Day of Destiny

Axioma Clan


This weekend largely was a weekend for playing Destiny, or at the very least this was the primary activity for Sunday.  The whole sequence of events started when my friend Squirrel mentioned that it was Black Spindle day, and that we needed to get that done.  Which itself is a continuation of a conversation I had yesterday with him and several members of his clan.  I mentioned it at the tail end of Saturday’s post, but one of the activities that I have really wanted to do over in Destiny is the Oryx raid.  One of the challenges seems to be that you get stuck trying to get to 300 light level without access to the much higher light level raid items.  For what feels like six months I have been hovering around 298 light, with no amount of activity seeming to push me over that barrier.  As a result when Squirrel invited me to partake of a Tuesday night “newbie” raid for King’s Fall I jumped at the chance.  Granted Tuesday night is also the prime night for playing The Division since it launches what I believe is essentially midnight EST tonight.  That said I am more than happy to blow off that first night of a new game to be able to do the thing that I have been really wanting to do in Destiny.  It had gotten to the point where I was going to try and twist a bunch of arms to try and get them to build a raid team to at the very least let me see the content.  The prospect of being able to attend a more regular thing however…  seems pretty great.  It probably won’t be something I can do every week, but this week works out nicely.


So we zoom forward to yesterday, and I get the message that it is Black Spindle day.  Now when I got this message it was like 8 in the morning and I was still having to wrap up the post production stuff for AggroChat, and then knock out my own Aggronaut blog post.  Sadly by the time I finished everything…  the Australian leader of the clan had gone to bed, and we were left with the normal non-primetime Sunday morning group of players.  That did not stop Squirrel and I from running a Nightfall and a ton of Heroics back to back.  From all of those strikes I managed to pick up a couple of decent exotics, and a few blues that are worthy of feeding into other things.  I picked up Claws of Ahamkara for the Warlock, which gives me an extra melee attack which is always amazing.  For the titan I picked up a new favorite chest piece, the Armamentarium which gives me an extra grenade.  Finally I picked up the above weapon, the Thunderlord which fills a hole in my itemization that I had been looking for.  I snagged Truth the rocket launcher and am extremely happy with it, but I had been wanting an Exotic Heavy Machine Gun…  and bam I manage to pick one up today.  Now I just need to go through the frustration of doing crucible with a sword to finish getting my exotic sword there.

The Spindle Hunt


The problem with yesterday is that I had a fixed time frame that I could do things in.  I ultimately needed to be downstairs by 8 pm and so I could wrap some things up, and preferably be in bed at a decent hour.  That gave me all day yesterday, but unfortunately for most of the time we were online we lacked a viable third.  I am so thankful to Squirrel for the constant attempt to stir the chat and try and find someone.  You might have noticed that among other things this weekend you will see that I now have the “Axioma” tag under my name, so that is something that happened as well.  During all of my running around I also managed to get another level of Dead Orbit faction which rewarded me the sweet ship that you can see in the above image.  Both of us ended up needing to take breaks every few hours, to go off and do a small bit of adulting here and there.  The funny thing is… it is amazing how fast two hours can just evaporate when you are chain running heroics.  It doesn’t seem like each of them takes that long, but when you stack a bunch of them end to end it really adds up.  Finally around 5:30 we managed to get a spindle group together, which meant I needed to quickly learn the role of the Defender Titan on the fight.  Please note… while I have a Defender spec, I don’t often play in it other than PVP… and even then its just for the Helm of Saint-14 procs that stun people in my bubbles.  I am neither proficient or even effective as one most of the time…  so I had a lot of ground to catch up.


