Greybie is Pure

Good Morning Friends! Last night I did not do a ton of gaming because around 7 pm I went outside… and largely stayed there until 9 pm. I got a message from my wife that Greybie had shown up in the backyard, and I wanted to get some lovins. Greybie is such a good boy, and once again I tried to coax him to hop up on my lap and failed miserably. He however wanted pretty much constant attention and would reach up anytime I stopped petting him. I had the original intention of going out and reading, but instead, I pretty much spent all of the two hours that I was out there… hanging out and spending time with Greybie. Our backyard is a bit of a peaceful oasis, and I’ve realized that I actually do like entertaining folks… just exclusively of the fur-bearing kind.

Tripod was a bit calmer last night and instead of pacing back and forth under the table, she hopped up in one of the chairs and watched us from a few feet away all night long. There was one moment where she slinked her way over behind me… then suddenly thought better of it and retreated back to her chair. I did not move to intercept because I wanted to make sure she had the confidence to be closer to us without fear of us trying to grab her or something. This is truly the long con when it comes to Tripod because she has been in our backyard going on five years or so, and it feels like short bursts of progress. She always seems happy when I come out to feed and lingers nearby… but never really gets within touching range.

As soon as we went inside for the night, she was over roaming around my chair to investigate the area. She spent a lot of time sniffing everything to get her bearings. She clearly recognizes me as her human, because when it is just my wife out in the yard she doesn’t get nearly as close as she does when I come out. I just don’t think she knows how to interact with me yet, or has the confidence to actually come over and get attention. She will stare intensely at Greybie when we are petting him and then will start rubbing up against the legs of chairs and such scratching her own head on them. My hope is that she will eventually put the two together and realize that humans do a really good job of being head-scratcher.

While I was going to the effort of posting videos on Catfriend Television, I decided to go ahead and post this video of a rather rotund raccoon visiting the front yard early this morning. I’ve seen as many as four at once, but more recently we’ve just had this one showing up every few nights. I’ve also posted about the possum that visits the backyard and very occasionally the front porch. I’ve yet to capture anything terribly unexpected, but apparently, my dad has four deer that roam around their house. When I went up there to take him to a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday, I had to stop while they crossed their driveway. He also has two new cats that showed up, which are rather friendly… Bonnie and Clyde. I’ve yet to get a good photo of Bonnie who has come to visit me each time I’ve been up there lately. She just had a litter of kittens, so I look forward to playing with some tiny fuzzballs at some point.

As far as gaming goes, I think I have wound down Path of Exile for a bit and started picking back up Last Epoch. There is a big patch that is set to land next week, so I am getting back in the swing of things and preparing for that. There is also a new content update for Guild Wars 2 that is about to release next week as well, so I am sure I will be spending some time exploring that as well. I made an attempt at Maven and failed miserably and called it “good enough” for the Crucible League, and will likely just buy a carry next League so I can have the advantage of four void stones. Eater of Worlds and Searing Exarch are so easy to get to… but The Elder and Maven are such a colossal pain in the ass to even get to the fight… let alone defeat them. I don’t really enjoy bossing, but I want the ability to get base T16 maps for everything… so I will likely just spend the currency to get someone to carry me to victory going forward and get it over with.

I hope you all have a great weekend. It is raining like crazy here so I expect it to be a very indoors weekend for us. I’m hoping that I get some more time hanging out with the outdoor cats however.