FF7R and Console Screenshot Hell

Morning Friends, there is more than a bit of irony in that I got this sweet sweet gaming rig for my birthday, and for the last several nights all it has been doing is operating my second monitor while I play PS5 on the main screen. Confession time… I never actually got around to finishing Final Fantasy VII Remake, which I guess shouldn’t be much of a surprise given how many other titles lay unfinished around me. There has been a recent perfect storm of events that has gotten me interested in wrapping things up. Firstly the PlayStation 5 version with slightly prettier graphics was released and then more recently the Yuffie DLC pack dropped. While I get that you can play it completely independent of the main story, I still want to finish the first game before diving into anything further.

However before we get there it is time for a brief intermission. If you have read my blog for awhile, you will know one of the hallmarks of said blog is that I use screenshots to break up the blocks of text. This means I need a pretty steady supply of screenshots to fill that role. It is a colossal pain in the ass to pull screenshots from a console and this really needs to be remedied. Essentially you have two options… both of which require a certain measure of pre-planning. The easiest option is to post them on a social media account and I have @BelghastShots that exists exclusively for this purpose. The option that preserves image quality is to drag out a thumb drive and copy the images there and then “sneakernet” them to your PC.

What we need instead is for the console vendors to implement a DLNA server that would allow access to screenshots, recorded video and frankly any purchased media that you have on that console across a network that could be consumed by any other DLNA devices. DLNA stands for “Digital Living Networking Alliance” and is a set of standards that are designed to ensure interoperability between devices in sharing media and streams. I use this constantly with my chosen server platform called Plex to allow any devices on my network to consume media from my server. In theory until the PlayStation 5… Sony was implementing part of this set of protocols because on PS3 and PS4 I could view things from my Plex Server.

The problem is no one seems to do this natively. Windows has had DLNA built in since at least Windows 7 yet Microsoft has never built this same support into Xbox Consoles. Many console revisions can consume a media server, but to the best of my knowledge none of them are capable of serving up their own feed. While leaves me at least annoyed and having to jump through hoops to dump files from the console. I mean I get that console platforms are scared to death that any protocol access will give someone a way to pirate games, because this has absolutely happened in the past. However it sucks that this thirteen year old solution that is pretty ubiquitously implemented by media having devices… is a non starter for consoles.

Back to the PS5 and Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I am having a blast and the game is freaking gorgeous. I have to say this might claim the “favorite final fantasy” game title for me. I really enjoy the combat system and how it feels like gear matters a bit… but also it is mostly just excellent smashy combat time. I think this more than anything is why I am at least passingly interested in “Not-Final-Fantasy-1”. The other nice thing about this play through is FF7 was never really one of my favorites in the series. It was good, but I played it on the PC originally and was going through a renaissance of PC gaming which it struggled to stand out from. I’ve also never replayed the original so the story feels fresh to me and I can’t honestly tell you all of the subtle tweaks that the game is making so far.

I’ve hit the Wall Market section of the game… which seems to be keyed for a different kind of humor than is drift compatible with my own. I think the area looks really cool but I am ready to be done with it. I finished fighting my way through the Coliseum and am now running around town doing various errands for folks. If I have any complaint about the game… the errand boy sections that perforate each of the sections of focused action maybe drag on a bit. I get that this is the time when you would normally level up before the next battle, but I seem to be flying through levels so fast that it isn’t really a problem so far. I seem to always have plenty of money and plenty of experience for whatever the next thing I am supposed to tackle.

The only thing I would change if I could… is to make Cloud be less of a general stick in the mud. Cloud is the Carth Onasi of Final Fantasy characters and I get this is designed to make us feel his character growth, but I do wish I could make him be a little nicer to poor Aerith. She is trying so hard and he is pure butts. Like all of the stuff with with the children was pretty adorable… even though the NPCs in this game have weird faces. I especially like the “Moogle” and I am so down with interacting with this character some more. FF7R has been a pretty delightful way to unwind in the evenings because I am still averaging 10 hour days right now.

The Cutting Room Floor Post

My Appearance in Astral Chain

This morning is technically part of my weekend, and as such I contemplated following “holiday rules” and ignoring a post. However since we are in the middle of Blapril that might set a bad precedent for the various participants. Instead this morning you are going to get a random assortment of blurbs that are sorta left on the cutting room floor. These are things that I don’t necessarily want to devote an entire post to, but still have things to say. For example here is a picture that my friend Storm sent me from Astral Chain because apparently in that universe I am a Toilet Fairy. I can’t say it is a profession that I would have chosen for myself, but I am also not going to fight it terribly hard. I should probably play Astral Chain at some point because it is either going to be right down my alley or I will thoroughly reject it… because I am not sure there will be much of a middle ground.

