Highs and Lows of 2021

We are now firmly in 2022 and I am getting back into the swing of waking up at a reasonable time again. One of the posts I had originally planned on making before the end of the year was a quick run down of some of the high and low points for the year. That did not happen however because “vacation mode” but I still think it might be an interesting discussion. So here we are dusting off a list that I started as a notepad document. Side note… my machine is littered with tiny text files that I start up and scribble some quick information on and then rarely return to. text files are effectively my digital post it notes.

High Points

Snagging a new gaming machine with a RTX 3080 in it.

The sequence of events that lead to this purchase are so wildly off the wall. In this time of being unable to find a graphics card at all… I happened to stumble onto a boutique pre-built with a 3080… that arrived on my actual birthday… and then somehow convinced my wife to spend an exorbitant amount of money on it. It was a phenomenal sequence of events and I am still overwhelmingly happy with this purchase. My entire gaming rig was from 2015 and while the graphics card had been upgraded… it was getting to the point of just needing to replace everything all at once. This was by far the best possible sequence of events that could have happened.

Bel Bungles Hardcore Minecraft Series

This year I fell into a lot of nostalgia about Minecraft and more specifically about the hardcore mode that I had never played around with. I recorded a series of me playing Minecraft and while it did not last that terribly long… in fact it pretty much ended spectacularly the first time I attempted going into the nether. I really enjoyed the process of recording these videos and could see myself returning to something like this in the future when I have a fixed project in mind surrounding a game. I mean nothing I do ever really garners a ton of viewers/readers/listeners but it brought me joy to be creating this. Even if only my closest friends ever watched any of it… I am fine with that.

Mixtape Mondays Project

One of my favorite things to come out of last year was the project that ultimately got named Mixtape Mondays. Essentially each week I would release a brand new mixtape… and by mixtape I mean a custom Spotify Playlist with album art and a proper name. I had so much fun creating all of these “albums” and I have no clue how many people actually listened to them but I could absolutely see myself doing something like this again. My creativity basically lasted through twenty of these before I ultimately needed to take a very long break. If you are curious about them you can check out the Mixtape Mondays archive page.

Finishing Dragon Age Inquisition

Folks… I cannot tell you how many times I have attempted to play Dragon Age Inquisition and bounced off it completely. Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite games, and I have played through it numerous times start to finish. However there was just something about Inquisition that rubbed me the wrong way, and the way the game is structured…. made it exceptionally easy for me to get derailed along the way. I own this game on multiple platforms, thinking maybe I would like it better as a console game… but it took until this year that the game managed to finally grab me. When it did however it did not let go and I consumed every last bit of the experience with fervor. Now this is probably my favorite game in the entire Dragon Age series, but it was a hard fought battle to get there.

Final Fantasy XIV Resurgence and Endwalker Launch

Really if you had to pin a single thing on this year… I would call it the year of Final Fantasy XIV for me. I’ve never seen a game that was effectively in a content lull… bloom the way that this game bloomed. For me it was getting back in touch with my love of Eorzea and figuring out how to carve out my own goals. This culminated in the launch of Endwalker which is quite possibly the best MMORPG expansion story I have ever experienced. That might be a little unfair to other games however because this was the freaking Marvel Endgame moment for an MMORPG franchise where an entire decade worth of plot lines coalesced into a giant crescendo.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Earlier I talked about how Dragon Age is one of my favorite games, but it is very much not my favorite Bioware title. That honor belongs to Mass Effect and I still feel like in spite of not really sticking the landing in the third outing… it is one of the best gaming and storytelling experiences. I would love to see this series turned into a high production value streaming era series. For years I had wanted them to go back and tweak the first game in the series to make it a bit more playable… and that is precisely what the Legendary Edition does among other things. Sure the first game still ends up being more awkward than the later titles, but it is in so much better shape than it used to be and this now serves as the perfect point to return to the series. While I have lost much of my faith in Bioware… I desperately want to see this series continued in a fashion befitting its roots.

