Days Til Bounce

This mornings post is going to be a bit unusual as I did a thing last night that may or may not be nonsense.  Lately I have been saying that it feels like I have disengaged faster with Battle for Azeroth than any of the expansions to date.  However I do have a certain pattern of engaging and then eventually hitting a point where I bounce for awhile, and then eventually return to re-engage.  It got me to wondering if I had any means of actually tracking this sequence.  Since 2013 I had the record of my blog, because I tend to track how I am feeling about something pretty closely in the posts I am making.  Another thing I have noticed is that Screenshots serve as forensic evidence for how I am feeling for a game.  If I am checked out…  I stop taking them… and with my copious archive of screenshots I was able to draw from that to determine my general take on a game at a given time.  Additionally there are specific mental sign posts of events that happened that caused me to bounce like the release of specific games.  All of these combined allowed me to create  a shockingly accurate map of how engaged I was at a specific time.


Here is the table of data I managed to pull together.  This morning I am going to step us through my history with World of Warcraft expansions, and go into some of my reasoning for pulling specific dates out of the air in regards to them.  There is a simplified version of this data at the bottom of the post.

World of Warcraft: Vanilla


While I did not have a blog back then I have very clear marker posts for when my hype cycle with this game began, and when I checked out for the first time.  I am bad about not deleting messages from gmail, and as such I have the original World of Warcraft Stress Test beta key invite email, providing me with the time stamp of when exactly the hype cycle began.  The weekend of 8/20/2004 was significant for a couple of reasons…  firstly the stress test but secondly it was my ten year high school reunion.  I attended the cookout on that Friday night, was generally annoyed that people were still fighting about shit that happened at football games ten years earlier…  and then opted to blow off the Saturday night festivities to stay at home and play World of Warcraft with my friends.  From that weekend forward the hype was all too painfully real as we wound up feeming for another taste of that good good World of Warcrack.  When I checked out the first time is honestly before I managed to hit level 60 in the game…  and we wandered away to play with another group of our friends that had decided to go down the Everquest II route.  The sign post in my memory there is that I got back in right around the launch of the Desert of Flames expansion, providing me with the date of disengagement around 9/13/2005.  I came back towards the end of October and eventually found my way into the Late Night Raiders raid and the rest is history… but this first segment of time is an era before I hit the level cap and before I had a reason to stay engaged.  Prior to World of Warcraft I was fairly notorious for not actually hitting the level cap in games before wandering away.

The Burning Crusade


The Burning Crusade is the era in which I became Belghast the Raid Tank and transitioned from being Lodin the Reluctant Hunter.  I remember my hype cycle began around the opening of the TBC Beta circa 10/30/2006 and getting leaked bits of information coming out about the expansion and all of the interesting changes that were going to be made.  As far as the disengagement happening…  that occurred roughly 9/15/2007 when I got into the beta for Hellgate London and wound up all but stopping playing World of Warcraft to deeply engage with that game.  I came back a few months later, but ultimately what I am trying to track is that moment when I first wandered away during an expansion cycle.  I also weirdly do not have much in the way of screenshots for stuff that happened later in The Burning Crusade, so that leads me to believe that I was maybe just going through the motions a bit.

Wrath of the Lich King


Once again my hype began as the beta opened and information started trickling out about the expansion, so that places it starting somewhere around 7/15/2008.  As far as disengaging… this expansion I stayed connected to it with an almost laser focus and didn’t really disconnect until around the launch of Ruby Sanctum which was extremely late in the content release schedule.  I was in the raid leadership of the very active Duranub Raiding Company that formed towards the end of The Burning Crusade and continued on all of the way through downing The Lich King… and I am pretty sure we made more than a few Ruby Sanctum runs.  Ultimately towards the end of Lich King I was going through a lot of bad times personally and fighting off a pretty nasty spiral of depression, which probably more than anything lead to me pulling back from the game.  While Wrath happened there were a few times I was also playing another game… but never to the point of stopping playing World of Warcraft.



I really was not feeling this expansion from the start, as evidenced by the fact that I had pure hell finding any screenshots from this era. The hype of Cataclysm would have started sometime around Blizzcon, so I set the date for 10/23/2010 as that was the second day of Blizzcon that year.  The expansion itself released in December of that year, and I found a blog post from 2/22/2011 stating that I was done with World of Warcraft, at the time I thought permanently.  I was disillusioned with the game, my raiding circumstances, and used the release of Rift and its beta that I was in at the time as a life raft to get me the hell out of a situation where I was not happy at all.  Now I came back to the game later, but as far as the moment of detachment… it was February and became more so in March and April as the release cycle for Rift ramped up.  This was a serious enough split that I literally thought I was gone for good… handed over the keys to House Stalwart my guild and gave away my gold to friends thinking I wouldn’t need it.



