Valheim Early Impressions

As is likely to happen, every so often a game comes from out of nowhere and takes the zeitgeist by a storm. One of those happening right now seems to be Valheim, a small indie survival game based on Norse mythology that has entered steam early access. Currently the game is $20 and based on the press I had seen about it, I decided to poke my head in. I have to say Valheim is charming in a way that most games in the survival genre are not, and it is very hard to put my finger on why. In many ways it reminds me of games like Outward that in turn remind me of my early experiences in MMORPGs like Everquest and Dark Age of Camelot.

The game sits in this really odd place of being both beautiful, and also a little rough around the edges. Take for example the character models. They are blocky and brutish and remind me more than a little bit of the faceless poppets from Ashen. I went with my standard beardymans look and ventured forth into the world not fully understanding what I was getting myself into. One of the interesting things about the game is that it works both as a single player adventure as well as giving you the ability to host your own server session or rent a permanent server space. Additionally your one character can span multiple worlds, so that when you feel like you have tapped out the resources in one… you can just move yourself along to a brand new randomized world.

The intro to the game shows you being carried into Valheim in the clutch of a giant raven. This seems very reminiscent to the opening sequence of Demon’s Souls. The key difference being you are effectively being carried by one of the messengers of Odin the all-father given his connection in lore to the raven. In fact Huginn serves as your guide to the world, and each time you encounter something new he shows up to teach you some lesson about how to utilize this thing. That said the game really does not do much in the way of hand holding at all, and you are effectively left to your own devices to sort things out. Shortly after the crow sequence the following text plays out on screen effectively explaining the games setting.

Long ago, the all-father Odin united the worlds. He threw down his foes and cast them into the tenth world, then split the boughs that held their prison to the world-tree, and left it to drift unanchored, a place of exile…

For centuries, this world slumbered uneasily. But it did not die… As glacial ages passed, kingdoms rose and fell out of sight of the gods.

When Odin heard his enemies were growing once again in strength, he looked to Midgard and sent his Valkyries to scour the battlefields for the greatest of their warriors. Dead to the world, they would be born again… In Valheim.

From here it plays out a lot like Rust or Ark where you start by punching trees and foraging berries and eventually build up to making proper tools and weapons that allow you to explore a little more safely. There are hostile animals as well as little forest Trog looking things called Greylings. They will randomly decide to come after you and also have the habit of coming around and messing with your stuff, pending there is anything worth messing with. One of the first missions of the game seems to be finding shelter, given that the nights can get very cold and if you stay cold for too long you start to take damage.

This was my very first “base” which ended up as a crudely assembled long house with a dirt floor and a few objects like a bed and a workbench. This served me well for awhile and more than likely I would have been just fine keeping this up. Knowing what I know now however, the Island you start on is dotted with ruined shelters that could very quickly be repaired to a pretty comfortable state much faster than going about building your own thing. On future islands I am probably going to seek one of these out as my starting base of operations. Instead I built a structure where you spawn in and have just been exploring out each day from that location.

There are interesting aspects of the game, like cooking for example requires you to stay by the fire and listen for the thing you are cooking to change the way it is sizzling. This reminds me a bit of the way that cooking in the Monster Hunter games works, in that you have a brief window of “doneness” that you have to harvest the item before it is charred beyond recognition. Side note however this is how you get charcoal that I believe you will need in the future for other things. I have a cooking rack over my fire which allows me to cook two slabs of meat at a time. I also have a number of bee hives that supposedly will allow me to start making mead… but I have yet to properly figure that one out yet.

My activity for last night was to build a proper house, which you can see in the last two images, the inside and the outside. I had to put fences around my bee hives because over night I could hear greylings messing with them. They got too close and aggravated the bees, which drove them away but I don’t want them to be able to break them. Finding a queen bee is enough of a challenge that I don’t want to lose one. As far as where I am going now… I am not exactly sure. For the time being I seem to be out of aspirational goals, so I think now is the time when I am supposed to fight the first boss. That is the other aspect of the game that is interesting is it apparently has bosses and dungeons. Neither of which I’ve actually encountered as of yet.

I did however get what I think is the boss to summon hordes of monsters to come attack me. This is ultimately why I put the row of spikes around the outside of my building, to try and double up the layers and hopefully be able to fend off and attack if I needed to duck inside and wait it out. The entire attack seemed to only last for a specific amount of time and I am guessing these are going to happen at a fairly regular interval until I defeat the boss. I have no clue HOW to summon the boss however and I have gone to the location where it is marked on my map and found nothing. So this means I am likely going to do some research and try and figure out what I need to do to move forward.

Regardless, I think one of the things that makes this game so relaxing is the soundtrack. It has one that is not dissimilar to that of Minecraft which at least during the day leads to a relaxing sort of vibe as you wander the forest looking for resources. Are you also playing Valheim? Drop me a line with your thoughts.