We grabbed another Axioma member Jex who was also awesome in helping me sort out what I should be doing.  For those who don’t understand the Black Spindle, it is an exotic sniper rifle that comes from the end of a daily heroic mission.  The gotcha is that you have to do some stuff that is not intended to actually get it, and it is hands down the roughest thing I have done in this game so far.  Essentially at the end of the normal mission you have to rush out of the final chamber and down a series of corridors, where you can’t really fight anything…  but instead just need to keep moving forward and avoiding taking as much damage as you can.  I believe there is some sort of time limit that you are under during that part, and you have to reach another area before it is considered safe and you can ease up a bit.  You have essentially moved into the area where another strike takes place… and from there you proceed as normal for a few rooms until finally you take a detour down the path that would normally lead to the Ketch in the Shadow Thief strike.  Now is where the difficult part begins… you take the elevator up into the Ketch and when you enter the first room with mobs, a timer starts.  You have ten minutes to get to the end of the strike, take down the boss and destroy all of the taken.  We were so damned close… and on my last attempt we literally had TWO mobs up when the timer ran out.  There are a bunch of things that I can do to help… namely get my damned exotic sword so that the next time this is available it will be a little easier.  Similarly I hope I pick up some gear in the raid on Tuesday so that my overall light level will be higher.  I was frustrated that I felt like given another attempt or two…  we would have gotten it.  However I had pretty much all day to make attempts and simply ran out of time before I needed to pop off the PS4.  There will always be a next time.


Rocking Chairs and Zeds

Adulting Happened


The temperature is warming up here in Oklahoma, the birds are singing, the trees budding… and with all of this comes the desire to get the hell out of the house and do something.  This is essentially the second nice weekend we have had and with it the desire to get out and sort out the mess that is our backyard.  As a result the day unfolded through a masterwork of killing so many birds with one stone.  Essentially it had been quite a while since I had seen my folks, so I knew this weekend we probably needed to meet up with them for a meal.  Additionally we had a bunch of things that we had been wanting to purchase, but the lack of a good means of hauling it home was problematic.  So we proposed that I met my folks for a nice meal… and then potentially abuse the use of my Dad’s truck for the purpose of hauling a few things home from Lowe’s and Sams Club.  In theory some of this could have been done a single chair at a time, like we hauled home the resin rocker to decide if we liked it last weekend.  Other than that we really needed a new deck box and for the longest time Sams Club has had this excellent looking one for a very reasonable price, that has hydraulics to hold the lid open while fiddling with stuff.  So we set forth on the mission to eat a nice meal… and gather up a bunch of stuff.


We tag teamed a good portion of the day, while I was wandering around trying to find the things we needed with my father, my wife was back home filling up four big black trash bags full of debris.  The end result of our adulting is that we have a great little patio off the newish bedroom door for us to sit out there and rock and enjoy the shocking amount of peace and quiet we have in our back yard.  I also finally got some wind chimes… something I have always wanted since I was a small child.  My grandmother had them and I used to love listening to them on spring and summer afternoons.  We might have to adjust where they are hanging because they honestly don’t get a ton of wind, but that is something we can fiddle with over time.  We took the older, smaller deck box and put it around side the house under the cantilevered bit that sticks out from our stairwell.  We figured that would be an excellent place to store to pool cover and any covers for lawn furniture and such during the summer months.  It is my mission this year to actually enjoy our back yard more, and we are even contemplating opening the pool a little early since it seems like we are now through the cold weather.  Adulting is one thing… but having something to show for the adulting is a completely different thing.

Kovak’s Survival Guide

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Another thing that I have been fiddling around with over the last few days is How to Survive 2.  A good friend of mine hooked me up with a copy, and I have been poking my head around in it.  While I am not exactly sure if I am ready to write a proper “impressions” piece I did want to talk about it a little bit this morning.  There is still a lot of the game that I have not touched, like there is an entire online component that I have largely ignored.  For the most part so far I have been playing the local single player, which is more or less a series of missions.  The premise is as with many other Zombie Survival games… to scavenge the wastes to find useful stuff and then craft it into more useful stuff.  The game itself has this entire old school fallout feel to it, where you are plunked down into limited maps to go exploring while doing the missions.  It reminds me of all of the various city maps from Fallout 1 and 2, and this is where my explorer bit kicks in.  During these missions you are asked to do a limited set of objectives… and as soon as you complete them you can tag out and leave the quest.  However I cannot ever seem to bring myself to leave an area until I am absolutely certain I have killed everything and gathered every possible resource.

