Death Farming Hauras

Hey Friends! I spent most of the weekend bouncing back and forth between two games. The primary of these was Outriders, which makes sense given that the new expansion dropped. I have to admit there are a lot of things about the expansion that annoy me. One of my favorite aspects of the original was the fact that after I completed the story, I could do some “choose my own adventure” type gameplay as I bounced back to previous flags on the map. There are a number of encounters that would spawn in as you moved through the world, and these were somewhat fun to play. You have to understand in Destiny 1 and 2… my all-time favorite game mode was patrol, where I could just roam aimlessly and kill things for fun and profit. The new story content does not have this functionality and the only way that you can go back to a previous area in the new zones… is to reset your story progress to that specific point.

It is very painfully clear that the studio’s intent was that we would be spending all of our time playing the Trial of Tarya Gratar, because that is the ONLY activity that is easily repeatable. Granted this is a perfectly fine game mode, but for my tastes, it takes entirely too long to do a full run. Once you sit down to play through it, you are committed to thirty minutes to an hour of dedicated attention. Granted you can checkpoint and resume a save attempt if you need to leave halfway through the event, but it will cost you an attempt in doing so. What I have instead been using the Trial for is to drop the difficulty down to apocalypse 10, and breezing through it to farm legendaries for deconstruction. This is giving me access to a good number of mods that I did not have in my repository given how stingy legendary drops were before.

Right now this is my favorite weapon in the game. I honestly do not remember what the original first slot trait was, but I replaced it with Firestorm from one of the new legendary weapons called Sunfall. Essentially Firestorm calls down a beam of fire from above that roasts anything within its radius for 8 seconds. The beam will follow your attacks, so if you get good with it you can have it slowly beam its way through a pack of mobs. This combined with Claymore which calls down an anomaly attack every 2 seconds for over 100k damage, means you can whittle things down very quickly. Firebrand Defiant is a random roll weapon, and I just happened to luck out and get something that worked extremely well for my purposes. Your mileage will absolutely vary given that I have gotten weapons named this… with completely useless perks on them. This also proves that the new purple three-perk weapons can be better than the legendaries that drop.

As far as usable gear goes, I have taken a page back from my old playbook of farming the beasts. In the base game, there are two quest chains that start out of the bar in Trench Town. Specifically for these purposes, I care about the Hauras hunter quest. If you do not have access to this because you have completed it in the past, simply finish up the rest of the hunter quests and that NPC will allow you to restart the entire chain. The reason why we care about this quest specifically, is that you can run in and kill two boss-type monsters… then let the waves of trash kill you as you hit your auto loot key to vacuum up the items. I’ve gotten pretty much all of the gear that I am currently using, as well as quite a few legendaries doing this rather mind-numbing farm.

The key to this success however is that you need to set your level to one apocalypse tier down from whatever you can currently do. Deaths at your current apocalypse tier cause you to lose experience progress, but if you have already filled the bar on a given tier… you can’t lose any progress. So when I was farming this the other day my highest tier was 14, but I was farming it at 13 and weirdly enough was still gaining pretty constant ascension XP regardless of the deaths. The only negative about this method is I have so much sustain that it sometimes takes forever for the trash mobs to kill me off. As a result, you can always go back to the lobby and come back into the game in order to reset at the checkpoint. Keep that trick in your arsenal if you also run into this problem.

I spent some time bouncing around the map trying different spots, and realistically Hauras seems to be the best option. There were a few other areas that I liked, that also gave me access to multiple boss types but the reset cycle was much more obtuse and took longer. There is a specific area in the Quarry for example that I really like, but it involved moving the truck to a new location and back to the Quarry in order to reset the spawns. As much as I hate dying over and over again to the same encounter to farm loot… it really is the most efficient method. I might record a video of the run at some point, but basically, trust the monster fights if you are just wanting to work on your gear. If you can burn through Trial of Tarya Gratar then by all means keep farming the proper endgame content.