The Beginner Hall

Impending Naptime

Last night was a really rough night, in that I had a pretty major bout of insomina.  I started trying to go to bed around 11:30 and ultimately failed.  I suppose I could have sat in bed playing some Pokemon but instead I got up, took some Melatonin and waited for it to actually kick in.  Problem is by 2 am it still had not really happened.  During that entire time I bounced around the internet reading various bits of stuff.  Mostly I was purposefully trying to stay out of any game for fear of it making it even worse…  as a few nights I got I totally inadvertedly got drawn into Super Time Force for an hour.  I remember as a kid my mother used to always say “be careful not to get your days and nights mixed up”, well with two days left to go until I have to report back to work… it feels like I have done precisely that.  Granted I have been trying to go to bed at a reasonable hour most nights, and get up on at least my normal weekend hours.  That said I have a feeling that Monday morning is going to be pure hell.

None of this would really matter were it not for the fact that tonight we start recording the new season of AggroChat, which means I will be up super late.  Generally speaking after we record the episode I edit it and post it all that night.  The nights where I do not do all of this and push off some of it until the morning just feel crappy.  That entire Sunday I feel like I am somehow “off” because I can’t really begin my day proper until I have edited and uploaded the AggroChat episode.  In any case…  I have a feeling there will be a mid day nap in my future.  Here is hoping that it doesn’t make the entire process worse, because generally if I take a nap…  It means I don’t sleep right that night.  I have this strange relationship with sleep, where my body seems not to want to partake of it.  Generally speaking I get by on four to six hours of sleep, and then get a wee bit more on the weekends.  My only hope is tonight to maybe take the melatonin before we start the podcast, so that maybe just maybe it will kick in about the time I finish edits.

The Beginner Hall

Last night Stargrace pinged me over twitter to get an invite into our Final Fantasy XIV free company.  I was busy farming Dragon Soul so I in turn pinged Ashgar who managed to get her invited.  This morning she posted an interesting article about how no game actually does a very good job welcoming players back to the game.  This is absolutely true, and pretty much any time I return to an MMO I end up having to start a new level 1 character so I can see how the game plays now, as opposed to how it played however long ago it was when I last played.  Games with a ton of content make this an even more difficult proposal because how can you soak up dozens of patches worth of content quickly enough to know what you need to do to play the game optimally at that moment.  What I find funny is that Final Fantasy XIV does not do a better job of this… when every single Final Fantasy game I have ever played has a construct designed almost entirely to do this.  The Beginner’s Hall has appeared in almost all of the games and generally is in whatever the first major town you encounter.  It is completely skippable, and I almost always do so… but it does a great job of telling the player what they should be doing through a sequence of short in game conversations.

I feel like MMOs need this as well, and similarly it could be disguised as a real institution in the game world.  In Stormwind it could easily be called a “War College” and feature individuals to explain what the current trends in how your class performs, what features have been added into the game in the last several patches, and some background information about what the current major story arc happens to be.  All of which could be contextual based on where you were quest and level wise, and give a player someplace in the game world to keep returning to in order to get a “briefing” on what is happening in the world.  It could explain important things like, how does one find the portals to the new content…  or what the requirements for raiding are and how to improve your gear score enough to be able to meet said requirements.  There are few things more staggering than returning to a game months if not years after you last played it.  Everytime I go back to Everquest II for example… I cannot play my main, until I have spent some time working on a character with less going on.  Having a construct in game designed to ease a returning player back in, might just make the returning process a bit more enjoyable.

Transmog Addict

Wow-64 2015-01-03 10-53-13-97 One of the interesting things about playing Lodin my hunter is that I have not really played him on a regular basis since Vanilla.  This means I last played him in a world before Transmogrification, and while I have a full set of Giantstalker, and my Dragon Hand Cannon for nostalgia reasons… his banks are not as loaded as the rest of my characters with interesting options.  As such it has been my new mission to correct this problem.  I learned long ago that if my characters look awesome… they feel awesome to play.  As such I am one of those players that is constantly swapping up what my appearance looks like gear wise.  While I like how Lodin looks just fine currently…. there are so many interesting ranged weapons that have appeared since he was last an active character.  I must get my hands on them so that I can swap them out at will.  There are two weapons from the Black Temple that I have set my sights on… the Rifle of the Stoic Guardian and the Black Bow of the Betrayer.

Yesterday I was lamenting over twitter what keeps me from streaming very much… that little voice in my head that tells me no one is actually watching.  Streaming is an odd thing to me… because in truth I really don’t watch may streamers unless on the rare occasion one of my friends happens to be streaming.  For me it is about sharing my life with the people who read my blog and follow my social feeds.  Its me saying “this is what I am doing, and I am letting you into my life as I am doing it”.  In a way it turns a solitary thing like farming raid content…  into a more social one.  One of my goals for the year is to stream more often, and originally my intent was going to be to stream my raids.  The problem there is that we have a few raid members with very sensitive jobs who did not want their commentary broadcast to the world.  Since that is out the window… I am thinking about streaming some of my farming of old content.  I have so much nostalgia about the older raids, and I do it in part because it is one of the more enjoyable ways for me to get transmoggy bits…and walk out with a little pocket money in the process.

Heroic Ogron

Bonding of House Noye

ffxiv_01012015_201417 When the 2.45 patch went into Final Fantasy XIV they added a nifty new feature called the Eternal Bond ceremony.  This allows players in game to get hitched in an instanced ceremony that they can invite all of their friends to.  I’ve talked about my friends Ayla and Joren Noye before, and they’ve made several appearances in photos at least on this blog.  So I was pumped when I received an in game mail message with a bunch if invites to their Eternal bonding ceremony.  For some reason I had it stuck in my head that it was at 5 pm my time, but when I logged in about 4 pm to prepare for the festivities I noticed the invite said 7 pm instead.  My heart sunk as I realized that it was going to conflict with my raid group in World of Warcraft.  Since neither were on, I sent my apologies and the spare invites back to them just in case they needed to hand out more copies.

ffxiv_01012015_200523 Thankfully Rae and Ashgar attended the ceremony from our free company, and Ash took lots of photos.  I have to say Squeenix did a really good job with this ceremony design.  I’ve seen similar “wedding” features built into other games but the look of this one is really magical.  I feel horrible that I missed it, but at least I was able to see it thanks to all the awesome screenshots.  I will have to give my apologies in person to Ayla and Joren…  but I think they actually read this blog as well.  So I am sorry that I missed the proceedings but it looked beautiful.  You both are really awesome individuals and are part of what make FFXIV a fun place to be.  Thanks for including me in the proceedings, just sucks that I could not attend.

Heroic Ogron

Wow-64 2015-01-01 20-37-12-25 In general this week of raiding has been a rough one.  All things considered we honestly probably should have just taken the week off.  That said we did manage to make significant progress.  While we struggled Tuesday night, we managed to get all of the bosses down that we had downed previously, opening up last night for trying something new all night long.  Since our DPS has increased significantly we set our sights on the Twin Ogron encounter, which other than the RNG elements is apparently not that much more difficult than Kargath.  RNG is specifically the problem… there were a few times where I took deaths to a horrible venn diagram of fire.. or the shield charge would go in the wrong direction.  All of these are in part because we were missing key individuals that normally play specific roles in this fight…  but we struggled through and managed.

After what felt like a dozen or so attempts we had that click moment when everything seemed to go perfectly.  The biggest frustration with the fight is always the fire.  While there are ways to mitigate the horribleness of the RNG by placing the bosses where we place them…  this still doesn’t take care of things 100% of the time.  The axes still go down in strange places, and the flames can pin players into a corner.  The problem is on heroic…  the fire is really really bad.  There was one point where I ended up having to take a double stack… popped enraged regeneration, shield wall, and last stand and STILL ended up dying to the fire.  I feel like this is going to be one of those fights that is never quite on “Farm” status, at least not on heroic.  Too much can go wrong in too short a period of time… dealing way the hell too much damage.  That said for a very rough week I am damned proud of the team for downing yet another heroic boss.

A Day of Huntering

Wow-64 2015-01-02 10-00-45-84 Other than raiding the majority of my day was spent playing Lodin my hunter, and working my way through the quest content.  This time around I had some very specific goals.  When I leveled my Deathknight I jumped every two levels to the next zone.  This time I am doing something similar, expect in two key zones…  firstly I wanted to make sure I had gained enough faction in Talador to get to Revered with the Exarch.  Now that I am moving into Spires of Arak, my goal there is also spend enough time to be able to hit Revered with the Arrakoa.  This way I can go to Ashran and purchase two trinkets to bring my overall gearscore up a bit.  This was something that I could not do on my Deathknight and ultimately I had to get trinkets from my Garrison to bring up my ilevel.  Remember my entire goal here is to be able to hit 615 as soon as I can so that I can queue for LFR and start getting access to easy epics.

The only real problem with skipping content is that you are also skipping followers that you can use in your garrison.  Lodin thankfully has quite a few, and it will be a bit before I build a barracks…  so for the time being I can only have 20.  Thankfully there are a couple of easy ones like Tormack and Blook that I can pick up along the way.  So far I am really enjoying playing Lodin but it is very hard to stay focused.  Every time I turn around I am killing beasts to farm leather… which I can ultimately do for hours.  This is a very faffy character, so it is hard to stay on task and keep pushing the questlines forward.  I guess that is in part why this character has appealed so much to me while playing around on break.  Since my life very much right now is all about faffing around…  it seems like the ideal pairing.  My hope is over the next couple of days I will manage to push through to 100 and finish the character off.  It will be nice to have access to a hunter since they are still doing so much damage.

Finally A Blue


With the beginning of the year comes the less than amazing practice of the New Years resolution.  Want to guarantee that something doesn’t happen…  well make it a resolution and you will surely have failed it by the three month mark.  At the very least that seems to be the way for me at least.  I am exceptionally bad at sticking to goals because what seems so important right now seems far less important a few months down the road.  What I am apparently good at is sticking to routines once I have developed one.  In 2013 I lost a lot of weight, I would have normally said “a ton of weight” but it was really only 70 lbs.  This year I got lax and did not really pay much attention to what I was eating, and for the most part hit a plateau for the year.

Towards the end of the year… thanks in part to the holidays I actually went up a bit.  I am not going to beat myself up over it, because I knew as soon as the new year started I was going to rededicate myself to the routine.  So while it follows the same basic idea as a resolution, for me at least it is different.  I did this for over a year, and I apparently did it well enough that even after getting super lax…  I managed to plateau rather than gain.  I call that a success overall, but considering I am not anywhere near where I would like to be… I need the rigor once again.  My body got a break over the last year, and once things warm up again I will start back in with the walking.  For me however I really need the “eating” side under control more than the exercise side since that is what has yielding great results in the past.  Sure I will feel hungry for a few days as my stomach adjusts, but the payoff in the end will be a great one I feel.

Finally A Blue

Wow-64 2015-01-01 10-11-22-63 Being the old man that I am…  I spent my evening in a rather sedate fashion.  My wife and I hung out downstairs and watched a series of movies together, none of which were particularly new…  but were new to us since we had not seen them.  The first on the list was James Bond Quantum of Solace, which neither of us could remember if we had seen.  Maybe we had or maybe we hadn’t, but in any case the movie itself was extremely forgettable… and it kinda felt like they were just phoning everything in about it.  Skyfall that we watched afterwards however was excellent, probably the best Bond film I have seen in ages.  It actually had storyline that I cared about, rather than a loose excuse for a bunch of fight sequences and car chases.  The last movie in the list was the last Percy Jackson movie… the “Sea of Monsters”.  While I did not really enjoy it as much as I did the first one, I thought it was pretty good nonetheless and provided a good natured romp through a magical world.  Since my wife and I have not read any of the books we had nothing to compare it to.

While watching the films I was of course playing World of Warcraft, spending my night wallowing in nostalgia of playing my hunter Lodin.  One of the dungeons that I have been running each week on every character that I think can survive running it… is the Eye of Eternity aka Malygos.  I’ve been on a mount farming kick lately, since I am only a few away from the 150 mount achievement.  Additionally I was pretty close to the Awake the Drakes achievement for getting a mount from each of the dragon flights.  Last night I finally got the blue drake mount to drop, chipping one off both lists.  Of course I need to keep running Malygos because I also need the Azure Drake out of there as well for the achievement.  However this just leaves Malygos and Deathwing that I need to farm for drake mounts.  Since I have two accounts… I really need to figure out how to create a save AT deathwing so that I don’t have to do Spine every week… because god that fight is frustrating.

Raiding on Holiday

ffxiv 2014-12-29 21-14-46-71 Since I had been doing the posts leading up to the first of the year, I had not posted much of the information about my week.  The raid groups I am part of in both FFXIV and World of Warcraft chose to go ahead and raid this week in spite of he holiday.  Monday night of course was FFXIV and we actually had one more than we had room for in our raid.  As such we focused on doing Turn 5 to get the person who could not make it the last time we killed it keyed for Turn 6.  Even knowing how that fight goes, and knowing we can defeat it…  it is still a rather tough fight and took us a few tries to get it down.  The last time we downed the encounter for some reason my screen shot software was not working, so as a result I have gone back to the old reliable Fraps and have a kill shot finally.  After that we started working on Titan Extreme again… a fight we have not seen in roughly two months.  We made some progress but it was getting late and we decided to call it before the timer ran out.  We did manage to make it through to the final and hardest phase, so here is hoping we can push through that this week.

Wow-64 2015-01-01 10-39-12-20 In World of Warcraft we had a bit of a rough week in part because we were down both our fearless leader and a couple of our highest dps.  However that said several of us, myself included greatly increased our dps between last thursday and this tuesday… and while it was not the cleanest raid I have ever been a part of… we struggled through and got the job done.  We have six encounters defeated, and we managed to clear all of them with our reduced numbers.  I call that a win because it will allow us to work on progression tonight.  There were some issues that hopefully we can work through, but mostly I was pleased that apparently all of the tweaks from last week did their job.  I was able to push respectable dps as a Gladiator, and I no longer feel like I am a detriment to the raid.  This is a huge thing for me, because I was scared that gladiator simply was not a viable spec.  It seems viable enough and I seem to do about the same damage as our rogues do, which I am perfectly fine with for the time being.  Gladiator itemization is really odd, and it is hard to find “ideal” pieces.  Thankfully however I did manage to get my BIS shield, when a raid member so graciously donated it to the cause.  Hopefully you all have a great new years, and that you have luck accomplishing your own goals this year.