Mixed Feelings


I cannot tell you how much I wanted this game to land. Within my own gaming circles we have the group of people for which Destiny really landed and a group for which Warframe grabbed hold. Each time a new looter shooter comes on the market, I keep hoping it will be the one that unifies the camps and gives us a single default game to keep returning to. Outriders could have been that game… but the horrifically bleak story lost a lot of my friends and kept them from even giving this game the time of the day. It isn’t every day you are expected to play through a literal concentration camp with bodies stacked like cordwood. If they ever gave players the ability to jump straight to the endgame… I think maybe just maybe I might be able to convince more of them to try it out. The game is in pretty good shape, but still honestly a little spartan. I am interested to see what the expansion content adds and if it revitalizes things a bit.

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

I love Phantasy Star Online 2, but it also very much feels like you are playing a game from over a decade ago. I had these huge hopes that New Genesis would breathe new life into the game for me and ease some of the hurdles that you are expected to overcome to get into the base PSO2 client. I am not sure exactly why… but I just could not get into the game at all. I am not even certain if I managed to complete the tutorial. Phantasy Star Online 2 got me by on sheer nostalgia by being extremely similar in feel at times to my beloved original Phantasy Star Online. New Genesis was open world in a way that felt awful to me and it didn’t really feel like anything I was doing had much meaning. I might boot this up at some point in the future and give it another shot, but I bounced pretty freaking hard and I am not really sure if it is my fault or the game.

Low Points

Bad Times at Work

I went through one of the most stressful years that I have experienced at work. I dealt with a pretty awful situation that spawned seventy hour work weeks for about two months… and then spent the next six months dealing with the ramifications of those events. On top of that at the end of this year I had my friend and mentor retire… causing me to feel more than a little unmoored. Yesterday was my first day back and it was supremely weird not to be talking to him throughout the day. The next few months are likely to bring even more changes, and I am not sure how I am going to feel about any of them. I know I am being somewhat vague here, but suffice to say it was a very bad year.

New World Debacles

If there was a game that I was looking forward to more than probably any… it was New World. I had been involved in testing the game for a long time and devoted countless hours to the title. In fact if steam is at all correct… I have put in over 600 hours not counting any time spent testing. I’ve never seen a game with so much promise… consistently make the worst possible decision when confronted with a challenge. I think patch 1.1 is going to go down in history as quite possibly the worst MMORPG patch I have ever seen play out. It more or less killed the game for me and I think many other players. I held on to see how things shook out with server mergers, but right now after seven servers were merged into one… Frislandia sits around 1200 players during prime time… which ironically is what Minda had when players were first beginning to call it “dead”. The player numbers seem to have stabilized with Europe making up the lions share of its peak 102,000 daily players. This however is a far cry from the over 900,000 peak players at launch. I still think there is a good game here, but it needs so much work and a better understanding of what the players that left actually wanted.

Losing Kenzie

This is still a pretty fresh wound so I am not sure how much I can really talk about it today. Last month we lost her due to complications of diabetes. The average for a cat after being diagnosed with diabetes is about three additional years and we got a little over four. I feel like I should probably count myself lucky for that extra years time, but it certain doesn’t feel lucky right now. Mostly it just feels painful to think about my baby girl being gone. She was my partner in crime and pretty much at my side at all times during the day. I miss her every single day.

The End of Blizzard

Unless you are willfully ignorant… you will know that this has been a bad year for anyone who follows Blizzard games. The year has been a slow motion parade of grossness as we continue to learn new things about rampant harassment and generally bad policies and working conditions. For me personally… I have distanced myself from anything Blizzard or Activision during this time. While I was not actively playing World of Warcraft for other reasons… namely just how bad Shadowlands felt… I was playing Diablo 3 pretty much every month. My friend Grace and I had this tradition of rolling new characters each time a season started and that is now completely gone. Neither of us can bring ourselves to keep playing these games. It is this awful Catch 22 as well… because the only way change is going to happen is if the corporate overlords start to feel pain monetarily. However this is going to actively harm all of the good folks that I am friends with who are currently working there. So while I support the Better ABK initiative… I just can’t do Blizzard products anymore and not until the simple demands of this initiative have been met and it seems as though change is actually happening. If I woke up tomorrow and found out that Bobby Kotick had been removed from any role in the company… I think that might be the line in the sand required to get me to back down off this point. I will say I miss the hell out of Diablo though, and nothing has managed to scratch that itch.


