Playstation Play Showcase 2021

Good Morning Friends! Yesterday we got the PlayStation Play Showcase for 2021… which far as I can tell is what they would have shown if they had actually participated in E3 this year. As is the case with any Sony presentation, there was a lot of obsequious nonsense, largely in the form of a truly bizarre high art chess metaphor thing at the beginning of the show. I am certain this is going to be what we see from this point on for PlayStation ads on television instead of you know… actual gameplay segments. If you care to experience the entire conference there is a link below. I am pretty hyped about some of what I saw yesterday, and this morning I am going to talk about the elements that excited me.

Project Eve

I have no idea what is going on with this game but I am interested. Apart from being a vehicle for delivering slow-motion butt shots, it appears to be this mashup of Bayonetta, Nier, Devil May Cry, and Korean Horror films… and the only bit that worries me is I could see this leaning into the Soulsborne genre. I knew and still largely know next to nothing about this game but I am intrigued. I think this game represents what is best about the whole convention circuit nonsense, is that it shows you a vision of a future that might come to be. We know nothing about the release date, and apparently, this was originally announced as a game for Xbox and PC so who knows what might have changed in the process to have this being shown at a PlayStation conference.


We’ve seen this game before, but the last time we saw it… it mostly looked like a movement tech demo. Now we actually get to see the world surrounding the character and some of the story elements. I have to say I am not big on spellcasters but this definitely looks like an interesting game. If this goes the way that I think this is going to go… this might just become another big AAA franchise with Frey being as popular as Aloy. This appears to be a PlayStation console exclusive, but is also releasing on the PC. My mindset might be changing about which I prefer, especially given how damned easy it is to play PS5 remotely from bed via my phone.

This trailer has a lot of fucking explaining to do. We are introduced to this adorable fuzzball, given its name… Homer… and then the trailer makes it seem this poor smol baby gets abandoned. You can’t do this shit to us. I demand answers… is the cat okay? Who is going to take care of the cat now that Frey is gone? Does time pass differently in whatever world she is pulled into? Home needs to be okay, and they better explain it to us.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Okay, it was already a given that I was going to give Wonderlands a spin when it is released, but I am always happy to watch another trailer. This time around they set it to the very apt Gimme Chocolate by Babymetal. I am not entirely certain there is a more apt song than this for anything Tiny Tina related. I mean she is a lot… an awful lot… and best served in small doses. That is my only hesitancy with this game, because if it is all Tiny Tina being Tiny Tina… that could get old really fast.

This game knows its players. There were lots of glamour shots of exploding piles of loot. So… legitimately it is like they made a trailer just for me. I love shooting monsters, I love it raining loot, and I love Babymetal. I am super sold.

Knights of the Old Republic Remake

I love Knights of the Old Republic, Revan is my favorite character in Star Wars history, and this game takes place in my favorite setting. It is not a huge ask to get me to replay all of that and experience it with a shiny coat of paint. I loved going back and re-exploring Mass Effect and I am absolutely certain I will enjoy going back and exploring Knights of the Old Republic all over again with fresh eyes. Early this year I finally got around to playing Knights of the Old Republic II, and I am really hoping this means we might see that get the remake treatment… because god it is a mess with some positive aspects that really needs some tweaks and improvements.


I have loved Wolverine since I was a little kid. I followed the comics religiously for years and was of just about the right age when he got his own solo comic for the first time. There are a lot of people who discount this anti-hero as a gruff single-note character, but he has some depth Bub. I am looking forward to seeing him treated with the same quality that Insomniac brought to Spiderman. Given how many crossovers there have been between Spidey and Wolvie… I could even see these franchises colliding at some point down the line. We don’t have a lot to go on, and that was a cinematic trailer and not something in game… so I expect we will probably have to wait several years for this one to see the light of day. Still that said I am excited to know it is on the way.

Spiderman 2

I am not certain, but I am pretty sure we are just about to get a game featuring both Spidermen… Miles and Peter… along with Eddie Brock’s Venom… and motherfuckin Kraven the Hunter. Kraven has always been my favorite Spiderman villain and I am so freaking on board to see him in a video game that does so much service to the comics. Like I am not certain… and I don’t think it has been verified… but there is no way that is NOT Kraven doing the voice over in this trailer. It is such a great time to be alive for comic book fans, and these stories are more accessible than they have ever been for those who never got into reading brightly colored newsprint.

Ghostwire Tokyo

I am not super into the fantasy of being a spellcaster, but I really do enjoy weird Japanese horror elements. So when it comes to Ghostwire Tokyo I am intrigued but not entirely sold. I love the strange neon world that it seems to be set in, and I love the monster designs… but it will all depend on how it feels to play. I am hoping a demo gets released at some point, because if it is spellcasting as an equivalent of first-person shooter like it was in the Heretic/Hexen games then I am probably on board. If it is more fiddly than press button get spell I am not sure. If I do pick this game up it is likely going to be when it is deeply discounted.

God of War 2: Ragnarok

The star of the show for me had to be Dad of War. I really enjoyed the first game and it reminds me that I really need to get back and finish it. It seems like Kratos gets back his chains from the original series, but also continues getting to use the super fun axe. I am so on board with Ryan Hurst as Thor, because I am going to be honest… him playing Beta in Walking Dead was one of the few things that made the Whisper War watchable. I love the treatment the team has done with Norse Mythology and it seems like we are just going to keep getting more of that good good stuff. It does make me wonder what is going to happen once we have wrapped up the Norse cycle of this game. I would love to see them explore Persian and Babylonian mythos next.

Wrapping Up

There are a bunch of games that I didn’t really single out. Blood Hunt for example looks really cool, but I don’t really like battle royale games even if you skin them with the Masquerade. Alan Wake getting an upgrade is nice for those who loved that game, but I hated the gameplay of shining that flashlight on things. Grand Theft Auto V gets yet another release and I am sure it will sell well, but I could give a shit because I still have yet to play it. There is something about the rockstar style of doing open-world games that do not jive with my sensibilities. Guardians of the Galaxy looks interesting, but Square failed me so massively with Avengers that I do not trust it. Gran Turismo 7 looks lovely, but I also don’t want to have sex with cars… and I am pretty sure it is specifically targeting that demographic as always.

I am going to be completely honest… it was a great show, but still does not give you much of a reason to buy a PlayStation 5 yet. All of this stuff is coming out in 2022 or later, which means there is still not going to be a lot of truly PlayStation 5 exclusive titles for a long while. I mean I loved Ratchet and Clank and am looking forward to Horizon Forbidden West but it is definitely seeming like this console generation is taking a bit more time to ramp up.