Freezing Blade Vortex

Good Morning Folks! We’ve been dealing with some sort of flu-like crud that has swept through our house. I feel awful, but I am doing much better than my wife is… which means that I have become the defacto caregiver. So this weekend I pretty much needed some comfort gaming, which meant that I spent most of my time screwing around with a new character in Path of Exile. For a while now I have contemplated either building a cyclone character or a blade vortex character for that whole whirlwind “spin to win” equivalent gameplay. While neither is really quite like the Whirlwind Barbarian, Cyclone mostly gets used as a vehicle for delivering other attacks via cast-on-channeling… which pushed me towards Blade Vortex.

More specifically I was interested in the cold conversion version of the build that can freeze entire packs in seconds allowing you to ignore a lot of the defensive layers as locking down targets goes a long way. At the moment I have a 93% chance to freeze targets, and given how often blade vortex hits that is pretty much a guaranteed freeze as soon as I hop into a pack of mobs. More than that I am running a medium cluster with Blast-Freeze which works similar to Fan the Flames does for ignites and my freezes spread to everything in a 1.2 meter radius. I wish this was chained, but unfortunately, it only applies to freezes from the initial attack and not freezes that proc from Blast-Freeze. I also have an “explody chest” with the crusader modifier that causes enemies to deal 1/10th of their life as physical damage… which then gets converted entirely to cold damage via hrimsorrow.

I am loosely following this POB, and am now trying to decide if I want to go the route of +1 physical wand and shield, or if I want to shift things up and go for a +3 bow and quiver setup. The biggest benefit of staying with a physical wand or scepter and a caster shield is that it allows me to keep using shield charge. Given that all of my physical is being converted to cold, it is not unusual for the shield charge itself to freeze something. The biggest negative about +physical gear right now is that is also what Penance Brand of Dissipation is using, which has jacked up the price of everything on the market. I have a +1 physical scepter that I attempted to throw some fossils at but have not really had much in the way of luck yet. I might yolo some “reforge cold” harvest crafts to see what that yields given that I have +1 physical as a fracture.

Probably the best aspect of this build is that it can pretty much perma-freeze a boss long enough to kill it. Which helps greatly considering that my survival is in a really bad state. I have capped my resistances at 75% all but have nothing much in the way of armor or evasion to speak of… and am not even close to having capped spell suppression. If I get looked at the wrong way I am going to go down in a blaze of glory. Mostly right now I need to grind out the first few charms and then put on some levels because I think currently I am level 73 so just barely started. I can however fairly comfortably do red maps even without upgrading to a decent wand/shield. I should probably also swap out all of my gems for fully leveled and qualitied ones as I just have whatever I leveled with. I did splurge for a 21/20 Blade Vortex but so far that is the only “endgame” gem that I have.

At some point today I will work my way through the fourth labyrinth and get the Primal Aegis up and running. That should help quite a bit as I already have quite a number of notables allocated. It will also make me immune to reflected elemental damage which will help greatly as I am converting all of my physical to cold. Other than that I really need more life, and would love to figure out a way to work in haste because I feel slow currently. For a very squishy build it is shockingly viable given the screen-wide freezing effect. I get now why this has at various points in the past been a popular league starter.

AggroChat #467 – Bombardier Falcon

Featuring: Ammosart, Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen

Hey Folks! This week we have a sick Bel that is trying to hold on during the show and a very long-distance Kodra, but it all works out in the end.  We start off with some discussion about Marvel reprinting the Godzilla comic run that has been out of print for decades.  From there Bel and Grace talk a bit about some recent experiences with Enshrouded and playing it multiplayer.  Bel also talks a bit about the endgame and its strengths and weaknesses.  From there we talk quite a bit about Last Epoch and the reveal of the Falconer and the upcoming 1.0 release.  We discuss our plans for the first “cycle” and how we seem to all be favoring the magic find faction. Lastly, we get into a discussion about how the spoiler-averse culture that we find ourselves in makes it very hard to discuss narrative games.