For Mists of Pandaria we had to rely on the forensic evidence of screenshots to determine a time table because the expansion launched during a drought in content on my blog.  Namely 9/11/2012 was one of the darkest days in my life, because some work related events happened that lead to about six months worth of hell for me personally.  So based on my screenshots I can see that I re-engaged with World of Warcraft in general about a month before the release of Pandaria on 8/22/2012, and then the screenshots stop around 10/30/2012 which syncs up with my memory of not being in for long.  Ultimately Pandaria was a tale of false starts, with the raid I was attempting to help get started…  failed miserably and I simply did not have the mental fortitude to stick it out.  It was a group largely based around familiar connections, and with it a lot of non-responsive players…  including an off tank at the time that was seemingly incapable of pulling off a boss swap mechanic.  We never made it past the first boss of the expansion, and I found myself checking out hard with the last screenshots being taken on Halloween from a costume contest event that my friend Rae was hosting.  I remember logging back in for that, but having not played much prior to it…  or not at all after it.  Of course I eventually came back as the above screenshot is from a Throne of Thunder raid, but again we are tracking the moment of initial disengagement.

Warlords of Draenor


With Warlords of Draenor… it brought forth the first expansion I publicly stated that I would not be playing.  I got into the beta process for it early on and I was not feeling it… mostly because my then main the Death Knight felt awful to play.  However Blizzcon is a constant in my hype cycle and watching it around 11/08/2014 managed to stir enough excitement to get me to log back in…  at which point I was drug through Siege of Orgrimmar and luckily had a tanking friendly heirloom weapon drop.  This expansion saw my return to raiding as the weird Protection Warrior DPS spec, and I loved it…  it was basically everything I had ever wanted warrior dps to be…  smashing things with a giant shield.  I miss the hell out of Gladiator stance.  Once again I can rely on blog posts to tell me at which point I started to check out and write posts about being disappointed in Warlords of Draenor, and the first of these that I was able to find was 3/27/2015 which is probably about when in my memory I was trying to get out of the game.  I remember we downed Blackhand once…  took a break…  and then that was when I ran for the hills.



I remember originally referring to Legion as the expansion of things left on the cutting room floor from other expansions.  I was not super hyped about it, that is until the pre-legion events started and I managed to use them to power level an army of alts.  Based on my blog posts I started talking about World of Warcraft again around 7/21/2016 and then similarly started talking about my frustrations with it around 11/23/2016.  Once again I was raiding, this time as a tank and remember checking out part of the way through Nighthold.  I remember Legion very fondly, as when I checked out it was just that my life really couldn’t support attending a raid, and not so much a desire to not be raiding.  I played this off and on but my first break was in November, and when I came back I largely played Horde side.

Battle for Azeroth


I was super not excited about Battle for Azeroth because I did not like the concept of a forced Red vs Blue narrative.  However based on blog posts I returned to World of Warcraft around 7/30/2018 and was dinking around on alts like my High Mountain Tauren Monk just prior to the launch.  I did very little in the way of prep, but was pleasantly surprised at how engaging the story was.  The first strike against the expansion was how generally awful Protection Warrior felt, which lead me to refocus around my Demon Hunter as a viable tanking option…  but also made it feel like I lost the first week and same change of progress…  and was effectively permanently behind the curve.  Finally upon cresting the 340 gear mark… it just felt like I didn’t have much opportunity for improvement other than raiding, and with the switch to Horde as main…  my raiding options were limited to the Sunday night outing which was bad for me timing wise.  The systems in Battle for Azeroth just feel unrewarding… which has lead me to the point of the last several weeks where I have been making posts dissecting them… the first of them on 9/17/2018.

Charting the Data


Ultimately I ignored the hype cycle since it didn’t seem to make much of a different upon the longevity of my play time, and instead focused on the time from launch of an expansion to the time I first bounced.  The above is this data in bar chart form.   I am not terribly shocked that the period in which I was the most engaged was Wrath of the Lich King because for me at least this was the golden era of raiding and guild leadership.  Weirdly enough I remembered in my mind bouncing faster from Vanilla than I actually did…  but staying engaged longer in Burning Crusade.  Regardless those first three expansions were prime wow time, and had some fairly meaty engagement periods for me personally.  Cataclysm I stuck it out longer than I remembered it…  Pandaria I bounced way faster than I remembered…  and then I was completely shocked at how much time I seem to have been engaged during Warlords of Draenor.  So much so that I would have sworn I had been engaged longer with Legion, because in my memory I remember that time much more fondly.  Last we have Battle for Azeroth which as the data shows is in fact my fastest time to disengage from a World of Warcraft expansion.

