a thing where they have one person put on noise-canceling headphones and listen to a “spirit box” while another person often times in another room asks questions. The person who is “under” just shouts out everything that they hear through the spirit box regardless of context. When the questions and the “answers” line up it is really interesting, but oftentimes there is a fair amount of nonsense as well. A “spirit box” is essentially a device that scans through the radio frequencies and it is reported that spirits can stop the scan at specific spots to land on words or phrases.

Exploring with Josh

This is probably the most hyperbolic channel on the list. Josh has done a wide number of collaborations with other channels on this list to this point, and as a result, I periodically get fed his videos through the algorithm. If there is any group that I would accuse of playing things up for the camera, this is absolutely the worst offender. These are sometimes interesting but I absolutely do not watch every episode. One of the interesting things that come through these channels though is that often times different groups will do the same locations. It is interesting how many groups get the same results from the same areas.

Paranormal New England

As hyperbolic as Josh is… it at least led me to find this channel. I guess Paranormal New England is a group that he used to work with regularly, and their channel is a gem in the rough. Basically what you get is a lot of very lightly edited footage of investigations, that more or less feel like raw vlogs. They don’t release videos very often with something new landing every few months, but they are deeply interesting to watch. This is the sort of thing that I really love to see because it is way more serious than the “whacky adventures of ghost hunters” vibe you often get from YouTube channels.

Exploring with Fighters

This is another channel that I stumbled onto through collaborations, specifically with Overnight/TFIL. Dan’s stuff is sort of hit or miss and he seems to do way more urban exploration/abandoned locations stuff than ghost hunting, but there are a handful of really interesting locations in the UK and Europe. Admittedly I don’t watch him that often but still someone I am subbed to that occasionally does something really interesting.

Mackie and Amanda

This is another channel that I stumbled onto due to collaboration. There was a series of videos where Amanda was recording with Twin Paranormal. Amanda is a medium and Mackie is seemingly one of those friends who is just down for any sort of nonsense. There is a massive backlog of stuff that I have not seen, but the few videos I have watched have been interesting. I really like the vibe of this group and they feel extremely relatable and don’t really fall into the over-the-top YouTuber rut as so many channels can over time. There is a deep sincerity with what they are doing and I dig that.

Lomar Mendz

The next couple of channels is recent finds. The algorithm fed me a series of videos that included Lomar and Chelsea as they were doing some Randonautica stuff, then I noticed they also did more than a fair number of ghost-hunting videos as well. Essentially Chelsea is in her words a “baby medium” and she is trying to learn to control it Lomar is just one of those “good dude” types that seem interested in exploring anything. There is a good-natured vibe to the channel, and while I have only watched a few things so far I do plan on diving back into the past content.

Exploring with Angelo

Another “Good Dude” type that I encountered through a series of videos he recorded with Lomar and Chelsea. I’ve not really plumbed much of his solo content, but it seems very interesting. Mostly throwing these channels out there because I think they are going to be ones that I really dig in the future. I don’t have much experience with either of the groups though.

Amy’s Crypt

This one is literally brand new to me. This was suggested by my friend Jae during our conversation this weekend and I have only had a chance to watch a single video. I often have one of these running in the background while I am playing games and then alt-tab over if things sound interesting. This is an Aussie couple that travels broadly and does investigations. So far I dig the vibe of the videos and they also seem to have a deep sincerity to them.

Madd Vladd – Skinwalker series

This one is interesting but also gives off deep “fake” vibes. I am throwing it in there just in case it eventually turns into something. The setup is that this dude is a gaming YouTuber with another channel and started having weird happenings in his backyard that open up onto an undeveloped area. Since Skinwalkers are the new hotness this video series for which there are only two currently, uses that titling. There were three months between the first and second video, which seems deeply suspect and makes me think there is maybe some “after effects” editing time happening. There are some fairly interesting things that go on. If you have an hour to sit down and watch with a deeply skeptical eye… it might be interesting.

