AggroChat vs Karazhan


For much of the last two weeks Karazhan has dominated my gaming life in one way or another.  Initially it was trying to get all of the mythics run needed for attunement, and trying to coordinate between the four fixed members of Team AggroChat that are still playing the game.  When the Karazhan raid was first announced we knew that the four of us…  Ashgar, Grace, Thalen and Myself would want to run it together if for no reason other than providing lots to talk about on the podcast.  Unfortunately that first week after the patch launched was insane and it ended up with several of us disconnected in the progression through the four Mythics.  As a result it took us a bit to get through all of them, and we had to grab more people at various points in the process…  and I am just realizing that I really should check to make sure they did in fact make it through the attunement process and if not help them out.  The goal was to try and get into Kara that first Sunday.  For almost two years I ran Karazhan every single Sunday and we used it as a way to pull up new characters and gear alts.  It seemed extremely fitting that we would be doing the new incarnation of Karazhan as a Sunday thing as well.  While we managed to get all four of us across the finish line, and attuned and ready to go…  we couldn’t find anyone that was not already locked to kara, or did not already have plans to run it elsewhere.  So we wound up running a Mythic Plus for the keystone and gave up on running the raid on the first week.


Somewhere along the way this week, we found out that Kylana had not yet run the dungeon… and also had no plans on any sort of a static group.  We had checked with a few other people that had scheduling conflicts, but thankfully he was able to commit to the Sunday thing and from that point on… I simply didn’t think much about it other than knowing in the back of my head that I would finally get to experience the raid.  The only negative is that I never really use the calendar invite system in World of Warcraft, and since I am used to seeing in game time converted to my local time thanks to Titan Bar… I scheduled the raid thinking it was at 8 pm my time and that everyone else’s calendars would adjust accordingly.  However apparently that is a feature that I only dreamed up in my head, and I did in fact schedule the raid for 8 pm server, so an hour earlier than I had intended.  The truth is that this worked out just fine and I happened to be sitting at the keyboard ready to go an hour ahead of when I had intended.  Now in the days leading up to our run we had been hearing from guildies how rough the raid was, but in truth I think they were treating it as though it were another Mythic dungeon.  I fully expected to zone in and have to learn as we went, while clearing a brand new raid… rather than simply roflstomping our way through yet another mythic.  However the discussion of difficulty did prompt me to make sure I had plenty of food for buffs and flasks to get through the content.


In so many ways the zone feels just like Karazhan used to feel.  What I mean there is that while it is functionally different in places… it is just as rough to get through as it was those first times.  I remember spending weeks working on various encounters, and being extremely proud the first time we downed Maiden of Virtue for example.  I am similarly proud of us for doing the same thing last night, as it took several tries for us to figure out the mechanics since we essentially went into this without planning.  I realize this is something that would frustrate most people, but over the years of raiding together in various games… we’ve developed a taste for going into encounters completely raw and then learning as we go and adjusting.  Tamrielo would have been proud because for the most part we talked Kylana into following us down this pathway to madness as well.  All in all we managed to drop Opera: Westfall Story, Maiden of Virtue, Moroes, Attumen, Curator, and Shade of Medivh.  We finished the night working on Mana Devourer but simply ran out of time for more attempts.  We ran from 8pm EST to Midnight EST, and I am certain that much of that will be sped up significantly next week.  We are talking about trying to pull things together tonight and give another poke and clearing the zone completely since we literally just have two bosses left.  It is going to be a long time before we can clear this fast enough to get Nightbane as the 9th optional boss.


I have to say this is honestly some of the most fun I have had in World of Warcraft… since most likely I worked my way through the original Karazhan.  I am really hoping that this is not a one off encounter, and that we might see a revitalization of smaller scale raiding.  I realized a lot of that went by the wayside when Blizzard introduced the 10 player raid size, but really something has been missing since that point.  Karazhan, Zul’Gurub, AQ20, and Zul’Aman all held a niche that progression content never really did, and I am really hoping that this new 5 player raid content is going to bring that back.  After spending a night with my friends doing Kara, it definitely feels like it is…  I just want to make sure that this is not simply a fluke.  What I liked the most about this is that in truth we all had to perform to our best to make it through these fights.  Moroes was every bit of the challenge that it once was, and we just barely limped across the finish line on that fight.  In truth I am trying to figure out how we can do better next time, because garrote is just as brutal as we remembered it being.  The truth is that none of us really got much in the way of upgrades from any of the encounters, but the encounters themselves were reward enough.  That said I would not look down upon getting something awesome from one of the two bosses we have yet to defeat.  This raid… and the news from Blizzcon honestly have me more excited about the World of Warcraft franchise than I have been in years.

