Evil Genius

Best Laid Plans

eso 2014-05-19 06-11-58-918 This weekend I accomplished very little of what I had planned, but I did log into a nice surprise over in Elder Scrolls Online this morning.  One of the cooler things about crafting are the tradeskill apprentices… I am using the EQ2 term, because quite frankly I can’t remember the in game name for them in ESO.  Once a day they send you a care package of goodies along with a great note about what they had to go through to obtain it.  The notes alone are worth the skill points, because some of them are absolutely hilarious.  When I opened my care package this morning I noticed that I got a Tempering Alloy, which is the metal temper used to take a purple item to a orange quality one or a legendary.  This is still one of the best aspects of the game, the ability to upgrade an item to whatever tier you might want.

Granted this is my first legendary temper, and I am sure it probably takes six or so to get 100% chance of upgrade, but I will squirrel this one away until I manage to get more.  I had grand plans of dinging 50 and completing Coldharbor, and while I made progress on both fronts… it simply did not happen this weekend.  I blame Ashgar for distracting me with his Final Fantasy 5 draft idea.  I would love to say I will ding tonight, because I am maybe 1/5th of a level away from 50.  I have a few rather epic quests that I am currently on that I want to see the completion of.  Mostly right now I am suffering from too many things I want to play, and too little time to play them.  I might have to start bringing my laptop to work and getting in some playtime over lunch again.

Yesterday was somewhat fragmented, in that we had to attend a wedding that evening.  I have to say it is one of the more interesting weddings I have been to.  The pair are both former students of my wife, and the mother of the bride is another teacher.  I knew absolutely no one there, so the entire occasion felt extremely awkward.  However it was made significantly less awkward for me when the bride started walking down the isle to a full orchestral version of the Legend of Zelda Fairy Fountain theme.  So obviously at least one of the pair was a serious gamer, and in theory they both were, but it made a fairly nice processional theme.  At the end of the wedding they queued up the Imperial March, so I feel like I could get along really well with the pair.

Evil Genius

WildStar64 2014-05-14 06-15-15-469 One thing that I did accomplish this weekend was to play through the rest of the Crimson Isle campaign in Wildstar.  My hope was to play the engineer enough to determine if this was a class I could get into, and as the gameplay progressed I enjoyed it more than the Warrior.  I know without a doubt that I enjoy the Chua far more than I did the Cassian so in theory I guess I have my race and class.  I am still not terribly sold on the game, but it is starting to grow on me.  Surprising enough I found that I really enjoyed the explorer path.  Normally I am not one for jumping puzzles but these felt okay to me.  I am sure late in the game they will be as insane as some of the things I did to get SWTOR Holocrons, but even though those were painful… I enjoyed doing them.  They gave me something to look forward to in every zone, so I am hoping the explorer path will do the same thing for me here.

Soldier path seems an absolute natural fit for me, but all of the “holdouts” felt extremely forced in that it did not feel like there was a lore reason for starting a ruckus at a specific location.  Whereas with the explorer path in Crimson Isle you are helping the Chua scientists place monitoring stations high on the rock cliffs, and this felt cool to me.  So far the thing I dig about the Engineer is that it is very much a “kill them all” class as well.  You can circle strafe around gathering mobs up and shotgun blasting them down with impunity, or at least that is what it feels like right now.  I am sure as the gameplay moves on, there are far more consequences to this gameplay style but I can see it might be fun to tank an instance this way.

Mystic Knights

VisualBoyAdvanceM 2014-05-19 06-09-36-587 Yesterday I officially progressed through the roughest part of the game for starting as White Mage.  How I did it… is that I basically ground out enough levels to make it easier on myself.  Getting to the Water Crystal was a challenge but when I did, the entire game got that much easier.  Now I have a party full of Mystic Knights, which while not the best thing in the game are certainly far more offensive than the White Mage.  Mystic Knight is a class I have never played in previous plays through the game, and I am kinda digging the way spellblade works so far.  It gives me access to elemental attacks, without having to have a true spellcaster.  Supposedly the Rapid Fire combo with Spellblade is a super powerful way of delivering elemental attacks later in the game.

