Bad Week Is Bad

Friends… it has been kind of a shit week. First, there was the whole crisis with my left eye that started on Saturday, continued through Sunday, and got some minor resolution on Monday. I still have trouble seeing out my eye but at least I know with some measure of certainty that I am not going blind in an immediate timeframe. Then on Tuesday, we lost power for about four hours, which thankfully happened after we had both gotten ready for the day so we did not have to do all of that in the dark. Then last night around 7 pm I was chilling out and working on the Nayos story quest and got disconnected. We lost internet and it has been out for almost 14 hours at this point. I was a dumbass and decided to just go ahead and go to bed around 7:30 since everything I wanted to do required internet access.

This caused me to wake up around 12:30 with no sign of being able to get back to sleep. Normally in this case I would go upstairs and fuck around in some game for 30 mins to an hour until I got tired again, but without internet that was off the table. Then at 2:30, I got a call that there was an issue with one of the applications my team supports… which kept me on the call until 3:30 at which point I attempted to get some sleep. I struggled to get back to sleep but managed to do so around 4 am and then the alarm went off at 5:30. I decided to ignore getting up and walking and ignore my normal routine and sleep in until 7 am. Only to wake up to find that we still did not have internet.

Right now I am tethered to my phone, which I am thankful is an option. We’ve always bought carrier-unlocked phones so that they do not come with any of the “disableware” and bloat that carrier phones have on them. One of the things that gets disabled is the ability to Tether and then you have to pay your provider to sell that default functionality back to you. Buying unlocked phones allows you to tether with impunity and there is nothing that your provider can really do to stop you. Anyway were it not for this functionality I would be in considerably worse shape because I can function fairly well running off a cellular connection.

Today is the start of a five-day weekend… and I need things to stop being awful for a while. I need to start being able to see normally again and I need to have power and internet function like they are supposed to during that break. Next Tuesday is my Birthday and then Wednesday we are off for Juneteenth so I opted to just take Monday as well because it seemed silly to work that one day before having two more off. Anyway… not going to syndicate this one since it is mostly just me ranting about first-world problems.

I hope you have had a better week than I have. I also hope you have an amazing weekend.

Let Bel know what you think!

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