New Playstation 5 Controller Design

Unlike Microsoft, Sony keeps unveiling their system bit by bit… and up until this point we really didn’t have much to go on as far as stylings for this next generation. However if this controller is any indication for what the final system might look like I am completely on board. This controller reminds me of you took the vibe of Tron Legacy and combined it with the Robotic designs from Portal. It also looks like maybe just maybe they are making a design that is a little bit friendlier to larger hands. There is a problem I have with the Dualshock 4 that my pinky fingers fall asleep when I am gripping the controller because I am sorta having to tuck them back up and under to get all of my fingers on the sides. I’ve written about my favorite large hand controller designs before, but this is definitely a thing for me personally. Thanks to growing up on movies like Bladerunner… this is what I expected the future to look like and I am thankful to Sony for starting to realize that cyberpunk reality. If the new console is inexplicably orb shaped they will even score more points with me.

World of Warcraft Shadowlands Alpha

The Friends and Family Alpha for World of Warcraft Shadowlands started this week, and like I assumed I did not get an invite. There was a time when I was pretty much getting these like clockwork, but I feel like I have said enough bad stuff about the company and the game that I am no longer considered friend nor family. All of that said I am excited it has started because I actually do love World of Warcraft spoiler season. I have a weird stance on spoilers in general, because they actually enhance my enjoyment of the product and hype me up about it. Now I tend to try avoiding some of the story beats, but the various world building products that start leaking out and how the systems are going to work are absolutely candy for me to gobble up. On one hand I have to admit that I would have liked being invited because it would have been fun to test out the various classes. On the other hand I wouldn’t want to burn myself out on a game before it even releases as I have done a few times in the past. I have a lot of hope going into this expansion that it will start to turn the game as a whole around. Having been back the last few weeks I am remembering how fun it is at times, and how much enjoyment I get out of piddling around. The corrupted item system however can die in a freaking fire.

Destiny 2 on Google Stadia Fake Screenshot

Another thing that happened this week that is worth talking about is that Stadia went open to the public. Everyone can sign up for 2 months of free Stadia Pro to get in and kick the tires. The problem I have seen so far is that the tires might fall off. Stadia appears to be actively blocking any third party capture solutions, including even GeForce experience and as such you have to rely on their baked in screenshot functionality accessible by hitting F12. The problem with this is that the above image bears no resemblance to the image that I actually saw on the screen while playing the game. I am guessting that the image is saved on the server side where the fidelity is significantly better. That image is perfectly fine and if the game looked like that while playing I would consider this a rousing success visually at least. What the game-play instead looks like is more akin to what I remember playing Destiny 1 on the PS3 felt like.

The nail in the coffin for me however is how the game performs. I specifically chose Destiny 2 just like I did when I was testing out GeForce Now because it was a game that I have deep experience playing and understand how it is supposed to be performing. I opted not to connect this up to my cross save so that I could experience the New Light intro. In it you pick up the Khvostov auto rifle, a weapon known for its smooth handling and honestly probably the ideal starter weapon. Trying to aim down the sights and take out Fallen felt like my mouse was jumping all over the place constantly. The cursor movement felt exceptionally jerky and random making it near impossible for me to stomach playing through even this first mission. I’ve stopped and restarted it a half dozen times, and for reference I am using the chrome based web client over a wired gigabit connection straight into my router. This machine has full access to my 350 Mbit internet connection, which should be more than cromulent for playing 1080p gaming.

Contrast that to my experience with the same game on GeForce Now and I am questioning how viable Stadia is for pretty much any sort of shooter going forward. I am going to play some of the other game that are less demanding on fine motor skill and see how they work out. However in playing GeForce Now it was not that different than playing over Parsec streaming to my desktop upstairs on the same LAN. The sad thing is… I am pretty close to their ideal customer given that I play games remotely all the freaking time. However the end result just did not feel good… and it could be that the server is just overloaded at this point. However it felt the same at 10 pm at night as it did this morning at 8 am… which should have significantly different bandwidth footprints. Not my jam but I am thankful that I did get to play with it in person.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Well folks it is finally here, and as I write this I am hearing the soundtrack playing in the background. I am weird and have all of my consoles connected to a capture card instead of directly into the television. So that means while I am playing games I am actually doing so through the Elgato HD Capture software window maximized. It works for me because it allows me to capture footage directly while playing and just hit the print screen key in order to take screenshots. Anyways all of that nonsense aside I have Final Fantasy 7 Remake up and ready to go and a day off work to play it. However I have to admit now that I do… I am thinking about playing other things. Seven was not the pinnacle game for me that it was for so many others. I originally played it on the PC, and really the game that blew me out of the water was Final Fantasy 3/6 depending on when it was released. The first Final Fantasy game I played on the Playstation was the 8th, and as a result I probably have more affinity for it than I do this one. That said I do plan on playing it this weekend, just not sure how far I will make it.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Soundtrack

