
While I am still very much pushing my main Belgrevious the Echo Warpath Void Knight to 100, every so often I need a break. Lately, I have been tinkering with a Spellblade Mage, specifically one focused on Flame Reave, Firebrand, and Flame Ward. My friend Tam had talked at length about how much he was enjoying the Spellbade mastery and how specifically it was playing into his core fantasy of a melee mage. So I decided to give it a shot and ran up BelSpellReave to play with this. I believe he shifted his damage to Lightning, but for me setting things on fire will always be my happy place. I have to say I have gotten much faster at the campaign for Last Epoch and I think probably in total it took me around five hours to level from beginning a character to defeating Majasa and entering the Monolith. This is much faster than I am at getting through the Path of Exile campaign, and I am not even using any of the skips available in Last Epoch.

I have to admit when the concept of “Melee Mage” came up, it wasn’t necessarily this. Generally speaking, I expected to be swinging a weapon that was enchanted with magic… almost a Lightsaber for lack of a better description. What the Spellblade is doing instead is casting a very short-range blade-like spell that extends out in front of them. Essentially you have Flamebrand shown above or Shatter Strike that creates a weird strike that sort of wraps around your character. Mana Strike is the one that feels the closest to what I would have expected a Spellblade to feel like, but it feels super weak and is a default mage thing, not something attached to the specialization. It does not live up to my mental picture of what caster melee would look like, but I can roll with pretty much anything given that I am forced into the role of a caster in most of the characters I play in Path of Exile.

What is however a lot of fun is Flame Reave. By default, it is a cone that shoots out in front of you, but with the addition of the unique Sunwreath, it changes to a ring of fire that shoots out from your character. With points in the tree, you can make this ring return to your character causing it to deal another pulse of damage as it shrinks back down. It feels really good running around the map, gathering up a ton of mobs, and then firing off a few Flame Reaves to clean them up. The problem with this however is that I am constantly out of mana because I think in total I can shoot off four of these before it entirely drains my mana pool. This is one of the core problems I have with the design of Last Epoch… is that there does not seem to be a way to properly “fix” your mana problems. In Path of Exile, you can take actions that will make it so you effectively have an unlimited mana pool and never have to stop your most fun abilities. I’ve yet to truly figure out how to do this with most abilities in Last Epoch.

I realize that a lot of my current woes can almost directly be traced to the fact that my gear is a complete mess. Predictive loot is awesome for leveling a character and finding things that you can actually use… but it royally sucks for leveling alts that are of different base classes. I am wearing almost entirely a bunch of not-exactly ideal unique items because that is what I have in droves laying around that I can throw on a character. I am just now starting to get decent mage drops and I figure as I keep swapping out more of these items the character will perform significantly better. Uniques are a great boost in power while leveling… but that starts to become a hindrance as you near the end of the campaign and actually need some mana and survivability.

I absolutely skyrocketed through the campaign but hit a bit of a wall when I reached Majasa for the first time. She was simply dealing more damage to me faster than I could generate ward. I have really bad health and cannot seem to generate ward fast enough to make up for that fact. I was able to rip through Monoliths without problems and put on a few more levels and then finally came back and killed her at level 60 with fewer problems. In those few levels, I had done some swapping around of gear and talent points to try and focus more on survival and less on wholesale murder. That is one huge positive of the Spellblade though. It can certainly do a proper murder and has zero issues shredding bosses. If I can ever solve my ward woes and mana malfunctions… it will be a pretty dang fun build.

I’ve been through so many phases with this character in the last two days since starting it. I’ve fallen in love with the clear speed while doing the campaign, been frustrated with how weak the survival feels, and then reached a place of acceptance that it is never going to feel as sturdy as my Void Knight but certainly has faster-killing potential. Would I play one of these again? Probably not… or at least not without learning some significant lessons on how to fix some of its problems. I’ve never played a ward character before, and I essentially need to learn how to make them feel good. I also need to swap out almost all of my uniques for properly rolled exalted gear… which is simply going to take time in the monolith. It will be a pet project for when I get tired of spinning and winning.