So what does this data mean?  Not a whole lot given that this is my personal trend with World of Warcraft expansions.  The truth is…  it might be the lack of an active raid that caused the quick detach from Pandaria and Battle for Azeroth.  In Panda I was technically making attempts but seeing no success, and in BfA the timing has kept us from pulling anything together.  I’ve said a few times that I thought I needed a raid to anchor me in the expansion, and I will admit a lot of my engagement time in TBC and Wrath was due to the fact that I felt like I HAD to be there as Guild Leader.  Once I stopped leading guilds in World of Warcraft, I also lost a big chunk of my reason for sticking it out.  All of that said… I think the expansions themselves bear some responsibility as well.  Wrath of the Lich King as far as I am concerned is the true golden era of World of Warcraft…  not Vanilla.  The numbers seem to agree with this stance, and most of the times I remember most fondly are from this period of gaming.  I think World of Warcraft for me personally has been a series of me attempting to recapture the magic from that era and failing.  In any case I thought this might make for an interesting post.


Hammering Diablos


This morning is one of those mornings where I am struggling extremely hard.  I’ve been staring blankly at the screen for about thirty minutes now and having one of those “there is not enough coffee in the world” sort of moments.  I got to bed plenty early but for whatever reason it was a very fitful experience.  I woke up so many times because I decided I needed to adjust to get comfortable, kicked off the covers because I was hot, or then woke up shivering because it was too cold.  I also woke up with a sore thought, which I am hoping is going to disappear as the morning goes on.


Last night I did not do the thing where I did a Mythic for the hope of getting something from a chest… only to be disappointed.  Instead I focused on Monster Hunter World and managed to catch up rather quickly as I downed Diablos, Rathalos and the second outing with Zorah Magdaros before taking a break.  It is shocking how much easier certain monsters are with certain weapons.  For example I almost exclusively played Longsword during my PS4 play though, and this time around I have been endulging myself in a little weapon swapping.  Diablos is so much easier with a Hammer than with a Longsword.  Similarly since I am playing almost exclusively solo…  I am noticing patterns that I never really picked up on the first time around.  I managed to take out Diablos for example without getting carted even once, which is something I am pretty damned proud of.


I wish that were true with Rathalos…  but alas it was very much not the case.  I managed to capture it while sitting on my last attempt, and while dodging Anjanath and Tobi-kadachi who were in a three way brawl with the target I needed.  Hammer was fine… pending I could knock Rathalos out of the sky, and in those times I could pour on the head damage.  The rest of the time… I was mostly trying to avoid getting hit by nasty business like fire or poison.  I stacked up double poison resistance to help me out a little, which I am sure was a good plan.  I fully expected to have to make a couple of attempts at the fights, so I am fairly proud that I cleared them in one shot each.  I mean Zorah Magdaros is largely on rails so I am not super proud of that one…  but I did manage to get a gem to drop so that is at least something.


Now I will be moving on to High Rank Pukei-Pukei which I think is the point at which the game decides that I am really and truly able to craft High Rank gear finally.  I am hoping to at least be able to craft a few pieces of Zorah gear, and maybe some HR Bone gear as well to get upgraded quickly.  I expect there to be a certain measure of faffing about as soon as I cross that threshold to get geared enough to be able to take down HR Anjanath and HR Pink Anjanath which if I am remembering correctly are waiting on me on the other side.  Effectively my goal is to be able to farm the Wyvern Ignition event when it starts at the end of the week, along with any of the other interesting cosmetic events that are available.  Expect me to be capturing a bunch of wigglers to get that nonsense helm, as well as the nifty Tzitzi glasses.


Towards the very end of the night I took a break from the Monster Hunting and ran around in Diablo 3 with my good friend Grace… who admittedly is still mostly carrying me.  I can function on my own just fine… but maybe not quite effectively at T13 levels yet.  We knocked out a few achievement pieces and then focused on running a bunch of Greater Rifts.  All in all it was a pretty great night, and one in which I never bothered to log into World of Warcraft and even check to see what the daily emissary was.  Admittedly I checked this morning and it looks like fox persons for not-order-hall-resources, which would be skippable other than the giant boost to faction.  Largely all of the emissary quests feel skippable… other than the faction hit.  Regardless it was a good night, and I will probably be having more of these good nights in the future as I continue to plink away at catching my PC Monster Hunter account up to my PS4 one.