Well that is my list. I think for the most part I covered everything that made a significant impact on me this calendar year. I would love to hear some of your own highs and lows. Drop me a line below and even if I don’t reply quickly, know that I always read the comments.

Good Chorfun

Good Morning Friends! I am slowly trying to get back into the swing of things. My last day of work for the year was 12/17 and as a result I am good and toast when it comes to actually getting up at normal times. Normal for me being 5:30 in the morning, but I am struggling forward regardless and trying to make a blog post happen. Apologies for the extremely sporadic nature of my posts over the last few weeks but I was very much “in vacation mode”. The truth is you didn’t miss an awful lot and I have fallen back into a single player gaming binge. For the last few weeks I have been getting up around 8 am when the synergy of my bladder and the cats wanting food coalesced into forcing me out of the bed. Now we are returning to being governed by an alarm and so far… the progress is mixed.

Thanks to watching my way through the second season of Witcher over the break, I have found myself returning to playing Witcher 3. This will be my second full play through of the game and it is just as good as I remember it being. There is something about the end of one year and the beginning of a new one… that seemingly drives me to wanting to play a big meaty open world single player adventure. The weirdest part about this most recent turtle is that it isn’t really due to me being stressed and needing a break from humanity. If anything I have the latent desire to be around other people, but my brain just wants to be playing these sort of games instead of diving back into the Endwalker alt leveling and gear grinding process.

It started initially as a good intentioned “lets have a break to let other people play this extremely congested game”, and has more or less turned into an obsession with completing all of the things in Velen and Novigrad. I love this world and setting and I love being my kind-hearted version of Geralt. Someone really in need and shouldn’t be spending coin in my services? Well if given the chance I will take the “you keep the coin” option. I will say that the game actively fights against you trying to turn Geralt into a questing knight however, because often times things don’t go down as you might hope. I’ve found a number of quests this time around that I somehow missed last time and me trying my best to save the say… has not necessarily been good enough. Then there are the comedy relief quests like the Trolls… and I love Witcher Trolls. It was also only on this playing… that I finally grasped what “Chorfun” meant.

The thing that I have been struggling with is that initially I had decided to give Yennifer a try this time around. However… I just can’t do it. Triss is just better in every possible way and I kinda hate that Yennifer is so hardly pushed as the “lore correct” answer. Yen is just not a good match for my kinder gentler soft-hearted version of Geralt. Yen makes sense if you are leaning into the whole “two hopelessly fucked up people who deserve each other” aspect of The Witcher universe, but just feels wrong to me personally. That said if you are a Yen stan I won’t get in your way… but I have a feeling I am going to keep choosing Miss Merigold over and over each time I play through.

All of this said… I have picked back up the novels and started up again where I left off with Blood of Elves. This time last year I read through the first two books… which are largely a collection of short stories. By the time I got to Blood of the Elves, it was just dense enough to make me bounce after reading the two much more casual reads in a row. For the last several nights I have been reading for about an hour on my phone and while I read terribly slowly… especially when my wife keeps trying to talk to me while reading… however I am about halfway through at this point. My wife and I have completely different “going to sleep routines”. For her it is like she needs to get all of her talking out of her system before she can sleep… but for me I need silence to wind down and the more she talks… the more I wake back up. Generally speaking through reading something is one of the better ways for me to drift off to slumber and reading the book on my phone gives me these perfectly bite sized chunks of the book formatted to fit the small screen.