Walking on End Shine

I have been completely out of the loop on all things Final Fantasy XIV for awhile now. I bounced pretty hard after completing the phenomenal Shadowbringers storyline and never quite came back. So it completely snuck up on me when Friday night they were having a big reveal stream about the next expansion. So if you were like me, here is an attempt to catch you up. Granted this is by no means going to be a detailed rundown of the events. If you want to see the entire presentation you can check it out here. If you want a highly detailed rundown then I suggest Nova Crystallis which tends to be where I watch via twitter.

Based on what I have gathered, this expansion is going to represent the end of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark storyline. I don’t want to go into too much detail about that given that you really should play the story content to experience what we know up to this point for yourself. I myself plan on playing catch up soon and working through the story quests to get wrapped up and prepared for the expansion. Essentially there has been a story arc that has been lovingly crafted that starts with A Realm Reborn and will end with this expansion. Yoshi-P made it very clear to point out that this is not the end of Final Fantasy XIV nor is it the end of his involvement with the project.

Where are we going? Apparently the moon! It seems like it is finally time to mine Final Fantasy IV for story tidbits and that means we are visiting the moon and all the weirdness that it entails. They have announced a Lunar Whale mount that you can get as part of the digital fanfest package… which makes me wonder if we will in fact be riding a giant whale to the moon and back like we did in the 16 bit era game. I am super on board with this if it is in fact a thing that happens. Additionally since each expansion has had a chosen class to represent the Warrior of Light/Darkness it seems that for this one we are going with Paladin. So lets run down the sequence of classes so far…

  • FFXIV 1.0 – Archer and Gladiator depending on the marketing
  • A Realm Reborn – Warrior
  • Heavensward – Dragoon
  • Stormblood – Monk and Samurai at different times
  • Shadowbringers – Dark Knight
  • Endwalker – Paladin

Other places we are going apparently includes Thavnair and apparently the city of Radz-at-Han. I am not sure if this is going to be a main destination or something crafting related given that this city shows up so much in crafting lore. The city this artwork shows off seems really freaking cool to explore and it almost gives a whole walled city vibe but suspended in the air. Maybe we will just be able to buy the onions in the market?

We are also apparently visiting Garlemald proper, rather than just through a series of cutscenes not involving our character. I think more than anything this proves that this is in fact the end of this storyline and maybe even this world. Garlemald has been something held over us from day one, and I figured we would finally arrive there and visit in the final expansion. The last expansion gave us a way out of this being the end of the game, but I think it might be the end of this world since we are finally seeing the evil empire for what it is.

As has been the standard when an expansion is released, we get one new class reveal early on. It seems we are getting a new healer this time in the form of the Sage. The thing is… this version of the Sage is nothing like I remember from other games. It looks very Allagan in theme with weird floating swords called Nouliths. It was described as a “Barrier-Type” healer which sounds like the realm that the Scholar already occupies? They seem to be splitting the healers into two categories of Barrier and Pure, which is only going to serve to cause much drama among the healers. I forsee gatekeeping in the future.

Allisae got her “glow-up” during Stormblood when she was announced to be a Red Mage. This time around it is time for Alphinaud to get his turn and instead of forever being an Arcanist, he finally gets a proper job in the form of Sage. I will sorta miss his grossly overpowered Carbunkle action. I do think that the class looks sorta badass and if I ever play a healer I might run one of these up. Other tidbits of note is that there is a level increase but also at the same time a stat squish of sorts to bring the numbers down. It seems like any game that successfully runs a sufficient amount of time has to have one of these.

I’m linking the full sage reveal trailer so you can find that easily if you so choose. As far as the other class they have announced that it is a melee class but we don’t have many solid lead to go on. Some folks are saying Templar which apparently is sort of like the Mystic Knight from FFV. Others are saying that it is going to be Necromancer using a scythe as the weapon. Others still are claiming once again that we are going to get Beastmaster which never seems to work out given how hard that class is going to be to implement properly. I have no ideas at all because most of the classes that I could think of that would be interesting are casters.

The thing that honestly interests me the most is supposedly there is going to be an Island Sanctuary we can go to that is essentially Stardew Valley meets Final Fantasy XIV. Depending on how well this is carried out and how grindy it feels… this might be that thing that keeps me engaged with Final Fantasy XIV for the long run. If we got our own version of Stardew/Animal Crossing in Final Fantasy with adorable Final Fantasy themed encounters… I would probably be completely there for it.

So have you been following the news about Endwalker? What are your thoughts? Drop me a line below.