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The world appears to be procedural generated and every mission seems to be repeatable, with a difficulty slider of sorts allowing you to ramp up the number of encounters.  Last night I did a few missions on a higher level, and I have to say the number of zombies increases quickly.  I went from having one or two stragglers here and there… to having small hordes to deal with by simply bumping it up by a single level.  The game play is really fun, in that you move through the world with WASD and click to attack with Q/E cycling through any items you have like medicinal herbs.  The mouse wheel works as a way of scrolling through your available weapons.  I’ve found quite a bit of ammunition but so far I have not found any guns, so I am curious as to how the zombies interact with hearing a gunshot.  Generally speaking I am largely a melee only guy when it comes to the zombie genre, because it allows me to get in… and get out without alerting the entire mass.  Admittedly while playing this game… I keep expecting to see a Vault Dweller because it is so reminiscent of the way I used to feel playing Fallout.  The only thing that is a bit frustrating at the moment is that I have reached a point where I need to be level three to continue the story missions.  However at this point I am not even level two… so I am not exactly certain how I am supposed to be leveling.  I am really hoping that the answer is not “grind the first missions over and over”.  I will ping my friend and pester her to see if there is something I am missing in all of this, and hopefully there is.  However I have been enjoying myself just wandering around looking for cool stuff and smashing zombies in the head with my upgraded baseball bat.



Why Division Wins

Hyperbole Away

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This is going to be a needlessly inflammatory blog post, or at the very least the title is.  Since The Division was announced back in E3 2013, there has been an immediate and constant comparison between it and Destiny.  This speaks more to the problem of the games industry and games media being unable to talk about games without comparing them to something else that at least on the surface looks like it.  Hell I am super guilty of this myself, because I am constantly tying games back to World of Warcraft or League of Legends or any of the other “progenitor” games of certain functionalities and features.  If you have read my blog for very long you are going to know that I am a huge fan of Destiny, and that I have leaped so much praise upon Bungie for fixing the game in pretty much every possible area with the launch of The Taken King.  If you have also read my blog within the last few months you will know that I also enjoyed my time spent playing The Division in beta.  Now having played both games…  I can tell you that they are very different experiences.  That said however… if media continues to link these games then I will too for the purpose of this article.

Let’s Talk Destiny


The problem is that we the gamers and we the enthusiast media always want to declare a winner at something.  So this morning I am going to talk about The Division and Destiny and go into why which game will do better.  First however I am going to talk about Destiny for a bit and delve into what makes that game enjoyable for me personally.  It is a member of an imagined genre that people seem to be calling the “Loot Shooter” which I guess includes the Borderlands family or pretty much anything where you pick up Diablo style loot while going through the world?  The coining of this genre seems completely nonsensical but I will go with it for the time being.  The important part of that statement is “Shooter” because Destiny at its very core is a shooter.  It’s mechanics include the same sort of run and gun game play that we have experienced since Doom.  This time however there is a RPG layer lumped onto it as you level your character, learn new abilities and acquire loot upgrades that strengthen your damage and survival.  So if I were going to describe the game to someone else… I would do so as a Shooter with RPG elements… and lives in the vague MMOFPS genre.


As much as I love this game… I have had to realize that it is not for everyone.  Regardless of how cool I think it is, or how great the moment to moment game play feels…  if you are not a fan of shooters you will not be a fan of Destiny.  More so than that it requires you to have a certain level of reactive game play to be able to function in it.  Mobs come rushing at you and you need to be able to run and dodge and focus in on things while moving.  It is a game that rewards precision shots, which means not only focusing in on the target but drawing a bead on whatever weak spot that unit has.  Essentially if you do not have a certain level of FPS skills going into the game… or are at least familiar with that sort of movement…  you are probably going to struggle and find it a generally “un-fun” experience.  Sure you can get better, and the patrol zones are a great low pressure way of wandering around and killing things to hone those skills.  However if you have a mental block against shooters then Destiny is not going to be the game for you.