Last Epoch and Skill Tags

Good Morning Friends! I’ve been playing an excessive amount of Last Epoch. With it I am playing a slew of different characters that all have their own different demands. At least in part, I am “yoloing” my way through gearing and speccing most of the characters, and it made me think about some of the skills key to that process. Path of Exile and Last Epoch have a specific tagging system that indicates how abilities, gear, and passive points interact with each other, but coming from Diablo it was not necessarily something that I was super familiar with. In Diablo you generally think about how to scale a Barbarian, or a Demon Hunter, or a Crusader… and less so about how to scale one individual ability in their wide array of abilities. In Path of Exile you could play any ability on any base class, and while this is not exactly the case with Last Epoch… you can make every class perform in wildly different ways based on your specific choice of abilities and how you support them with the talent tree and your gear.

Ultimately it is the skill tags that will dictate how this interaction is going to work. If you mouse over any ability in the game and hold down the alt button, you are going to see an extended amount of information about how that ability is interacting currently. I chose a wide number of abilities and specifically what we are going to focus on the most is Scaling Tags. For example, Static is a Lightning Spell, and as such has both the tags “Lightning” and “Spell”, but it also has the tag “Instant Cast” and “Intelligence” indicating that it scales based on your current Intelligence stat and counts as an instant cast for anything that interacts with instant abilities. Summon Thorn Totem is a Minion but more specifically a Totem and will scale based on those tags but also indicates that it scales based on your Attunement ability score. Every ability in the game has tags that map out how they are going to interact with other abilities, the gear you equip, and the sorts of passive talent points that you invest in.

It is that last bit that becomes very important because sometimes a skill talent tree can impact the tags associated with a skill. They can either add new tags, remove tags, or sometimes change a tag completely. Let’s look at Warpath specifically as I am currently running two different builds that use that ability in different ways. By default, Warpath has the tags Physical, Melee, Area, Channeled, Movement, and Strength and you can scale the ability based on any of those interactions. If you choose Apocalypse Whirl in the skill tree it causes that ability to lose the Physical tag and instead gain the Void Tag. Similarly, if you choose Earthscorcher it will cause the ability to lose the physical tag and gain the Fire tag instead. These two notable passives are mutually exclusive, and change how you would begin to gear for that ability. Most abilities in the game have some sort of version of this interaction that allows you to lean into a specific playstyle or damage type, allowing you to more efficiently scale.

If you look at gearing, the affixes that are on an item will more or less map directly to the tagging system. For example, the Two-Handed Mace above scales Void Damage, so it would work well with an ability that either starts as dealing void damage or one that you have shifted to void damage in the above Warpath example. The Bow has Minion Melee Damage and Minion Bow Damage, and as such would scale the damage of any minions you create that either do Bow Attacks or Melee Attacks, but would not scale Thorn Totems that we talked about above because they have the Spell tag associated with them and not Bow or Melee. Harthenon’s Vow scales Melee Physical Damage which would work great with Warpath in its original form, but does nothing if you shift it to Fire or Void. Things get a little more tricky when afflictions interact with items… for example, Warpath shifted with the Earthscorcher talent can inflict Ignite, which itself does fire damage over time. Knowing that means that Firestarter’s Torch will specifically scale the damage if the Ignite you are inflicting on targets, but not necessarily the Fire-based Warpath damage directly.

You can in theory limp through the campaign on almost any combination of abilities, gear, and passive points. However, if you want a build that feels exceptionally good, you are going to want to pay attention to synergies between abilities, the tags that scale them, and the gear that you were equipping. Shifting everything to a single damage type, for example, makes it much easier to gear your character and makes every interaction that much more powerful. On my Void Knight that I am pushing towards 100, I have shifted pretty much every ability that I am using towards Void Melee damage so that I can scale effectively off either pure Void Damage, Void Melee, or pure Melee scaling. For the Ignite character that I have been tweaking, I have been focusing more on Fire Damage Over Time and Ignite Chance so that I don’t have to worry too much about whether or not my abilities are critical attacks. I need to take a step back and rework some things because right now I am having survival issues… but knowing my core focus on that character will allow me to shift some things around to create a better functioning total package.

The awesome thing about Last Epoch is that the interactions between abilities, gear, and talents are extremely straightforward. In Path of Exile, there are a bunch of edge cases where something might be tagged as this but scales in a very specific way when it comes to the damage that is being dealt. I am sure there are probably SOME edge-case interactions here, but most things certainly feel more clearly outlined. Mostly I wanted to talk about the concept of tagging because I know at this point Last Epoch is interesting to a lot of players who have not gotten down in the weeds when it comes to character builds. When I was playing Diablo, I was not necessarily paying attention to the nuance of every ability and trying to glean their finer interactions because I didn’t need to. Skill Tagging however is one of those concepts that will help you go a long way towards making more enjoyable characters without following a guide.