[EDIT] – 4pm 10/17


I so very rarely edit my own blog posts to add content after the fact, but I am going to do so today. Over lunch, I was looking for something to watch and stumbled onto this channel. I know nothing about it, but this video is interesting enough to make me subscribe. There is a point where there is this insane blood-curdling scream from out of nowhere, while they are deep in the woods seemingly alone. I opted to go ahead and edit it in because lord knows if or when I will make another post like this in the future.

AggroChat #408 – Seeking Mothman

Featuring: Ammosart, Ashgar, Belghast, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen

We start with a topic we did not get to last week and talk about the modern Digimon Card game.  From there we talk about Fallout 76 and Thalen beginning the game, along with the various improvements that have happened over the years.  We talk very briefly and very spoiler free about how good She-Hulk was.  Kodra talks a bit about Taiji and its more approachable and less pretentious version of The Witness.  Bel talks a bit about the Torchlight Infinite Open Beta and how you can actually use keybinds now.  Ash talks about the card game roguelike Roguebook, and while Richard Garfield was involved it is nothing like Magic.  Tam talks about how good the Leagues of Votann are and then dives into a topic about finding his white whale and how dumb limited availability items are.

Topics Discussed

  • Digimon Card Game
  • Fallout 76
  • She-Hulk was Phenomenal
  • Taiji
  • Torchlight Infinite is Playable
  • Roguebook
  • Squats are Back
  • Limited-Availability is Dumb

Farming the Fixers

I am still very much in a holding pattern until the drop of the New World patch on the 18th, but I’ve also gotten rather invested in Cyberpunk 2077 again. I did not realize the amount of content that I had never seen on my original playthrough and subsequent jaunts back into the game. I am not sure what has changed but it seems to be much easier to find side missions as they are now showing up on my minimap. Maybe this was always a thing that existed and I just was too engaged in the story to notice it, but as I start to wind down the main story elements… the game seems to be presenting more and more side content to consume me.

Right now I am in this mode of farming down the blue exclamation points on the map, which represent gigs from fixers. As I complete a set, another set will show up… and I am guessing this is ultimately how you can reach those lofty numbers being tracked on each of the fixers. I never understood how you could run 22 missions for Wakako for example, because I never seemed to get that many. I must have simply missed doing enough side quests to “uncloak” the next set of missions. Last night for example I stumbled onto one where I helped my Aldecado buds on a deal gone south and through sheer intimidation kept it from ending up in bloodshed. I think at launch there were a lot of glitchy behaviors that I just took for granted as the game rolled out in an unpolished state, and maybe assumed those mission counters were bugged as well.

The single greatest change for me personally however remains the wardrobe. I cannot fully explain how much this improves my play experience to be running around the world as a cool-looking “V” rather than one that looks like a burning-crusade-era fury warrior. I shifted up my style last night as I had acquired a few new items and I am very on board with this. I love the jacket with the bumpy spikey bits. Last night I picked up Johnny’s pants which are sorta copper colored and go nicely with the blue accents on the jacket and the boots. One cool feature is there is a menu open when you go to a clothing vendor that will show you appearances that you have not collected yet.

I’ve dabbled with a few mods and I think I am at the point where I either need to stop using them or try and figure out how to make them work properly. Nexus Mods and Vortex are not quite ready for primetime when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077, and it does not do a good job of making sure you have prerequisites installed. It all started because I wanted to try using the flying cars mod showcased in the above video… and the failed state that the mod was installed in caused another quest involving stealing a car to completely bug out last night. After pulling my hair out and reloading past saves I finally disabled a slew of mods and realized those were the problem. Normally I am extremely pro-mods in games, but maybe wait until the vortex client does a reasonable job of sorting things out for you before dabbling in Cyberpunk modding.

All said I figure I will probably be playing Cyberpunk 2077 right up until the point that I do my reroll in New World. This game has rapidly joined a list of “favorite games” for screwing around in when nothing else quite sounds right. For years I have booted up Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, or more recently Witcher 3 when I had a doldrum in gaming. Cyberpunk has the same sort of feel for me, of letting me roam aimlessly until something catches my eye… and they focus in on questing until I get distracted again. I really WANT Red Dead Redemption II to be that sort of game as well, and in theory, it should be… but the Rockstar brand of open-world questing just chafes me. It is too on rails and too focused on specific objectives, and doesn’t let me roam off the path easy enough. I need a game that lets me follow my whims, which reminds me the next time I go into the doldrums… I am probably going to revisit Dying Light 2.

Hopefully, you are all having a most excellent week out there. What games do you find yourself returning to over and over when you don’t have another game in mind? Drop me a line below in the comments.

Cenobites and Werewolves

Good Morning Friends! I hope you all had a most excellent weekend. This weekend was more dedicated to watching films than to playing much in the way of games. I kept up my daily Tower of Fantasy and New World activity and spent quite a bit more time in Night City but the key activities centered around three movies that I had been looking forward to watching. As a result, most of this post is going to be me trying to give my best spoiler-free impressions of each.

Hellraiser (2022) – Hulu

I have to admit that going into this movie I was deeply confused as to what it actually was. I thought it was a series and I thought it was intended to be a reboot of the franchise. In truth, it is neither of these things. Instead of a series, we are treated to a full-length movie, and honestly one of the better ones so far in the Hellraiser franchise. Essentially for me, the first three films in the original series are pretty good, with the third one being more a matter of taste than the first two. While I enjoyed Hellraiser Bloodlines because it felt like it book ended the story, it is also a deeply subjective thing and most people think it was the beginning of the end. Everything that came after was released directly to home video and can largely be skipped unless you are a glutton for punishment… but it might be more enjoyable to ACTUALLY summon the Cenobites than to watch those films.

This Hulu Hellraiser does a great job of walking a very narrow path between being completely new and unique… while still largely being complimentary to everything that came before it. Nothing in the movie outright contradicts the things that we already knew, and more than anything just fleshes out and expands the universe. The new designs for Pinhead and the other Cenobites are exquisite, and I am extremely obsessed with the one that is apparently being referred to as the Weeper. Jamie Clayton does an excellent job of playing Pinhead and they seem way more like “Dark Angels” than the original designs. If you were a big fan of the original, and especially the extended lore that surrounded them… then I think you will probably enjoy yourself as well.

Werewolf by Night (2022) – Disney Plus

I’ve been looking forward to this movie for so long and more than anything… the Werewolf by Night character joining the MCU. I think we are likely setting ourselves up for maybe a Dark Avengers at some point in the future. I loved these comics as a kid because like I talked about on Friday… the movie Lost Boys and my desire to find the comics in that film… led me down a rabbit hole of diving into all of the Marvel horror comics. The film itself is this delightful noir affair that harkens back to the “Universal Monsters” series of black-and-white films. It also has some pretty great comedic moments and introduces another of my favorite characters the monster that is being hunted.

I am really hesitant to go into much more detail because I don’t want to spoil anything, but I have a feeling that everyone is going to love Ted.

Day Shift (2022) – Netflix

To be completely honest, after the first two… Day Shift is a bit of a drop in quality. That is not to say it is not an extremely enjoyable movie, but it just hits differently. The Day Shift is essentially a buddy cop meets modern vampire hunter story. The positive is you get to see Snoop and Jamie Foxx as vampire hunters. The negative is the vampires themselves are not terribly interesting. There are elements of the film that feel like they have been borrowed from simply better stories. Again I am not bashing the film because I enjoyed it quite a bit, just trying to temper your expectations. The big takeaway from this film is that I really want to see Snoop in a Western as a gunslinger-type character. Jamie Foxx is a talented enough actor that he can make even the most milquetoast story entertaining to watch. Had this movie come out in the 90s, we would have loved it because it feels like a product of that cinematic generation.

Other than that I am winding my way down toward the end of this Cyberpunk playthrough. I am stalling out the main story so I can spend more time in each of the neighborhoods knocking out side quests. there is a ton of content that I never saw in my first playthrough, in part because I was hooked on the main narrative path and wanted to see it through to the conclusion. Now that I know the story and several of the alternate endings… I can take my time and spend more time just engaging with the streets and what they have to offer. There are quests that I have not found yet that I remember fondly, but cannot remember what triggered them. Essentially questing away in Night City has been a delightful diversion while waiting on the New World patch drop coming up on the 18th.