I streamed for quite a bit yesterday afternoon as I pushed through the water temple sequence and gained the Mystic Knight.  Last night I did not stream since I was mostly hanging out on the couch watching my sequence of Sunday night television shows.  I found that watching tv is the ideal time to grind out levels, and that is why I am level 19 currently and have just now finished the fire crystal / karnak castle sequence.  I think I did mostly okay in Karnak Castle and got all of the big name items, that I may or may not need later.  The only thing I missed was the Main Guache, but since I have no use for daggers with my fixed party comp, I did not worry about that too much.  I did pick up Esuna, Ribbon and Elven Mantle so should be fine moving forward.  At this point  I will have to consult a guide because I cannot remember for the life of me what comes next.  I know that I do not get my ranger job until a bit later, so that is really what I need to do next.

Munchkin Mania

Too Old for This

Every now and then I will say something like “I am too old for that”, and I don’t really believe that is ever the case.  It is just a shorthand for “I am old enough to release that it has consequences and am unwilling to deal with those.”  When you get older, you realize that your actions have severe negative effects on your wellbeing at times, and attempt to avoid these at all costs.  The funny thing is… staying up until midnight is not a huge deal, I do it all the time.  However this usually means that I have had a gradual winding down throughout the evening and am at a super chill place when midnight actually comes.  Last night I was out driving through town at 11pm, and it had a vastly different effect, and this morning I am paying for it.

While I greatly enjoyed my evening, I now feel groggy and useless this morning as I sit here attempting to assemble a post.  It is a sort of post excitement hang-over of sorts, and as I think about it… it really feels like a mild version of an actual hangover.  I am sure I could have slept in more, but my wife brought one of the ferrets in to “play” this morning, and when I looked at the time and felt the grumbling in my tummy I figured it was “good enough”.  I can’t be grumpy with my wife for waking me, because in reality it was a good thing I was up at 8 am, will keep my schedule from being thrown off too much.  Additionally I wake her up with the ferrets at pretty much any opportunity I get…  so turn about is fair play.

Munchkin Mania

So what exactly doing that caused me to drive home last night through the rain at 11:30 at night?  Well as I said yesterday a good friend of mine is in town for the weekend to attend the Muskogee Renfaire.  As a result Rae decided we needed to have a game night, where we would play board games, eat pizza and generally have a good time.  It had been ages since any of us sitting at the table had played munchkin, so we had to relearn the rules.  Honestly it probably would have just been faster if we had called up the Munchkin episode of Tabletop on my chromebook and watched it to “grok” the rules a little faster.  I am known for being all about the death, destruction and ultimately loot in the games I play, so Munchkin is one of those games that is ideally suited for my sensibilities… even before you factor in that the cards are hilarious.

Our mistake however was the fact that Rae owns both the base set and the Cleric and Ranger sets.  We decided to just jumble everything together and play with some massive decks of cards.  The problem with this is that in doing so it drags out the game immensely.  I should have taken a picture of my hand, but at one point last night I had some dozen bonuses in play and I felt like a little kid playing dressup.  I feel like somehow Rae stacked the deck or something, because she managed to win BOTH of the rounds of Munchkin that we played.  She is a sneaky one, and kind comes out from nowhere.  At one point I was set up to win, and I thought no one could do anything about it.  However she was sitting all that time on a card that allows her to right the monster instead of me.  Unfortunately my cards were in play, reducing the monster to something we could not buff enough to defeat her.

This is the fun of munchkin, there are no such things as permanent alliances.  Essentially anyone that is level 9, just became everyone on the boards enemy.  Dallian had the bad luck of drawing a lot of instant level up cards, meaning he became the focus of our aggression early in each game.  Like I would manage to sneak in the level up cards every now and then to kinda keep people from noticing that I was gaining power.  He on the other hand would lay down 3 in one turn, making folks realize “oh crap! he is winning!” at which point we all turned our guns to bear down on him.  I kinda feel bad that this happened since he was the visitor to our fair city and all, but all is fair in love and loot.

