First Retraction

This morning I am really struggling at the whole getting my act together thing.  I slept well enough and had a warm purring cat snuggled up against me all night.  Since my wife is out of town she has taken to sleeping on her pillow and curling up against me.  I really appreciate the company, because for whatever reason this summer convention season has been the roughest for me.  I think it is because I no longer have the busywork that came with leading a large guild to keep me occupied.  Whatever the reason I am having a lot of “low mental health” days, and am having to fight pulling the covers over my head and forgetting the world exists.

First Retraction


So I have to warn you…  sometimes when I say things I am just talking out of my ass.  I should have done a bit more research on the Ice Strider mount.  It showed up in my mailbox on the day after the queues got completely maddening.  Upon opening my mailbox I saw everyone and their brother riding the thing in Meridian and just assumed it was a peace offering from Trion because of the patron queues.  Apparently that is not entirely the case, but it was a peace offering of sorts. 

Basically from what I have been able to glean…  the Ice Strider mount is a freebie for anyone who purchased the “Storm Chaser Edition” of Storm Legion… aka the whole pay for a year of Rift get the expansion and some other goodies for free.  Since all of us that did that still have several months of sub left before that deal runs out… they gave us a unique version of the 1350 gem mount for free and an additional $50 in gems as a “we’re sorry we went f2p but we aren’t giving you back your money”.

I am completely fine with this, I just wish they WOULD give players a pet or something for the insane patron queues.  Much the same as when The Secret World went f2p, I felt like the rewards they give lifetime subscribers were more than enough to make up for the initial cash outlay…  I also feel like the perks that Rift gives patrons are more than enough to make up for the cash outlay. 

The only thing I would still like is I feel that patrons should get some kind of a monthly gem stipend.  Every MMO F2p/Hybrid model has this BUT Rift.  My station cash accrues station cash at 500 per month if I am just sitting there doing nothing with it.  I feel that as a patron I should be getting some sort of similar perk here.  It is not enough to riot and burn down the city over…  but it would be nice.

More Laptop Woes

Well the guy I was trying to buy the laptop from has gone completely unresponsive.  Making it worse he has reposted the laptop this morning on Craigslist.  I have no clue why he decided he did not want to sell it… I am guessing he was holding out for the original price listed… since I did talk him down a little bit.  Would have been nice for him to just say “look I really need the X dollars” and see if I was willing to counter.  I get the impression I have been dealing with a teenager, just based on sentence structure.  At this point I am looking at options through traditional retail venues for the same laptop.  This whole process is maddening.

Four Job Fiesta Begins

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Last night the FF5 Four Job Fiesta event kicked off, or at least Gilgabot started responding to assignment requests… and as a result everyone was off to the races.  It has been literally years since I have played this game… I originally played it when the English translation hack first became available for the SNES rom version.  This was back my junior year of college in 1996-1997 ish.  So I remember almost nothing about the game, but I remember I never actually beat it.  One of my best friends has been pestering me for years to join in the bandwagon… so I have.

You can follow my progress and assignments on my player page on the website: Belghast.  If you are interested in participating yourself… I think you can still sign up.  Check out the rather arcane twitter based sign-up process here.  So far I have been assigned the Wind Crystal job and the Water Crystal job.  My first job was the Black Mage, that I was fairly happy about… since the black magic tends to be the workhorse of ANY Final Fantasy game.  My second pick… not so much…  Red Mage is probably in my bottom 5 of all jobs available…  probably absolute zero is the Bard… but Red Mage is close.  I have no clue why… but I have disliked Red Mages since Final Fantasy 1.  They always seemed to be not quite good enough at anything…  to make them a pick worth having.

I will continue playing later, but I am doing the play through on my PSP using the Gameboy Advance version.  So far I am really impressed with the way the GBA ports work.  If I ever find my GBA… I will totally pick up official copies of these games.  I do however own the ps1 ports of all the early final fantasy games… so I feel far less dirty about emulating them.  I have to say… given my spastic play style… the emulators are the way to go.  Save states are a godsend for when you need to set down the game and go do something.  Sadly this is only something that really works well in emulators… quick saves are nice but still take several screens before you can walk away.


I hope to make some serious progress today, because happy Final Fantasy music does a decent job of making me forget just how depressed I am.  I mean seriously… who cannot be happy while listening to the Chocobo theme?  I get bummed about the current state of JRPGs… but this golden age will always make me happy.  There will likely never be a time when I don’t have one of these on my phone or somehow accessible easily.

Wrapping Up

Well today is Fathers Day, so hopefully you all have a great one.  I know I am slotted to have a late lunch/early dinner with mine as a combo move to celebrate Fathers day and preemptively celebrate my Birthday which is this coming Wednesday.  I will still pick up the check… because that feels like the proper sonly thing to do.  I am not sure why… but I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I pick up the check.  I like taking care of people… and I think that feeds into that protective instinct.