With that we bring to a close my random list of topics. I am once again going to spin this around to Blapril for a moment, because quite often you are going to find yourself in this situation where you have a bunch of small bits of content that don’t really fit together. It is perfectly fine to do one of these cutting room floor posts where you clear out a bunch of thoughts that are disconnected. It helps greatly to break things up with images and captions like I have done, or to at least use headings to help the readers shift between them. As time passes and you get more used to creating content on the fly, you can pretty much take any assortment of things and make it work. My readers may however disagree with me and tell me that these sort of posts are crap, but they have always been a crutch that I could fall back on when I didn’t have much else to talk about.

FF7 Remake Demo Thoughts

Last night I finally made my way upstairs and played through the Final Fantasy VII Remake demo available on Playstation right now. I have a weird relationship with FF7, namely because I did not own a Playstation 1 at the time in which it was released. I desperately wanted to play it, but ultimately had to wait until the PC Port came out some time later. This means I played the game with the weird midi soundtrack… which was made better by the fact that I had a sound card with a Yamaha synthesizer in it but still not quite like the CD audio. I enjoyed the game quite a bit but it wasn’t the world changing experience for me that it seemed to be for everyone else. The game that really blew my mind was Final Fantasy VI because of the extreme depth it had.

Ultimately all I am saying is that I was not pining for a remake in quite the way the rest of the world seems to have been. That said I am excited to see the final product and get my hands on it, and quite honestly enjoyed it a whole lot more than I thought I would. The moment to moment game play is really enjoyable. The boss fights are less so because they seem to drag on forever. I am hoping that this game releases with a difficulty slider because I am absolutely cranking it down so that I can more or less just experience the story again in an ARPG shell without having to worry too much about doing the right thing at the right time. There were times when the slowing down time while taking actions worked… and then there were times when it felt like I didn’t have nearly enough time to react to incoming attacks that I was supposed to be dodging.

Combat feels similar to that of Final Fantasy XV and you have a basic attack, the ability to do some special attack or shift into another attack mode and then abilities and spells. The part of combat that felt really awkward was having to wait for your ATB Gauge to fill up enough to be able to input any action other than the basic attack. This meant I would have to wait around in order to be able to access the item menu and take a healing potion, which feels real bad when everything else in the game is happening in real time. Similarly it felt odd having to wait out before I could input a special attack or magic because I was not entirely certain what caused the ATB gauge to fill faster. Evasion and Blocking also didn’t seem to work like I would have expected them to work. When you block an attack it still deals a sizable amount of damage through the block, and evasion seems to be super hit and miss if you are going to actually successfully roll out of the way of an attack.

The other negative is that on a baseline PS4, the textures were fading in and out of focus causing some moments of the game-play to look pretty ugly. I am lamenting the fact that this is going to be one of those one year exclusives for PlayStation and that I won’t simply be able to play it on my preferred platform of choice… aka my PC on day one. This game would look amazing with glorious 4k 60 fps treatment, and I am somehow doubting that the PS4 Pro even is going to be able to run it at that. I’ve held off on getting a Pro because it never really seemed like that big of a leap in either performance or graphics. Now I am on the fence as to if I play the game this year or wait until next year and pick it up on the PC.

Like I said before I think this is the sort of game that I will want to be playing on Story Mode. I don’t care to learn the nuances of this action combat system, and fighting anything other than trash mobs seems to take forever. The game does support a classic mode which is turn based, which might feel better when it comes to those tankier fights. However I think I would rather just run through on a lower difficulty and have fun slashing things to pieces with my buster sword rather than fiddling with more detailed combat. I am absolutely not a gamer that cares about the difficulty of games, and I tend to play them for a fun escape from my hectic real life rather than something I am doing to prove some nonsense to myself. I am the polar opposite of a competitive gamer and I am fine with my scrub status. I did however beat the demo and now I am on the fence if I order for PS4 or wait it out.