Ball of Rage


The last several weeks have been rough for me, because there is a significant amount of change going on in my life.  Generally speaking I can handle a single aspect of my life in chaos at once, so long as the rest of it seems to be working just fine.  That however is not really working as intended.  On the gaming front I am all over the place, torn between World of Warcraft, loyalty to friends still playing Final Fantasy XIV… and my desire to play games that no one else is really playing like Destiny.  On the work front, stress is the order of the day with everything in a seeming state of chaos with some reorganization and many different competing deadlines.  On the home front we have the chaos with the fact that Luna still does not fit into this family, and the fact that I am trying to juggle how socialize her but at the same time keep her away from the other two cats who she straight up attacks.  Then there is the fact that my wife is in just as much chaos as I am right now and having a pretty rough school year.  Sometimes…  things go horribly wrong and last night was one of those cases.  The above image is not directly related to this topic other than the fact that the game is “Rage” and I have been in a fairly ragey state lately.

I was a horrible boar to be around yesterday, and it seemed like everything set me off into a cursing and yelling fit.  There was a point at which my wife was like “I just don’t want to be around you right now, because I don’t know what is going to set you off”.  It was true, I had no clue what was going to set me off either.  I am just inexplicably angry, even when doing things that I normally like.  I am not sure how to get past the wall of stress and get back to normal… or honestly at this point what normal even would be like again.  Today I am taking the day off as part mental health day, and part I planned ahead and wanted to watch Blizzcon as it was happening.  I am hoping that a day alone with my cats gives me some time to get over what is making me angry.  This morning we can just add worry to the mix, because last night there was a massive tussle between Luna and Kenzie that came from out of nowhere.  At the time Kenzie seemed okayish, but now she is limping around and reacting harshly to pretty much everything.  So I am super worried about her and if she is okay.  The leg doesn’t appear to be swelling or has any visible wounds…  but it is obviously tender because she doesn’t really like it being messed with and is holding it and three legged walking.

To make things even worse I know tomorrow that I am going to have to go spend time at a family gathering.  This stresses me out beyond reason because I know that this branch of the family has some wildly differing political views at the moment.  I know that the election is going to come up… and I am just not sure if I can hold my shit together long enough to keep from spewing and string of expletives at this family that otherwise thinks I am a sane and respectful human being.  Everything makes me angry right now, and the election is I am sure a part of that general bubble of rage.  I just want things to calm down and return to a normal state so I can begin to function again.  The biggest problem is I am not sure when that normalcy will actually arrive.  At this point I am guessing it will be like this, a bundle of angry bits until after the holidays.  In the mean time though I am going to try and figure out a way to calm down and learn how to relax again.  Mostly I just need one or two of the fronts to calm down… I need a sanctuary from the stress and that doesn’t really exist right now.  Every single place I exist in… is full of madness and I just want something to stop being that way.

Dream Cleansed


Last night was madness… but in a mostly good way.  Firstly it started on a bizarre note because I had not been reading the raid slack during the evening, and had not quite grasped that it was up to me to pull things together.  I was busying myself with trying to get shit ready for the raid, and was fishing up some mackerel to make the high end versatility food.  During this time folks kept asking me if I was running the show that night, and each time I answered “Sure if Ky doesn’t show up”, never fully grasping that in fact that was what was happening.  I remembered Ky saying something about not being there, but for whatever reason I had that linked in my head with the “people attending blizzcon” list, so that when he said he was not in fact at BlizzCon I just sorta deleted that tidbit of information from my brain.  As a result what ended up happening was me realizing five minutes before the start time of the raid that I probably should have sent out invites fifteen minutes before hand.  There was a last minute flurry of activity, getting people invited and summoned and this also caused me to feel like I really needed to pull faster than normal.  Apologies to the healer team for putting up with my shit.

In truth a huge thank you to the entire raid for dealing with my shit.  It has been years since I have attempted to lead anything larger than a five player group.  Even then I am not entirely certain I am completely qualified to be responsible for the lives of others.  The truth is I was a little concerned that we were down both Zea and Kylana who traditionally are locked in an eternal struggle for first and second place on the dps meters.  However in the past week it seems like that quite literally everyone has improved their gear a bit, and the result felt like we possibly cleared trash faster than we have ever done.  Similarly a lot of the boss fights felt really solid, namely Il’gynoth that felt like our smoothest kill yet with no last minute panic or the feeling of it being an extended wipe race to the finish line.  The only negative of the night was that we struggled a bit on Spiderbirb, but I think most of that was simply bad luck.  It was about then that our flasks were wearing off so we took a break and came back refocused, and wrecked it on the next pull.