Four Job Fiesta

Oh Sunday… that morning in which you think to yourself…  crap I have to go to work tomorrow.  Today will be pretty much dominated by my wife’s mothers birthday.  We are going to drive to grove later this afternoon to meet her for dinner, and are talking about potentially meandering our way there with cameras.  So as a result I have no clue when we will actually leave, but there will not be much gaming at all today.  Right now I am just trying to barrel through my morning blog post without losing focus.


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I still need to return to my Sith ways, but for whatever reason yesterday I was distracted once more by the lure of rift and my melee mage.  I hit level 22 yesterday while still wandering around Silverwood.  I ended up getting caught up in a buzz of completionism…  something that I am not normally afflicted with.  The problem is… I had left a lot of the quests involving the court of Prince Hylas unfinished.  One constant for me regardless of the game… is that I love slaughtering elves.  So I got caught up in the carnage, and ended up completing all the quests for the zone.

I have since moved on to Gloamwood and am busy killing Barghests and Bats.  Gloamwood is the only zone that ever made me question my choice of Defiant.  I just love the feel of it, so much atmosphere and if they traded the goblins for skeletons… it would have been my perfect zone.  Gloamwood Pines so deserves to be the guardian capitol city, it is better in every way than Sanctum.  It actually looks like a real town, with plenty of houses to actually support people living there.  Whereas Sanctum is a capitol city with no housing at all.  This has always been one of the problems I had with the Rift old world… it doesn’t look like people could actually live in it.

The funny thing about my recent venture into melee magery, is that it was intended to be able to play with my friend Rylacus.  The only problem with that notion is he has not logged in since late night Friday.  Oh well… this game has the best mentoring system I have seen, so I can always drop my level back down to hang out with him.  I am purposefully not doing the dungeon finder so I can run the dungeons for the first time on this character with him and hopefully Thalen as well.  I love Rift, it is a great game… but the problem has always been that it is pure hell to get other friends to play it.  I really hope the free to play conversion makes that problem a bit easier.

Four Job Fiesta

For a few years now, my friend JJ has been trying to get me and some other friends to join in on the Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta charity play-a-thon.  While I do not fully understand the process… from what I do get the goal is for all of us to try and beat Final Fantasy V and raise money for the Childs Play charity in the process.  There are multiple ways to sign up to play but the basic concept is that there are 22 jobs (26 in the Advance version), and at the start of the game… you will be assigned 4 random jobs.  Then you have to complete the game using only those jobs you were assigned.

Since it has been years since I have played FFV, and I have never beaten it… I am playing with the least number of possible restrictions.  I am praying I get a fairly balanced team, otherwise I will be pretty much screwed.  My friend Drathis got a pretty rough combo last year from what I can remember and struggled with it.  I will be relying on JJ a lot as this goes forward since he is pretty much the FFV master.  I think he can play the game in his sleep, so I am sure he will be a good source of information.  Right now my intent is to play the Gameboy Advance variety on my PSP.

I blasted this out over social media, and it got picked up and reshared… so hopefully this helps get the word out.  Everyone is welcome to participate, to sign up all you need is a twitter account… as the sign up process involves that.  I am assuming that will also be how we get assigned our four jobs on 6/17.  The festivities begin the day before my birthday, so I guess I know what I will be doing for my birthday.  I have a feeling it is going to take me a long time to beat the game.  You guys should all sign up and join in the madness.

Six Advance

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Yesterdays post spawned comments from a few friends, namely JJ and Stop that I should really be playing the Gameboy Advance version of Final Fantasy 6.  Apparently the PSP native copy is globally considered the worst possible port of the game, and has known lag issues.  So I took the advice… found the latest version of gpSP I could for the PSP… and restarted the game on the Advance version.  I have a Gameboy Advance SP somewhere… but I have no clue where it is right now.  So my best option was to play the game on my PSP via emulator, and the game runs beautifully.

All of the issues I had that I thought I just misremembered…  were really issues with the PSP/PSOne native version.  The Advance copy plays super fast, and is actually scaled to fit a modern aspect ratio beautifully.  The only problem I encountered was a pretty massive bug when Kefka first visits Figaro.  I could talk to everyone BUT Kefka… then zoned out to see if it would fix the bug… and now Kefka is no longer there.  I am going to have to reload from a previous safe and see if I can fix the bug.  I would hate to think it is going to be game breaking.

The one awesome thing about this, is that basically it proves out the theory that I can play Advance games just fine on my PSP, so this will likely be how I end up playing FFV during the Four Job Fiesta event.  The PSP battery life is always an annoyance, but I have a spare battery for this reason.  I just want something I can play it on that is portable so I can play over lunch etc.  I will be trying to dig up actual copies of the GBA carts, so that I don’t feel too dirty emulating them.

Wrapping Up

Okay time to start getting ready to confront the day.  Time to leave will be coming sooner than I want it to, and I still need to shower etc.  I hope you all have a great Sunday, and a great start of the week.  I have no clue what I will be doing today other than the visiting my mom-in-law part.  I might try and fix the bug on the FF6 play through so I can keep going, or I might dive back into Rift.  In any case I hope you all enjoy your day.