AggroChat #333 – Adventures with Lava

Featuring: Ammo, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo and Thalen

Tonight we are down an Ashgar but start off the show with some discussion about Bel’s adventures in Hardcore Minecraft.  Grace also had never played Minecraft prior to this week and she shares her initial thoughts and just how much cultural knowledge about the game had seeped in from other sources.  A topic that didn’t happen last week but we talk about how Gabe Newell and Elon Musk want to put computers in our brains.  Tam shares his experiences with that Death based Puzzle game Hitman 3.  Kodra talks about his son and Let’s Go Pikachu and this leads to some discussion about Pokemon Snap.  Finally we have a lightning round of quick topics including that the Dark Angels are good, a preface for next week’s discussion about Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, Diablo 4 not releasing in 2021 and Doctor Snuggles a Nickelodeon show we deleted from our memory banks.

Topics Discussed

  • Hardcore Minecraft
    • Life After Death
    • Grace plays Minecraft for First Time
    • Horrific Machines
  • Gabe Newell and Elon Musk want Computers in our Heads
    • Addiction to the cutting edge
    • The cost of technology adoption
  • Hitman 3
    • A puzzle but someone dies
  • Let’s Go Pikachu
    • Pokemon Snap
  • Quick Topics
    • Dark Angels Surprisingly Good
    • Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker
    • No Diablo 4 in 2021
    • Doctor Snuggles

Topical Grab Bag

Hey Friends. This morning I didn’t really have a big topic to talk about but instead a bunch of smaller topics so as such you are getting a bit of a grab bag post. Right now I have found myself between games and as such I spent pretty much all last night playing around in Minecraft. However this morning I am realizing there were things I potentially should have been doing.

Resident Evil x The Division 2

Two weeks ago it was announced that there was going to be a cross over between Resident Evil and The Division, and the problem with announcing something that far ahead of time… is I forget about it. This morning I found out that this event apparently started on the 2nd of February and runs until the 15th. During that time you can earn five different iconic outfits from the Resident Evil franchise. You can see that I have on the Leon Kennedy outfit from Resident Evil 2. Also available during the event are:

There are also a number of arm patches and back trophies available as well as a Nemesis mask pending you collect all of the nonsense. There is an official post with a run down of the information over on the Ubisoft website. It sounds like every four SHD levels you gain during the event you pick up a key that unlocks an item from the event. You can also directly purchase keys for 100 premium currency which equates to $0.76 per key when buying the $49.99 packs of currency or $0.99 per key when purchasing the cheapest $4.99 pack. There are 21 key unlocks in total available and if you want to “catch em all” you will need to either grind out 84 SHD levels before the 15th or spend the equivalent of $15.96 to $20.79 to buy enough keys to unlock everything. You need 2100 currency to buy all the keys and I feel like this is a strategic number because there is a $19.99 pack that gives you 2250.

No Diablo 4 in 2021

Yesterday I read a PC Gamer article giving a rundown of the ActiBlizz investors call for Q4 2020. During that call it was apparently clarified that neither Diablo 4 or Overwatch 2 were planned to release during the calendar year 2021. The specific quote is as follows:

“We expect Blizzard’s net booking to grow, given the momentum in World of Warcraft and the other growth initiatives we have in the business,” Activision chief financial officer Dennis Durkin said during the call. “Our outlook does not include Diablo 4 or Overwatch 2 launching in 2021.”

Andy Chalk via PC Gamer

I have to admit that this largely craters my expectations and excitement for BlizzConline. I mean sure it is completely free this year since it is an online version of the show that would have happened in 2020 were that not such a dumpster fire of a year. It isn’t honestly like 2021 has been that much better so far. I am still going to tune in and watch but I have bottomed out my expectations, given that I legitimately thought we would get a release date and maybe demo announcement for Diablo 4. The truth however is that they are nowhere near as far along in the development process as I would have thought.

What I do think however is that we are probably going to get a same day shadow drop of Diablo Immortal on mobile storefronts. This statement in an Investors call is a pretty safe way of getting the information out there without making a big deal about it. I think this is some adept expectation setting so that there is not a repeat of the 2018 “Don’t You Have Phones?” incident. I am going to be honest, I am looking forward to Diablo Immortal because I have gotten to the point where I play a fair amount of mobile games before bedtime. If it gives me effectively Diablo 3 on my phone, I am more than happy to oblige with a download.

Uncanniest Valley

Lastly and I tweeted about this yesterday, but this “FemShep” model is freaking me the hell out. This looks almost exactly like someone that I work with. Her name is Michelle and she is a project manager, and super nice. I had said that I was going to go with playing the stock Female Shepard during my play through of Legendary Edition in May, but now I am not so certain how exactly I feel about this. I will have to see what the other options are for both Male and Female Shepard before I ultimately make a decision. I am just not sure if I am comfortable playing as the doppelganger of someone that I actually know.

I realize there is zero connection between this person that I know and the actual game and it is just a quirk of trying to make the in game model skew a little closer to the Iconic artwork. However it still weirds me the hell out.