Hunts, Singletons and Dragalias


I was all over the place this weekend as far as gaming time spent.  I would say that largely this was the weekend that I did not play World of Warcraft…  but that isn’t entirely true.  I logged in every day and did my Emissary quest, and then last night while watching Fear the Walking Dead season finale I was piddling around on my Draenei Paladin.  Past that however I didn’t end up doing much in the game I had until now been almost exclusively playing.  This weekend saw a major resurgence of Monster Hunter World, in part because they are just about to release the Wyvern Ignition blade quest to the PC crew and I want it.  In fact the Fall Festival event has a bunch of the quests all lumped together at once and I plan on trying to pick them up as well.  That means unfortunately I have to be able to get my way to High Rank, which also means I am going to need to play in a more focused manner than I am used to.


Weirdly enough I have found myself lately favoring the Hammer instead of the Long Sword.  While I am still maintaining a collection of swords and effectively keeping both weapons up to date…  I am finding that there are just some monsters that become easy to farm with the hammer.  Namely Radobaan is nonsense easy with a hammer, and the stupid spin attack off of a surface is amazing in a whole lot of situations.  Right now I am largely sticking to the Iron line of hammers because it allows me to craft them fairly easily… and also sets me up for a Nergi hammer at some point.  I am up to the point in the quest chain where I need to hunt a Rathalos and a Diablos…  which will be challenging I am sure but also doable given I have beaten both of them multiple times.  Diablos should be considerably easier with a hammer than I am used to with Longsword.  The other weapon that I want to craft at some point in the switch axe, which is something I played with and enjoyed at high level but never really messed with at the lower levels.  If I am remembering correctly…  Zorah Magdaros is immediately following the quest chain I am on and then I will be moving into High Rank territory.  If I put my mind to it I should be able to wrap that up before the event starts I believe Thursday or Friday.


The other game that I have been playing a shocking amount of lately is Magic the Gathering Arena.  On September 27th they launched the Open Beta and with it in theory the last of the card resets.  Since then I have started tinkering with decks and have a few reasonable options….  but honestly mostly find myself playing Stompy Green/Steel Leaf Champion or my Mono Black Burn deck.  The first I am still tuning but the Mono Black Burn is still performing like a champ, but since it was built before the advent of Guilds of Ravnica it could probably be greatly improved with a few cards that are now available and with splashing another color.  Assassin’s Trophy is still the champion of the new expansion so far, but I am also loving a bunch of cards like the Nullhide Feerox and as far as one drops go… I love Pelt Collector that increases in potency as you start summoning bigger creatures.


They had a freebie event this weekend that allowed you to create a singleton deck and so long as you got a single win… you got an uncommon or better card.  This netted me several mythics and rares, but also served to keep me engaged and grinding.  Unfortunately they allowed Rat Colony decks…  which by rules can have any number of copies of the card rat colony…  so essentially when you get matched up with one of those you might as well concede out because there is no way your janky singleton mess can keep up with it.  I also had a large number of wins under questionable terms this weekend…  namely there were several times when I got an awful lot of damage out of Llanowar Elves.  I am not exactly proud of this moment when I enchanted one with Blanchwood Armor to ultimately win the game.  Guilds of Ravnica sealed was a heck of a lot of fun and I went 3/3 with my deck…  the prime problem being that my love of black and green keep me from drafting pretty much anything else.  It isn’t that I cannot see the good in other colors… its just that my brain values those colors over pretty much anything else.  I am in fact Golgari at heart.


In the “Game I didn’t expect to play” category… I was somehow busy enough during the tail end of the week to completely miss Dragalia Lost becoming a thing.  As such on the podcast I was introduced to the game when all of the other members of the show were talking about it…  then was super slow getting the podcast out because I kept spacing out while playing it Sunday morning.  It is an awful lot of fun, but I am struggling with the same problem I have with other mobile games in thinking “this would be so much better if it were not a mobile game”.  I think I largely just hate touch screen interfaces, and while this game is an awful lot of fun… the clunky nature of having to drag your finger around the screen makes it feel extremely awkward.  If this were on the switch I would be completely hooked, but on a phone…  you still have that barrier that I don’t like playing on my phone.  The other problem I am encountering is it completely shreds my battery, so I guess I need to tweak down the settings to try and come up with a flavor that looks less pretty but doesn’t decimate my charge.

Lastly we have the podcast itself, that I named Gacha of Mana since Dragalia Lost reminded me so much of Secret of Mana.  You have a brash guy, a blond girl, and some sort of a sprite thing that provides a lot of the comic relief.  Anyways during the show we talk about Spiderman PS4, Magic the Gathering Arena Open Beta, Celeste, Dragalia Lost… and then a conversation about how the grind in Battle for Azeroth just feels lousy.  The last part is largely why I had a weekend without much Warcrafting, as I am trying to limit my exposure to maybe extend the amount of time it takes me to angrily quit.  I need to spend some time tonight doing Mythics, but in truth I have reached a point where that doesn’t even matter that much to me given it will be a box of disappointment on Tuesday.