Topics Discussed:

  • Godzilla Marvel Comic
  • Enshrouded
    • Some Multiplayer Gameplay
    • Discussing the strengths and weaknesses
  • Last Epoch
    • Falconer Reveal
    • Looking forward to 1.0
  • Spoiler Aversion
    • How it is hard to discuss narrative games

South Central Ruins Chest Farm

Good Morning Folks! I have to be perfectly honest… I thought I was done documenting camps. Yesterday I crafted my final level of flame altar and was going to spend the evening poking around the previously deadly shroud areas. However, before sitting down to do this, I saw this video over on YouTube reporting to have the “fastest legendary farm ever”. I am a sucker for this nonsense and given that I documented two other really good farms, I thought I would at least check this one out. Turns out that this is maybe the single best farming spot I have experienced.

The video title was not hyperbole in the least. The farm originally comes from this video by 04AM, but since Glitchiz is the video I first saw and it covers ONLY this one farm I figured that would be the one that I embed. I am uncertain what level of shroud you need to have, but you likely need to have at least found the Kindlewastes spire and have the ability updraft to make it straight forward. During the video, he covers the entire setup of the farm and some tips, like things I did not even think about such as using a grappling point to make getting to the chest a bit faster. I’m legitimately hoping that this is going to be the last time I feel compelled to document one of these chest farms, but in truth pending you want max-level gear, this is the only one you are going to need.

Essentially you are going to fly West South West of the Kindlewastes Ancient Spire, which I have highlighted on my map to show in reference where the spot is. The red bag icon marks where the location of the chest actually is. The only gotchas with this camp is that it isn’t necessarily entirely safe. There are the “giant pterodactyl bird” things roaming around this area, and on very rare occasions one will get close enough to this area to aggro. So either you need to build yourself a safe “hidey hole” that you can duck into around the flame altar, or you need to be able to safely kill one of these. You can see in the first screenshot of this post, that the chest will be sticking half out of the sand by a dead tree on the edge of a set of desert ruins that have no spawns in them.

The above screenshot of my chest represents an hour of farming at this location. I did not keep anything below legendary quality and skipped over most of the duplicates. Additionally, I ignored all of the set gear because I already had two full sets of everything. In truth had I kept everything it would have easily filled up two of the max-size chests, and I got more than a full set of each of the types of armor. What was interesting about this location is that the legendary drop rate chance was so much higher than either of the two camps that I had spent time farming. More than that I saw a lot of items that I only ever saw in epic rarity from the other camps. I am pretty sure this chest is capable of dropping every single legendary weapon in the game. At none of the camps have I seen any legendary shields or rings, and the only thing of the sort I have seen is a magical shield bracelet thingy from the first camp.

What was awesome though is that the camp allowed me to pretty much swap out all of the gear that I was using for an upgrade. The White Wolf Sword has a very bright blue glow, but more important than that is all of the +Shroud Damage it is capable of doing. Similarly, the Ritual Tempest Wand is awesome for all of the +Shock Damage it can deal. Then we have Wolf’s Snarl Longbow, which I had only ever seen a purple version of… and has the highest damage of any bow I have seen in the game so far. That said there were so many drops that you could pretty much find a weapon to suit whatever playstyle you are going for at this one camp. The Iron Cave is still probably easier to get to early on, but after seeing the output of this camp I would completely skip the Cliffside camp that I talked about yesterday.

I have some thoughts about where I would love to see Enshrouded go as a game, but I will probably save those for another day. I hope to try out grouping with some friends over the weekend where I will very likely start a brand new character. I legitimately hope this is the last one of these camps that I feel like I need to document, as spinning the loot table over and over is getting a bit boring.