The real highlight of the night however is that we finally downed Xavius.  Honestly the timing of this could not have been more perfect, because after we had made a few attempts and were regrouping we saw that Zea popped into game.  So we ninja invited him… and he opted to bring a friend of his along as well.  Then when we went out to summon that friend…  Kylana popped online, who we also ninja invited.  So when we managed to get the kill we had our entire raid team, which makes it feel all the more awesome as a result.  Sure I realize this is “only normal” but screw it I am happy as hell and I will fite you if you poop on this moment!  The fight felt like madness from a tanking perspective, but it is amazing how much confidence comes from having downed and encounter the first time.  I know without doubt that we will come back next week and wreck him all the harder.  At some point I am certain we will start dipping our toes into some of the heroic versions of these fights as well.  We essentially have one more Cenarius kill from being able to skip directly to Xavius, so at a minimum we can start working on heroic while still clearing the final boss.  It was a good night.


Anubisath and Whiterun

In all honesty, my world lately has been a sequence of fairly shit days.  Yesterday was no difference, so by the time I got home I just wanted to chill out quietly for the evening.  I started off over in World of Warcraft, completing the daily emmisary quest, capturing a new falcosaur orphan… and then on a strange whim I decided to poke my head into AQ40.  The original goal was simple, for me to attempt getting an Anubisath Idol for the purpose of doing some actual pet battles.  I had both Sol and Grace suggest Xu-Fu’s pet battle strategy guides, because at some point I would actually like to learn how to do pet battles in World of Warcraft.  Unfortunately this is like the advanced guide… because I need something far more dumbed down to ease me into the process.  Of note while I play Pokemon games… I never really “play them” properly because for me it becomes entirely about capturing new and interesting critters.  In Warcraft battle pets are largely the same thing for me… I simply want to catch one of every pet.  However to get very far at all…  it feels like the game is expecting me to properly do the content as expected.  As a result I really should spend some time to figure out exactly what the hell I am doing.  I watched a few videos yesterday on pet battles, but most of them were very centered around “exploit this weakness to power level”, which is all well and good but I still feel like I am flailing helplessly.  I like knowing WHY I am doing something, rather than simply knowing a gimmick that works.  This is a big part of why I have never been a fan of exploiting glitches in boss fights… because once said gimmick gets fixed you are back at square one.


So while I set foot in AQ40 with a very clear purpose… I went a little nuts while inside collecting scarab coffer keys and by the time I finished a single run I was able to purchase all but one piece of gear from the raid.  So I can look like the unmade bed that everyone looked like during AQ40, wearing some really bizarre looking bug themed gear.  From there while I was nearby I also stomped AQ20, but didn’t get much of anything to right home about.  After a bunch of false starts in Division and Destiny… I finally settled into playing some more Skyrim Enhanced Edition.  This is the point where I left the path once more and am officially in “ineligible for achievement” territory because I installed a slew of mods through the official interface.  I am not a big achievement hunter, but it does frustrate me a bit when doing the thing that a game is well known for… shuts off achievement tracking entirely.  The achievements that I am running are largely quality of life changes, like the unofficial bug patch and the additional of lamps and sign posts to trails making it easier to navigate the world without having to constantly pop your map up.  Last night I finally made my way to Whiterun to start the game in its proper, defeating my first dragon and getting the summon to High Hrothgar to hang with the Greybeards.


The interesting thing about this game is that while I have beaten various elements of it countless times… it feels no less fresh than the day I first played it…  especially with this fresh coat of paint.  The only problem with playing Skyrim and starting it relatively late in the evening… is that you pretty much lose the entire night.  The next thing I realized is that it was after midnight and I really should be going to bed.  I am honestly probably going to be playing quite a bit more of Skyrim, largely because it feels like right now I need an offline game without other people in it.  Right now my job is filling my threshold of human interaction, and while I want to be doing stuff…  I also need to distance myself from people to try and empty out my buffers.  I mean I am looking forward to Karazhan on Sunday, and hopefully getting a Xavius kill tonight in Emerald Nightmare…  but I also need some quiet time and few games handle that better than Skyrim.