Let’s Talk Division

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I admit when I first fired up The Division I was expecting the same sort of game experience that I had playing Destiny.  I expected to dodge and weave in and out of cover and charge gun nest to take out the bad guys.  This sort of game play… will absolutely get you killed, and it did me quickly.  I had to adjust to playing a cover based shooter and taking my time…  lining up my shots, and forcing the mobs to come to me rather than charging up on them.  Basically I had to slow down my pace and take the game at much more tactical level… and once I made the adjustment I loved it.  So while I called Destiny a Shooter with RPG elements….  The Division is the polar opposite… a RPG with Shooter elements.  The core of the game play reminds me at times of doing missions in Mass Effect 2 and 3, where you had to draw out the enemies from cover and then strike at the right moment for the largest effect.  You can use things like grenades to draw the bad guys out into the open, or my personal favorite the Riot shield which allows me to get up close and personal with moving cover.

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My fear however is that for many people they still see this game in the same broad genre as Call of Duty, when in truth it requires a completely different set of skills.  Sure you are still aiming down the sight of a weapon and drawing a bead on mobs with a target reticle, but the pace is slowed down to the point where you can call your shots much easier and make them far more effective.  There is still game play that rewards movement and a little bit of run and gun, but the vast majority is RPG Shooter where you wait things out from the safety of cover.  This also leads itself to creating new kinds of team based game play where someone can really hang back and buff the team, instead of being in the front line vanguard.  Essentially I feel like there is more room for different types of game play in Division, which will come in later as I wrap up my comments in the below section.  For the longest time I thought the lack of “space guns” would be a nail in the coffin for me…  but really the amount of customizing that I could do with the weapon attachments kept me happy and engaged even though the weapons themselves were “normal” and didn’t shoot pulses of plasma or anything cool like that.

Secrets of Success

So now comes the time where I start to wrap things up… and I am trying to set aside the fanboy in me for both of these games.  Thing is while the launch of Division is impending and I plan on playing the hell out of it… there is always going to be room in my life for Destiny.  The game play there just feels so damned good, and my ability to drop in for a few minutes and feel like I did something…  is a huge bonus for me.  Especially now that I have the ability to remote play to my laptop, I can pop in and do some bounties any time the mood hits me.  However when talking about the success of a game I realize I am not exactly the Bellwether…  pun intended.  If World of Warcraft has shown us anything, the game that has the most modes of play… and that serves the most different kinds of players tends to win in the end.  This is why I declared in my super hyperbolic title that “Division Wins”.  Destiny is an amazing shooter, but at the end of the day it requires you to also be pretty good at playing said shooters to really reach the point where things feel enjoyable.  The controls are so great, but you have to have played a lot of shitty shooters to really be able to appreciate them.

Division on the other hand really appeals to both the shooter players, but also the RPG players that are used to a much slower pace.  I feel like anyone who has played Mass Effect 2/3 or even someone with roots in a game like Knights of the Old Republic might feel just fine playing this game.  The fundamentals are the same… find a place of cover and attack from it until you whittle down the numbers of whatever is attacking you.  There is also a heavy exploration aspect to this game that would appeal to folks that enjoy the trappings of a Dragon Age game, or someone who loves the Fallout and Elder Scrolls style of open world games.  There is so much loot off the beaten path that I spent hours just wandering back alleyways and delving abandoned buildings.  What I am painting as a picture as a picture here is that there is a broad range of types of players that I think would enjoy The Division experience, and that is not a statement I can really say for Destiny.  You either like really tight shooters or you don’t and no amount of RPG aspect to the game is going to keep you there if you cannot stand run and gun.  Ultimately I think Division will be a larger success because they are ultimately targeting several different potential audiences.  In the meantime I am just hyped and ready to start…. but also hyped for Destiny because it seems like I might just have an in for a raid group!

Master of Orion Impressions

Indulging a Whim

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Due to some strange glitch in my blog… I am apparently writing this blog post for the second time this morning.  Unfortunately I am probably not going to be able to go into nearly as much depth as I did previously…  because I am running out of time.  Last night I indulged a whim and gave the reboot of Master of Orion a spin.  For years Master of Orion and Master of Orion II were those go to games when I wanted to spend an afternoon clicking the “next turn” button.  They sit firmly in the 4X genre, so when I want to Xplore, Xpand, Xploit or Xterminate… they serve as a great way to destroy an entire day.  I am not joking about that aspect because there are absolutely moments in the past where I have started playing Master of Orion II at around 1 pm… and then realized suddenly that it was apparently 1 am and I should really go to bed.  I love this franchise… but previously I had to put an asterisk at the end of that statement.  Master of Orion 3 was one of those games that I was looking forward to in 2003 more than pretty much anything else.  The problem being when I finally got my hands on it… it was largely indistinguishable as a Master of Orion game.  The aspects that existed… were buried beneath a horrible interface that made the game play itself a chore.