Southeast Cliffside Chest Farm

Good Morning Folks! After having some luck with the chest farm that I showed off yesterday, I decided to try another one that I have seen in literally every YouTube video talking about Level 25 Golden Chests. This one is located in the very Southeastern corner of the map down by Scatterbone and one of the Sun Temples. Of note… this is the Sun Temple which has the legendary glider that I talked about yesterday. It is going to require you to have Flame Level 5 and you are also going to have to take a bit of a leap of faith. There is a ledge just above the deadly shroud where the chest is located, and the easiest way to get there is to run along the cliffside to the west of Scatterbone and then drop down and glide into place.

When you get there the chest is going to be exposed on a pile of rubble, and there is plenty of land for you to be able to set up a Flame Altar just outside of the range of the chest. I am guessing that the original intent for this chest was to be buried down inside of the rubble and that you would have to bomb or dig to expose it. Unlike the chest I showed off yesterday, this one does not require any lockpicks. However that said it seems to have significantly worse drop rates than the Iron Cave chest. The majority of the time you are likely going to get white and blue items, the occasional purple, and very rarely legendary orange items. What is interesting about this farm however is that it has a completely different batch of armor sets, this time the level 25 versions.

Elder Armor Set

I thought I would take a moment this morning to go over the three new armor sets that I found, and photoshop together a little image that shows all of the items as well as the appearance. First up we have the Elder set, and this seems to be the set that I see most of the YouTubers wearing. This is primarily designed for the wand and stave wielders and buffs mana regen and magical damage. It also offers high magical resistance but low physical resistance.

Eagle Eye Armor Set

Next up is the Eagle Eye set which is very clearly designed for ranged combat and specifically folks going down the path of the bow. Most of these armor sets have a bit of a natural glow to them that helps illuminate dark areas, but this one unfortunately has the least amount of glowy bits. I dig the design but I am likely never going to main a bow, and mostly just use mine for pulling. This set has balanced resistance with the same numbers for both physical and magical.

Radiant Paladin Armor Set

This set however is entirely my jam, The Radiant Paladin is a health regen, melee set, offering high physical resistance and decent enough magical resistance. It also has a lot of glowy bits which really helps to illuminate your surroundings. This is going to be the set that I wear from this point forward, or at least until there is an even better set that I find.

Between the two camps, I have spent quite a bit of time opening chests and doing the logout reset game. However, I think for the time being I am mostly done with chest farming. I was specifically seeking the legendary version of the Nova sword and I picked that up last night. I also got a bow that I like quite a bit and have swapped it out for my purple one. Mostly several of the bosses are weak to shroud damage and this will give me a way of plinking them from a distance. You can also see the assortment of legendary weapons that I have picked up in my travels in a shot of my storage chest on the right side of the above image. There is a shield that I got early on in the game that had a lot of glow to it, and I would really like to find a level 25 legendary version of it. So I might do some research to see if such a thing exists. It seems like every item in the game can be found in all four rarities and at most item levels, so I am guessing it is out there somewhere.

I’ve come very close to “beating” the game in its current state. Now that I have finished gearing up, I will likely gather the rest of the bits needed to unlock the final rank of the Flame Altar so that I can explore the remaining deadly shroud areas. Past that, I think the only real things that I have left on my radar is doing some more build projects. I would like to take over a town at some point and try refurbishing it. I also need to finish up the remaining few tradesfolk quests requesting different items from the shrouded areas. All in all, it is a heck of a game. However, it has made me realize how much I would love to see something akin to Enshrouded but with an ARPG build and randomized loot system. Having some chase rare items would make farming content in this game feel a bit more enjoyable, especially if the drops were more focused on individual monster kills rather than finding golden chests. As it stands killing random encounters is a way to farm resources, not actually find anything cool.

At this point, I have gotten over 50 hours of joy from this game so I would definitely say it is worth the purchase and then some. I will also keep returning over time, but it is making me realize that at some point I really need to make my way back to Valheim and give it another go. A few years have passed and I am sure the game is a bit more fleshed out now.