Well this is a blog post down… and I am still awake so here is hoping I can get back into the swing of actually waking up on time and knocking out a post each morning. I had a great break and I hope you all did as well.

Games Played 2021 Edition

The Grand Experiment – Tracking Games Played since 2012

Well friends it is that time once again to do my “Games Played” post for the year. Each year this image becomes significantly less readable as I am slowly expanding the width of what is shown in frame. For those who are completely new to the blog or might not have experienced one of these posts before I have a strange obsession. Back in 2015 I started keeping track of the games that I played during the year and have since then expanded my spreadsheet to included 2013 and most of 2012 all the way through the current year. Why do I do this? I honestly am not even sure at this point other than I enjoy making data points.

The truth is that I used to use a service called Raptr and it was a great way of keeping track of what I had been playing at any given time. Once I moved away from it I lacked any meaningful way to collect the same sort of data for producing any sort of long term trends. In 2015 I started keeping track of things in a very simple format. If I played a game during a month, it got a tick mark regardless of how much time I spent playing that game. This allowed me to tabulate how many months during a year was I actually engaged with a specific title. There are ways to track things at a more granular level, but for me it was enough knowing what I happened to be playing at a specific time. This has allowed me to go back and see when I have dipped in and out of games like World of Warcraft or Rift, and when I actually started playing a new game for the first time.

Since I started this officially in 2015, you might be wondering exactly how I was able to back populate up through 2012. The first way is that I am pretty prolific when it comes to taking screenshots in video games, in part because I need a constantly flow of them to break out the walls of text in these blog posts. At the time of writing this I have roughly 120 GB of screenshots in cold storage representing roughly 34,000 individual screenshots. I have an unknown number of active screenshots sitting in various directories on my machine that I have yet to file away properly but they represent roughly another 20 GB. On top of this my blog itself acts as a pretty great journal because if I am playing a game regularly, I am likely going to be talking about it. Combined this has given me a pretty good view of what I was doing at any point forward from 2013 when I first started the whole daily blogging thing.

Top Games Played of 2021

Top 17 Games Played of 2021

The rules for this whole experiment are pretty straight forward. If I play a game at all during a given month I fill in a box, and then tabulate the number of filled boxes to give me a number of months I played a game during the calendar year. There are going to be specific “forever games” that game a regular showing and then a bunch of games that I only play for one or two months at a time. The biggest difference this year is that I made an attempt to keep better track of the mobile games that I happened to be playing. As such you see games like Mitrasphere, Tales of the Wind, and Undead World: Hero Survival consuming a few months. When it comes to mobile games I have this pattern of installing one, playing for a few months out of boredom before I fall asleep at night and then never playing it again.

Total Games Played Per Calendar Year

A new feature this year is that I actually got my shit together and started keeping proper track of the total number of games that I have played in each of the years. Notice there is this sorta trend where I dip back and forth between 70ish game years and 40ish game years. I think more than anything this denotes just how involved I was with any specific games that ate up all of my time, or if I was floundering a bit and trying to find something to really sink my teeth into… but failing miserably. This was very much a year dominated by only a handful of games, but you can see how it ranks against other years in the above bar chart. Let’s specifically look at only the games that I spent more than three months playing.

  • New World – 11 Months
  • Final Fantasy XIV – 7 Months
  • Outriders – 6 Months
  • Elder Scrolls Online – 5 Months
  • Destiny 2 – 4 Months

This is a year where I played an excessive amount of New World. While the game only launched in September I was pretty active in alpha/beta testing all the way through from February onwards when I got into the permanent testing group. I also had a massive resurgence of Final Fantasy XIV this year starting in June and continuing on through the release of Endwalker in early December. Outriders was a pretty significant game for me as well with it taking up four months in a row and then my recent revisiting in November and December. In January of the year I got deeply involved with Elder Scrolls Online again and spent several months hanging out with friends there and leveling some of my very first alts in the game.