Warming Coldharbor

eso 2014-05-14 19-51-12-450 At some point I need to get out and pick up the dry cleaning today, but other than that my key mission is to get through Coldharbor, or at the very least ding 50 trying.  At this point I am really amped and ready to move on to the veteran level content.  Aldmeri Dominion is the first stop on the veteran content for the Daggerfall Covenant, and this is the faction that I have played the least of.  In fact I have not even got past Auridon, or even halfway through it on any character in beta.  So I am really looking forward to exploring this area, and killing copious amounts of elves in the process.  As my friend said, if you like killing elves… you get to do that more in Aldmeri than any other faction.  Unfortunately I kinda wish I could align with the Maromer… angry snake worshipping pirate elves are so much cooler than the Aldmeri.

Other than this I know I want to play some more wildstar at some point.  I would really like to see if my Chua Engineer remains fun as I start getting more abilities.  Additionally I feel like I have been neglecting ArcheAge, so I will probably be playing some more of that.  Basically today I want to vegetate and play lots of games.  We have to go to a wedding tomorrow, so today is my one real shot at messing about happily in various games.  Hopefully you too can have a relaxing weekend, and I am hoping that Dallian and Rae have a blast at the Renfaire.  They really are not my thing, but from everything I have heard says that the one here at the Castle is one of the better ones in the country.  One of the absolute best things I have ever heard of is one year when a guy went dressed as Spock, and he kept scanning people with his tri-corder and muttering “fascinating”.

Cyrodil Excursion

Turning a Corner

WildStar64 2014-05-14 17-55-10-794 I am still not overwhelmed with excitement about Wildstar, but I am maybe starting to turn the corner on this game.  Last night I opted to work on the warrior a bit more, and it turns out the area I was languishing around had no actual quests for me.  One of the frustrations with the game is that the quest advisement on the minimap makes zero sense to me.  I keep trying to figure it out, but end up just hopelessly lost as I keep opening my main map to find the objectives.  I know there is some sort of a golden path system that you can turn on to get advisement but I find that whole process frustrating.  All I really want is a blip on the edge of the minimap showing me where I should head to get to the next sequences of quests.  Additionally I had mobs that I simply could not find.  There was an NPC in town that no matter how many times I moved through an area, never seemed to be where the quest turn in location was marked on the map.

WildStar64 2014-05-14 17-57-17-635 All of this said, in my flailing I happened to stumble upon an instance of sorts revolving around trying to save Outpost M-13.  I was woefully underleveled for the content but found it extremely enjoyable anyway.  I entered the instance at level 10 and all of the creatures I stumbled across were 13 to 14.  You start the mission as a hired shiphand on a cargo freighter delivering crystals.  You are boarded and it is your job to try and protect the freight.  I did fairly well here until it came time to fight the actual boss, and then I struggled a bit… having to try two or three times to get past him.  Finally we land on a planet, that is absolutely gorgeous.  You roam around with a 1950s style spaceman helmet, exploring what appears to be an asteroid with minimal gravity.  What is awesome here is that when you jump you get hangtime like you would expect in lower gravity.  Finally you wind your way around to Outpost M-13.

The next sequence of events plays out like the movie Aliens as you explore the base and subsequent mine looking for either survivors or the cause of the catastrophe.  Mostly if more content like this exists in Wildstar…  I might be happy to play it.  While I simply could not chew through the hive queen boss, and will likely have to return “at level” I had a blast doing it.  If nothing else this sells me on their universe, because stuff like that is really fun.  The game still feels rather awkward at times, and I still have my problems with the warrior overall, but at the end of the day I am a melee player.  While running around as a Chua with a shotgun was fun, it just doesn’t feel like “me”.  So while I am still having issues with their UI design a bit, I am hoping I can fix most of that with modifications.  I need to do some searching to see if I can find a serviceable mini-map replacement.

Cyrodil Excursion

eso 2014-05-14 21-57-13-118 For roughly a week I had on the Anook Alliance of Awesome calendar an event called “Faffing About in Cyrodil”.  The idea was to grab as many guildies as we could and head to Cyrodil looking for whatever we could do.  When we pulled together and finally coalesced we had roughly a dozen players, and not the most balanced party… but we worked with it.  At first we made a valiant attempt on Fort Glademist, that was currently being held by the Aldmeri Dominion.  However we struggled to even take the Lumbermill.  This was partially because we mostly just charged in aimlessly and spread ourselves too thin, but even more so that we were a group of bolstered to level 50 characters… and it was being guarded by actual veteran rank players.  The problem with bolstering is that it levels you to 50… but the base stats for a 50 without the benefit of armor increases or anything of the sort.  This means as a whole we represented a pack of level 50 paper dolls for someone to rip through.

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After making a couple of attempts we got tired of the running back and decided to shift focus to what my original goal was… collecting skyshards and beating bosses.  The cool thing about Cyrodil is that it is pretty much a normal questing zone in addition to being a zone full of PVP objectives.  So we wandered around the zone, often times aimlessly, collecting the various skyshards along the way.  At the end of the night I was up three skill points and had dinged 49, and various other folks in the party had dinged as well.  The dungeons in Cyrodil are really good experience, not to mention insane amounts of loot.  It is somewhat sad that instanced dungeons are rather pitiful experience if you are not completing the quest, however you can gather up a group of friends and roll through the Cyrodil dungeons for hours and almost level exclusively that way.  The respawn is fast enough that we were constantly having to fight our way back out of the dungeons as stuff was popping only one or two packs behind what we had just killed.

I was streaming last night and captured almost the entire thing, and as always posted it up on my youtube channel.  It seemed like folks were having a good time, even though we didn’t really have any success at the PVP aspect of cyrodil.  It is my intent to do this more often, and I will likely be trying to schedule another one of these nights for next Wednesday.  However I think I am going to try and start it a little earlier in the evening.  As the night drug on, you could tell that most of us were barely holding in there.  This is the negative side effect of being a guild almost entirely made up of 30 somethings… and mostly LATE 30 somethings and 40 somethings.  Five thirty in the morning comes really early, so I personally try very hard to head towards bed by at least 11.  For our east coast folks that had a lot of them staying up til midnight or so.  Hopefully with time we will find a happy medium that works for both the east coast and west coast contingencies.

#ESO #ElderScrollsOnline #WIldstar #Cyrodil

Farmer Belghast

Server Overload

WildStar64 2014-05-14 06-15-15-469 One of the key parts of the preorder process for Wildstar is the ability to reserve a player name and a guild name.  Since I am still up in the air about this game I figured I would go ahead and do this.  The process theoretically opened yesterday morning and could be completed by going to the name reservation page and logging in.  The only problem here is that their servers crumpled under the crushing weight of folks hammering this single page.  I tried off and on throughout the day with no luck, and as I moved into the evening I still was not getting to a working screen.  Moments ago I finally connected in and completed the process reserving Belghast and House Stalwart just in case.  Far as I know you aren’t required to use the guild name, but I figure if nothing else I will create an alt guild or something so that the name lives.

Last night I decided to try something different and logged into the little Chua engineer I had created at some point during the beta.  I am not sure if it was the difference in starter zone or the difference in playing a ranged tank, but for whatever reason I found myself enjoying the game last night.  I embraced the cute and deadly aspect of the game and ran around blasting everything with my shotgun.  Considering I tend to shy away from playing ranged in any form, this was the first I had really played one in Wildstar.  I am wondering if this is the Guild Wars 2 effect, and that melee is just unsatisfying in this game.  Also with this character I opted to go with the Explorer path, which more than anything involves a lot of jumping puzzles.  Normally I cannot stand these, however they felt manageable with access to double jump.

The game still feels very much like a trip to Six Flags, but the Crimson Isle area feels far less busy.  Maybe I could enjoy the game more starting here rather than Leviathan Bay.  Now I feel like I owe the game a play through long enough to see if I like the third area better.  This has been the case with most games I have played, there are certain starter experiences that I simply do not like.  I am looking at you Night Elf areas, whereas I can seem to do Dun Morogh happily over and over.  There are things I like about playing the Warrior that I don’t get to do on the Engineer, however I just don’t really like Ellevar as far as zones go.  I was mostly okay with the Leviathan Bay route until I got there.  I am wondering if I can shift course and go to Deradune, without having to reroll.

Farmer Belghast

archeage 2014-05-14 06-11-53-771After getting to 6 in Wildstar I opted to log back into ArcheAge for a bit and see what trouble I could get into.  Last night I finally reached a point in the quest chain where I started getting quests asking me to craft certain items that required vegetables.  This meant that I needed to grow them, and also introduced me to the concept of a public farm.  During an earlier quest I was given a scarecrow that apparently allows me to claim a plot of land for my own, however the area surrounding where I was working seemed to be all claimed.  As a result I just opted to plant my veggies in the public plot and pray.  See interesting thing about this game is that pretty much every aspect of it… allows for other players to grief you.  Pretty much anyone can come along and harvest your crops from the public plot if you do not collect them within a certain period.  Farming is a real world time sink, in that I planted the crops and it took thirty minutes actual time for them to grow.  I of course went off throughout the world and completely forgot about them.  Thankfully upon logging back in this morning they were still there waiting for me.

archeage 2014-05-13 21-43-28-012 What ended up distracting me, was a series of quests in the next zone over that involved slaughtering tons of critters to collect parts for a suit of armor.  It seems as though through this quest chain you will be able to collect a full set of blue quality gear for whatever armor class you choose.  I of course am going plate, because really… there is never an answer that doesn’t end up with plate armor.  In Elder Scrolls Online I’ve tried a few times to play something OTHER than a plate wearer, but always end up dropping it and dumping myself in full plate.  I also managed to pick up a really amazing green quality sword that is letting me cut through the mobs like butter.  I am still very much enjoying myself, but I am wishing I had a few more abilities.  Right now I have shield charge, shield bash, 3 hit combo swing, AOE root/damage, self heal, and channeled drain life.  It is a pretty robust kit, but I really want another attack to combo with the charge/bash/strike thing I have going on.

One of the things I really want to try and figure out is smithing.  Right now it all seems to be dependant upon me going into some cave somewhere and grinding mobs while waiting on Iron Ore pops.  In theory I am fine with this, but I keep thinking there has to be a more efficient way to get ore.  However almost every cave I have been in, has one or two higher level players lurking about, so I am beginning to wonder if that is in fact the only real way.  At some point I need to sort out why I could not stream the game and get that going again.  Dxtory boggles me because it seems like for some people it works great, however for me it never seems to produce the sort of results I actually want.  On a positive note it does seem to be a better generic screenshot program than Fraps, or at least cause far fewer issues.  If nothing else I am using the hell out of it for that purpose, but I want to solidify how to record games full screen with it and actually get OBS to stream them to twitch.

Faffing in Cyrodil

eso 2014-05-09 19-29-43-214 I am a horrible person because last night, yet again I did not participate in the google hang out pen and paper game.  Honestly I just wasn’t feeling up to dealing with people.  I need to get to the doctor soonish, because I fear something is wrong.  For about a month now, when I breath in deeply there is a sharp pain on the right side of my lung.  It started as a dull ache, so I thought maybe it was a muscle pain or something of the sort, however over the last few days it has become more sharp.  Last night when we did our walk, I struggled a bit to keep going and got pretty dizzy.  I hate going to the doctor, because I spent a good chunk of my childhood sick and in the doctors office.  It has made me try and avoid them like the plague as an adult, the only problem is… I have actual medical issues that I probably should be going for.  Last night I had just reached my fill of human contact so I did my own thing, because I really couldn’t handle needing any additional interaction.

I also knew I would need to be sociable today as we have a guild event scheduled in Elder Scrolls Online.  Right now we have a handful of people signed up for it, but I am hoping we will get a bunch more people who didn’t know about the Anook event.  I am not sure exactly how well this is going to work, as Delevax said most nights our PVP Campaign is locked by that time in the evening.  Worse case scenario we end up guesting on another campaign, since functionally there is really nothing we cannot do while guested.  The primary goal is to grab skyshards, the secondary goal is to get into trouble whenever we can.  If in the process we happen along some quest objectives, it would also be cool to complete those.  I know I have an objective out there from the last time I was running around with Zeli and Jabb, but it was not feasible for us to go get it.  I am sure it will be fairly rough, but I am hoping if we stick together as a group we will be able to compete with the various veteran rank players.