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So imagine my glee last night when I booted up the reboot and found that pretty much every single aspect of the game was instantly familiar to me.  Those things that had changed were leaps of simple logic and not necessarily problems for me to figure out.  Traditionally when I play Master of Orion I have always played the Silicoids, a race of rock creatures that have the interesting trait of being able to colonize quite literally any planet that is not a gas giant.  This always allowed me to get an early lead on the total number of star systems… which would ultimately give me a lead in the ability to crank stuff out of my industrial complex.  While I see the Silicoids on the website, they are apparently not yet available in game.  So instead I went with the bugbear-like Bulrathi which started me with a significant military advantage…  one which I tried to keep the entire game by denying the other races the technological increases they kept asking to buy from me.

Familiar Patterns

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When I play one of these games I tend to play it in the same pattern, and it absolutely worked here once again.  I am an early expansionist, devoting most of my resources to generating colony ships and a skeletal fleet to protect them and defend planets.  While not as useful as the Silicoids, the Bulrathi do have the ability to colonize heavy gravity worlds… which allowed me to snap up a bunch of planets that the other races could not.  From there I focused on improving each of the planets and cranking out as many tech advances as I could.  There were many points in the game where the other races were one to three weapon grades behind me, which meant when the tables turned… and I shifted into my other game mode…  it was a blood bath.  Generally speaking when I play a 4X game I play extremely peacefully.  I stick to my own worlds and build up my engine…  and then whichever race makes the mistake of picking on one of my worlds…  I flip everything from producing infrastructure to producing war machines.  Last night it was the Psilons that had the poor decision making skills to pick a fight with me, at which point I sent a fleet of Carriers…  which ended up being my high powered Capital Ships to destroy them.  As soon as I could churn out new troop transports I was moving the fleet on to the next planet and conquering it.

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Towards the end of my march across their star systems, the Humans got in on the act of bombing their planets from orbit.  This is when I saw what might be the first significant glitch in the AI.  I had no formal alliance with the humans, and they simply decided to start attacking the Psilons on their own as well.  There was a period of time where I had to wait on a troop transport, and they easily could have landed their own and took over the world.  The problem is… they never did… they just continued to bomb the populace from air.  I am not sure if they simply lacked the technology to create troop transports… or if the AI was confused by having a contested planet.  Ultimately I landed my own troops, took over the planet and the humans left orbit considering the planet was now being guarded by one of my cruisers.  It was around this point when I realized that it was 11:30 pm and I really should be logging for the night.  Once again I had frittered away an evening playing this game, and enjoyed every moment of it.

But Early Access

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If you have ever loved Master of Orion in your past… then I highly suggest you check this game out.  It does a great job of washing the bad taste of MOO3 out of my mouth, and making me forget it actually exists.  I will go so far as to say that from this point on… the reboot of Master of Orion is probably replacing MOO2 as my go to game for scratching that 4X itch.  It is an Early Access game, and I have no clue when it will be “finished”.  The game already looks extremely polished and I am guessing that most of the remaining development time is adding additional races to the available list, and multiplayer balancing.  I’ve only played single player at the moment, but I would absolutely try playing this multiplayer…  but I just have to find a time when me and several friends have entire afternoons to blow away as we furiously click that “next turn” button.  The only concerns I have is how Wargaming might try and monetize this later.  I could see them selling races, or selling various bits for the game…  but at this very moment it feels a very good single player gaming experience.  Time will tell but for the time being I am happy I picked it up.  As far as playing it on a regular basis… I will probably finish the game I started last night and see just how it ends up, and then neatly pack the game away until it launches.  This seems to be my current method for playing those early release titles…  test it out, kick the tires… and then leave it along until launch.