Comparing top 15 from 2020 and 2021

If we compare this year to last year… you are going to see a few games that are conspicuously missing. The year of 2021 was a year without Blizzard games almost entirely. This started as me simply being disillusioned with Shadowlands and being unhappy with the way that expansion rolled out. By January of 2021 I had entirely bounced off of that game. Then when the news about the awful working conditions and allegations of abuse hit, I decided that I wanted nothing to do with that company. This put an immediate halt to my reoccurring Diablo 3 plans and lead me to ignore the launch of Diablo 2 Resurrection. So when you take away a game that I played 12 months in 2020 and another that I played 9 months… the entire picture starts to look significantly different.

Top 15 of All Time

Top 15 Games Played of All Time

Another thing that I find interesting is how the games that I have played the most number of months shifts over time. The above graphic is sorted by total months played and shows 2019, 2020, and 2021. Now one thing that I need to talk about quickly is that some of the previous numbers were off significantly. When working on this years data I noticed that the numbers being tabulated were completely missing some of the past years, which means that some numbers went up a bit as compared to last years numbers. For example I did not play World of Warcraft at all this year but it is going to show that it went up to 75 over the 69 I listed last year. So with this correction in mind this is what the top 15 list looks like now.

  • World of Warcraft – 75 Total Months
  • Destiny 1/2 – 69 Total Months
  • Final Fantasy XIV – 67 Total Months
  • Diablo 3 – 55 Total Months
  • Elder Scrolls Online – 50 Total Months
  • Rift – 47 Total Months
  • Pokemon Go – 25 Total Months
  • MTG Arena – 21 Total Months
  • Guild Wars 2 – 19 Total Months
  • Minecraft – 17 Total Months
  • Dragalia Lost – 16 Total Months
  • Monster Hunter World – 16 Months
  • The Division 1/2 – 16 Months
  • Everquest II – 14 Months
  • New World – 14 Months

Something I have never really done previously but decided to this year, was to create another chart that shows every game that I have played over 6 months in bar chart form. Here is what that looks like.

Total Months Played Per Game

For the most part the top six have held their places relative to each other for another year. World of Warcraft continues to hold onto that top spot, but having lost 12 months of play time… it is suffering. Destiny is also suffering a bit only having gained 4 months total as compared to Final Fantasy XIV with its 7 months of new play time. Diablo 3 only got 2 months worth of play time before I shut the door on all Blizzard games so it is going to suffer a bit in the future. Elder Scrolls continues to see regular revisits from me, but Rift is largely an artifact of a past era and now is standing there as a testament to what might have been. There is a significant drop down to Pokemon Go and MTG Arena, neither of which saw much play last year but still hold strong.

What surprised me was that Guild Wars 2 is gaining traction, and I figure with the new expansion on its way I will spend some more time playing that. Minecraft gained a few months which honestly I always thought it deserved to be higher on the list given how emotionally important the game is to me. The real surprise is New World and how much I have spent playing it through all of the testing phases and now after launch. I really hope that game can make the necessary changes in order to be something that I want to revisit over time. I fully expect to stop playing it once the holiday event is over and I stop getting free easy expertise increases.

Longest Streaks

Most Number of Months Played Sequentially

This is something new that started last year based on a conversation that I had with my friend Tam. We were curious which games I had played the most number of months in a row without pause. This year I have expanded this a bit and added a bar chart to show games and length of a given streak. For the most part there is not a lot of change here, but we did add a new game to the “more than six months” list and technically there would have been two but I already had a much longer FFXIV streak. New World was added to the list with its eleven months, which is pretty solid to be honest as streaks go.

Another Year of Gaming

This year saw a significant number of changes to the format of this post. More than anything I just expanded upon some footnotes that I used to talk about in this final section and turned them into proper charts. As I said before this game was marked by a handful of games that I spent a lot of time playing, but that does not mean that I also did not have several one off experiences. For example I had twenty five games that I only booted up and played during one month, and among these were games like Dragon Age Inquisition that I played through to completion.

I think more than anything we are all entering the third year of this pandemic and have had significant changes in the way we exist in life as a result. I know I did not expect most of the changes that have occurred in my own life, and would have had a hard time predicting any of them. I know for me at least I want to spend way less time in my office upstairs… where my gaming consoles and primary gaming rig are… because it also represents my work from home office. I play almost exclusively through Parsec now playing remote from my laptop downstairs and even most of my console gaming is done through a remote play app as well. It will be interesting to see what changes unfold during 2022, but for now I am not making any predictions.

If you are curious about the past gaming trends since I have started this experiment you can find my posts dating back to 2015 below. The format for the 2015 post is not quite following what ultimately ended up as my standard going forward.

If you are even more curious, you can check out the raw list of data that I have shared freely for years. I am still not certain why I started doing this, but it does make for an interesting tradition at the end of each year.

The Mystery Store

Last night I had an interesting dream and since I am presently in vacation mode… and doing a pretty poor job of actually daily blogging I thought I would talk about it a bit. In the dream my wife and I were roaming around and drove past this massive line of people waiting to get into a building. I stopped to try and figure out what was going on, and someone said it was a “book sale” which piqued my wife’s interests. We stood in the long line and as we were getting close to the front we noticed that all of the products on the store were covered in wrapping to where you couldn’t tell what any one product actually was.

Everything in the store was extremely cheap, but the one rule is that you had no idea exactly what you were buying. So for example in the book section it would be a book securely wrapped that said something like “Sci-Fi Book” and then a very vague synopsis of what the book was about. They a pretty wide variety of things that were not books as well. So you might find a box that said “Computer Monitor” and it listed some general specifications of the monitor like that it was capable of 1080p or 1440p. However the books were like a dollar or cheaper and the electronics were like $50 for one of those monitors.

The staff scurried around the tables constantly restocking items as it slowly trickled out of what had to be a massive stock of things. The end result was that it did not feel like those who were late getting there were at a significant disadvantage to those who got there first. We loaded up a cart of things that we were willing to take a gamble on and made our way to the checkout. It turns out one of the people who I went to High School was working the register and she filled in some other details about the store. It seems like every time they held one of these events they sold out completely, and that a lot of the things were assorted factory overstock that would not sell normally, but because of the cheap price and the mystery box conceit that it all went every single time.

It was around this time that I woke up and told my wife about the dream. She immediately grasped the concept and I think a lot of the visuals were drawn from my own experiences going to one of these big sales. Half priced books is a chain that you may or may not have near you, and the store itself is phenomenal. However once or twice a year they rent out a convention center and have a big “everything must go” sale where they haul out box after box of things that were not moving in the stores for some reason. The above image is from one of these sales in Arlington Texas, and while we personally did not buy much I could absolutely see the appeal.

Connecticut Tigers Youth Mystery Box – Norwich Sea Unicorns Official Store

It does make me wonder how well a mystery box store would do. We seem to have this inherit desire to gamble on getting something really good from an unknown loot box. The assorted subscription box services like Loot Crate seem to still be doing really well for themselves. I know I personally have enjoyed when a store makes up grab bags just because there is some element of surprise to the process. The main difference with the store from my dreams though is that the items they were selling really were more valuable than the price they were selling them for. So often with mystery boxes you technically get more value on paper than what you paid, but it isn’t actually stuff that you would have wanted. Loot Crates seem to have a higher percentage of dollar store kitsch like stickers… than they do actual things that you would have spent money on in the first place.

I know Gamestop does this on the regular for anything that is not selling in their stores, and you can purchase a mystery box filled with toys. Far as I can tell these sell out pretty much every time they offer these. However from the various videos I have watched about them… they really are not worth the time or money spent on trying to get one. This leads me to believe that yes… a Mystery Box store would do exceptionally well. However it also leads me to believe that it would be a horrible value proposition for the actual consumer.