Netflix and Lava Burst

Last night I took a break from attempting to halt the Mongol invasion of Japan and returned to Azeroth. I have three characters horde side that are not 120. Weirdly they also represent most of my allied races characters aka my Maghar Shaman, Void Elf Priest and Vulpera Rogue. I made a massive push and leveled so many things to 120 in such a short period of time, that I am now sorta keeping these as a low key side project for when I need equally low key levels of activity. World of Warcraft is comfort gaming that I can more or less play in my sleep at this point, and sometimes you just need that in your life.

I am however getting somewhat tired of Borean Tundra. It is significantly more efficient than Howling Fjord but it also lags a bit and has a few quests that I absolutely cannot stand. I am standing where I am because I was lured over to complete a quest without reading what it was. I abandoned the quest where you load a mule up with wreckage and then try and get it back to base without losing anything. I just cannot be bothered by that nonsense and as a result I think I am probably going to be seeking out a command board to get the starter quest to go elsewhere in Northrend.

I am not a completionist at all and I will happily abandon quests left and right, especially when I am playing an alt. I’m 76 currently and I believe the elevator stops when I get to 80 and will ultimately transition over into I believe a choice of Pandaria or Cataclysm. As frustratingly gated as it is, I do enjoy the content in Pandaria significantly more as it has aged. In fact my overall opinion of that expansion has also increased significantly with age. Strangely Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King on the other hand are content blocks that I don’t look forward to in quite the way that I once did because the game has evolved since those days as has my attention span.

In my normal tradition of discovering things years too late… my wife and I have recently started a watch through of Schitt’s Creek. I had heard of the show but never got around to checking it out, and quite honestly I had no clue what the Pop Channel was. It turns out it is the channel formerly known as Prevue and later the TV Guide Channel… which is peak levels of irony since I used to work for the parent company during the early 2000s. I spent New Years of 2000 on the roof of the corporate headquarters since we had an all hands order as we prepared for all of the post apocalyptic things that were supposed to be happening.

It is a good show but I am not entirely certain if I can pinpoint WHY I find it so funny. I think on one hand it is that Schitt’s Creek is not dissimilar to the tiny towns that both my wife and I grew up in. I know the people that are represented on screen and serve as a foil to the Rose family. David and Stevie are without a doubt my favorite characters, but I do admit it was a little weird seeing Chris Elliot playing Roland without devolving to full Cabin Boy levels of nonsense. I think the series does a good job of creating humorous fish out of water situations without going all the way in painting the local folk as idiots. I ran like hell as soon as I could get out of my small town upbringing, and am still in many ways running from it… but that said I still have certain nostalgia for the cast of non-sequitur characters that small towns create.

As of last night we are about halfway through season three and I am hoping by the time we get there the sixth and final season will be available on netflix.

1 thought on “Netflix and Lava Burst”

  1. Hi Belghast, I am guessing you meant Nightborne instead of Void Elf since Void Elf is Alliance. I know when I read about the allied races I was disappointed Nightborne wasn’t Alliance. At this point I decided to wait for the prepatch to level but it is odd not playing.

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