Fire Bro On Hold

Good Morning Friends! I hope you all had a delightful weekend. I spent most of my in Last Epoch and a shocking amount of it grouped up with friends doing some multiplayer shenanigans. That is really the piece of this game that works so much better than Path of Exile… grouping with my friends does not feel needlessly punitive. In fact, if you happen to die while grouped with friends… you can res up and port back into the instance just fine. I’ve mostly shifted back to playing my Void Knight but I will talk about the reasoning for that a bit later. Kodra has come back from his trip and recently we have been trying to get him caught up and through normal monoliths. Originally my Fire Bro was an attempt to keep a character at his level… but then it was just too damned fun and I rushed through to empowered monoliths without really meaning to.

As far as my Void Knight goes, I have added a few levels but have not really made any major gear changes since I last talked about the character. I keep farming 120+ Orobyss but have had zero luck in finding another Apathy’s Maw Axe… specifically one with legendary potential and have not yet seen a Shattered Chains belt. Similarly, I’ve farmed God Hunter Argentus a number of times and have yet to see another Wings of Argentus chest-piece let alone one with legendary potential. I have levers that I can pull to keep trying for better get, but have simply not been lucky. I did find an LP1 copy of Darkstride boots but didn’t exactly get lucky on the craft, but wound up with something better than nothing. If you are curious I’ve dumped a build over on Last Epoch Tools for the current state of my character.

One thing that I had to do this weekend was create a significantly more strict loot filter. I had been using one that started out as something that came from Maxroll and that I kept tweaking. I decided I just needed to blow that away completely and start out on my own. I’m essentially hiding all normal, magic, rare, exalted, and idols and then only showing very specific stats that I care about. I have a broader rule that shifts things to pink that I specifically want to keep track of for sharding. Then I have some super specific rules for the Sceptres and Two-Handed Axes that I am looking for on both Void and Fire builds. Lastly, I have a rule to show ALL Tier 7 Exalted items, and then the one I am showing in the above screenshot in an attempt to catch any Exalted item with two Tier 6 affixes. This was made more important since I am just about to ding Rank 8 with Circle of Fortune where EVERY Rare drop will have a 25% chance of upgrading into an Exalted.

As for Fire Bro…. in truth right now in its current state, this build is just not good enough. I was able to get all the way to Empowered Monoliths… with some help from Ace in killing Elder Gaspar. However in Empowered Monoliths I either need more damage or more survival… because the combination of what I currently have is simply not good enough. I could tweak this build in a number of ways but I was trying to stay pure to the original goal of using the Torch and lighting everything on fire. I want to spend some time pouring over the character sheet and playing with it a bit in Last Epoch Tools to see if I can find a way forward either through gearing or respeccing points. I need to spend some time looking at other ignite builds to see how they are working and what sort of gearing they are going for. I’ve not given up… I just would rather focus on my Void Knight for the time being.

I also have a bunch of alts waiting in the wings that I am probably going to level a bit as well. I have a Falconer, Bleed Wolves Beastmaster, Flame Reave Spellblade, and a character that I plan on trying to yolo my way into a Fire Damage Earthquake Shaman build. Still having a heck of a lot of fun with this game and trying out new characters that I have not played before.

AggroChat #469 – Explosion Specialist

Featuring: Ammosart, Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen

Tonight we are back with the whole crew. We start off the show talking about how Secrets of Grindea, a game that we did an early gameclub show about…  has FINALLY launched out of Early Access. From there we talk about Last Epoch some more as Kodra was out last week and has much to say about explosions.  We also discussed building different characters and how the game rewards them.  Bel attempts a Tier list but gets shut down as he is the only one who still prefers Path of Exile. Finally, Tam and Ammo share their early thoughts about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Topics Discussed:

  • Secrets of Grindea Launched
  • Last Epoch
    • Kodra Returns and Has Thoughts
    • The joy of building new characters
    • Bel’s Tier Ranking Gets Shut Down
  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth