AggroChat #450 – Arrrchivists Be Praised

Featuring: Ammosart, Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen

Hey Folks! We start the show by discussing Diablo 3 Season 29, and how it Visions of Enmity are shockingly good.  We praise the Arrrchivists who have somehow managed to make Marvel Heroes private servers a reality…  just currently feature-limited. Kodra and Ash talk about their experiences recently with the Furvana seaside Furry Convention.  Tam begins a discussion about narrative structures and how New Game Plus functions in different games.  Kodra talks about a brand new skip method in Mario 64 and how it essentially branched out of a long-running meme in the speed-running community. He also talks about playing the Mice and Mystics board game with his kiddo.  Finally, we wrap things up with some discussion of the newly announced Bluey Video Game.

Topics Discussed

  • Diablo 3 Season 29
    • Visions of Enmity
  • Marvel Heroes Returns…  Sorta
  • Furvana
  • Comparing Narrative Structures and New Game Plus
  • Don’t let your memes be dreams
    • Mario 64 new skip
  • Mice and Mystics
  • Bluey the Video Game

The Next Ugly Duckling

One of the things about me and Path of Exile is that it seems like I always have to have some project that I am tinkering with. In this league, I have had two resoundingly successful builds, and two that are probably way better than I am giving them credit for. Righteous Fire is essentially a guaranteed banger at this point, and I have tweaked it further than I have in previous leagues. There are still places I could go with it but it would involve a significant respec of my tree and figuring out a way to deal with ailments. Summon Raging Spirits Guardian is way stronger than I would have expected it to be, and it legitimately is on the same tier as Righteous Fire in my mind. Lightning Arrow did what it was supposed to do and helped me fund the switch to Righteous Fire, and then there is my Storm Brand Inquisitor that honestly gets better the longer I play it. Now I feel like I want to venture forth into undiscovered territory.

Two ascendancies saw massive reworks, the Guardian and the Chieftain. So I knew that I wanted to do something with Chieftain just for the hell of it, and so that I could experience the Hinekora node before it likely gets nerfed in the future. An ability that I really like but have never built around is Shield Crush. I played with it a bit on Ruthless, and remember seeing an interesting-looking Juggernaut build from Jorgen that was a deep delver. So I got it in my head that I wanted to try and take that concept and transplant it to the Chieftain tree and then focus on Physical to Fire conversion with some Ignite damage. Normally in this situation, I would lean on POE.Ninja to see what other builds are out there in the wild trying to do this thing. Unfortunately… there are two folks trying this in trade league and one in hardcore… and they are all somewhat doing something different with it.

One of the things that I have learned while playing Path of Exile for several leagues, is that just because something is not in the meta does not mean that it is bad. The challenge of course is that I just have to figure out how to make this combination of abilities feel good and strong enough to get through the campaign. There are some very specific uniques that I have already acquired that should make this feel great… but I have to get to the other side of the leveling gap before I can really utilize them. At the moment… I am sort of making it up as I go along and hoping that given a sufficient number of regret orbs, I can eventually shape this into something that feels great.

I’m currently in Act IV and desperately in need of an upgraded shield and preferably an upgraded sceptre that I can actually equip. My intelligence however is in the dumpster, so I am struggling to find something that is both a sufficient dps upgrade and that I can actually equip right now. For the moment I am running around with a hammer and that seems fine. The shield is important since shield crush scales off armor and energy shields. Mostly I want as much armor as I can reasonably get on the shield, but I’ve yet to see a new base for several levels. Unfortunately, the vendor in High Gate doesn’t seem to have anything to offer that would really help me out. I can do sufficient damage, and I am pretty tanky… but it just is a bit slow going at the moment. I feel like I am going through the ugly duckling doldrums for this build but I am going to push my way to the other side.

I’m not to the point of sharing a POB because I am not entirely certain what changes I am going to need to make in order to improve this. I took Avatar of Fire, and I think maybe I did so a bit too early. Between it and a few other abilities I was converting 90% of my physical damage to fire… but I think maybe it would be better off to also have access to other damage types for the time being. That is probably a late-game choice if I end up making it. I was looking at a build that was trying to do this back in 3.19… at least the fire conversion shield crush but the tree has changed significantly since then. It will be interesting if I can ultimately turn this into something fun.

Honkai Luck

Yesterday was the launch of a brand new banner in Honkai Star Rail, and as a result, I had to return and test my luck. I’ve not been playing this game of late, largely because I have been hyper-focused on Path of Exile. That said I had quite a amount of currency saved up given that I completely skipped the Not-Dan-Heng banner and managed to snag Kafka relatively quickly. Probably the most important thing about this banner, in particular, is it gives access to a brand new 4-star healer, making it hopefully much easier to obtain than the other options. I remember desperately pulling against the Luocha banner in the hopes of obtaining him because I needed a second healer.

I snagged Lynx the new healer almost immediately and then managed to get two additional copies so that I now have her with some eidolons unlocked. The challenge with new characters is that you essentially have to level them up from scratch, and I was already strapped for resources. I will have to play with her a bit to see if I like her better than Natasha because for the moment Luocha is just so powerful that I would find him hard to replace.

Pretty quickly I saw the gold glow from the train car and hoped that meant I would be picking up the new character Fu Xuan. However, it seems like I had wasted my pitty on Bailu. There was a time when I really wanted this character, but largely because I was stuck needing a second healer. Now I have four healers… which greatly dilutes the importance of Bailu. I guess it is still cool anytime you can pick up a 5 star though.

Another character that I really need to level is Pela. I kinda developed a kinship with this character during the Museum event, and in truth, she is really freaking strong. Given that she is easy to pull on this banner, I managed to pick up enough additional copies of her to unlock all of her eidolons. So at some point, I really need to get around to focusing on leveling and equipping her.

I had made six pulls on the banner depleted almost all of my saved-up currency, and essentially expected not to get the new 5 Star off this banner. Then I remembered that I have the monthly pass thing, and never converted the other currency it gives you into pull currency. So shifting those 300 whatsits into 300 whosits gave me the 1600 needed for a seventh round. It was then that I lucked into a mega pull picking up another copy of Pela, Hook, and the chase character Fu Xuan.

So I ultimately depleted any reserves that I had but I guess it was well worth it to pick up a 6 Eidolon DPS, 2 new healers, and the chase character. I had what I would consider to be an extreme amount of luck to walk away with two 5-star characters in such a short period of time. Now I return to banking my currency until the next banner that I care about rolls around. I need to get back into the swing of playing each day at least a little bit. I think the challenge that I find myself in, is I have so much story content that I now need to complete that logging in just feels overwhelming.

I kind of think of this as the “bags full” problem. There are many MMOs that I can’t bring myself to return to because my bags are full of crap that I no longer recognize, and I just don’t have the spoons to sort through it. In Honkai Star Rail and Final Fantasy XIV… I have an overwhelming amount of content to do in order to get caught up again… so that when I see that I just log right back out. I wish I had a mental trick to avoid this because it ultimately spells a death spiral for many games. This is most definitely a “me” problem not necessarily something wrong with any of the games that trigger it. Anyways… I hope you have been having a great week. Mine has been inordinately stressful but it seems like things are beginning to calm down.

Flipping the Trade

Good Morning Folks! I am going to warn you that this post is going to get a little bit into the weeds on Path of Exile and the trade economy. One of the hallmarks of the last two leagues is how much I have interacted with Trade. The YouTuber/Streamer Jorgen set me down the path of Delve because as he puts it “Delve Provides” and it most certainly does when it comes to a good number of things that can be sold for reasonable value. Items have value in Path of Exile if they are either scarce, come from a particular source, or are a combination of the two. Delve is not what you would call well-loved by the majority of the player base. Mapping is by far the most popular method of play because folks like blasting through maps and seeing explosions of loot. Comparatively, Delve tends to be a bit more slow and methodical.

Delve sees you focus on plotting a course across the underground map looking for high-value nodes. For example in this screenshot above there are six Abyssal City nodes, 2 Fossil nodes, and 1 Fire node which are all things I would seek out specifically. Abyssal City nodes have a number of chests inside that all reward a bunch of useful things and can provide dozens of maps for example on a single node. Fossil nodes have a chance of spawning rare and expensive nodes like the Glyphic Fossil that goes for around 130 Chaos each. Fire nodes and more specifically all elemental nodes have a chance of dropping items that can only be found in delve like curse on hit rings and specific damage conversion items. Delve is really good at producing items that when sold add up to lots of Chaos, but not terribly great at producing raw Divine Orbs.

Traditionally I have avoided currency conversion because it is tedious. Last league for example I wound up with roughly 12,000 Chaos Orbs or the equivalent of over 52 Divine Orbs that just sat there taking up space in my bank. Generally speaking the method for converting currency is to use the Bulk Trade tool on the official Path of Exile website. In truth, it is pretty straight forward. On one side you outline the bulk currency that you are looking for, and on the other side, you fill in which currency you want to pay in. Then the trade site returns you a group of listings of folks willing to accept your currency for the currency you need and what sort of exchange rate they are willing to trade at.

Here is an example listing when I searched for Divine Orbs for Chaos Orbs. The first listing is very clearly someone who does not understand the trade syntax because no one is trying to give you 237 Divine Orbs for a Single Chaos. The second listing looks like someone trying to bring down the cost of Divines and as a result is very unlikely to respond. From 225 Chaos to a Divine down… those are probably legitimate posts. The reality however is that in order for me to actually find a seller, I would likely have to go through the entire page sending a tell… waiting for a response… and then moving to the next person. This is the sad reality of buying items in bulk because quite honestly… being able to handle a bulk trade is tedious. You need to empty out your inventory of items and then prepare to accept the trade. Given how little luck I have had buying Divines, I just generally left my Chaos in the raw form and begged people to accept Chaos instead of Divines when I needed to buy something.

I’ve credited Jorgen for really stoking my interest in Delve. It was a game mode that I enjoyed, but I never really viewed it as a reliable source of currency generation until watching a few of his videos. His slogan is “Delve Provides” but in reality, my slogan should probably be “Jorgen Provides”. About a week ago he released this video talking about how he exchanges Chaos for Divines and it is fairly brilliant. Sadly to do it efficiently you really need a second currency tab. Last weekend thanks to the predictable cadence of Path of Exile sales saw another Stash Tab weekend, and I picked up a second currency tab almost exclusively for the purpose of selling bulk currency. Since then I have made several bulk trades and it has really changed the game for me on how I view the trade economy.

Essentially the logic is that you want to be the seller as often as humanly possible, and very rarely the buyer. Buying gear is relatively straightforward, and you have fairly good luck with that. Buying currency in bulk is a miserable mess. You could of course lean on something like The Forbidden Trove, but that is a bridge I have not really been willing to cross yet. Per Jorgen, I started listing 1880 Chaos Orbs for 5 Divine Orbs, and it is shocking just how fast I get pinged by someone looking to buy Chaos for Divines. There is a certain push and pull of the economy between folks who hold currency in Divines and folks who hold currency in Chaos Orbs. My preferred game mode of choice produces lots of raw Chaos, and I need Divines just to make larger trades a bit more simplistic. Being able to sell Chaos in bulk means I have a very simple way of doing the swap without needing to rely on spam messaging a dozen folks to find a single nibble.

Once I knew this was a thing, I noticed that there is a heck of a lot of players out there trying to take this stance. If you search on the bulk trade side for 1 Divine Orb, without any selection on your input currency you end up with a wealth of random bulk items that folks are looking to acquire. So now that I have a spare currency stash tab, that opens things up like if I know I need to buy something in bulk I can throw a Divine in that tab and price it out in the currency I am looking to receive. So for example if I want Orbs of Fusing to six link something the going rate for that seems to be around 1220 fusing to 1 Divine Orb. The challenge with this however is that you can only hold a total of 1200 fusing in your inventory. This means you need to be VERY careful about trades that require you to produce more than a single inventory because it is essentially on the honor system for them to trade you the rest of your goods. It is far safer just to expect that you are going to lose a little bit of currency in the transaction.

I’ve been using that second currency tab to facilitate a bunch of sales lately. I’ve sold off bulk Awakened Sextants, Silver Coins for the league content, and even started selling my Stacked Decks. More importantly, any time I hit around 3000 Chaos Orbs, I sell off another 1880 for 5 Divines meaning that I am never really at risk of either running out of Chaos for small trades or flooding my stash tab with bulk Chaos. In theory, I am sure there is someone out there doing the other side of this trade for Mirror Shards and eventually Mirrors to keep condensing down their currency into larger and larger “denominations”. I’ve made and spent more Divine Orbs in this league than I have in the past, and I really wish I had been using some sort of tool to track this more closely. For example, the above screenshot is from a website called POEStack which can be used to track your currency tabs. I think going forward and for new leagues, I might utilize this a bit earlier so I can get some proper statistics for the league as a whole.

I know however that I am leaving a lot of currency on the table because while I am a member of The Forbidden Trove, I’ve never actually used it for any trades. I’ve been here for a couple of leagues now because I wanted to see how that side of the community lives. Essentially if you can’t sell it easily through the trade site, there is a channel devoted to it. For example, if you want to liquidate a bunch of Heist contracts in bulk… they got you covered. If you want one of the rare hideouts that can only be found every so often in specific maps… there is a channel for folks selling access to their party so that you can pop in and discover the hideout. If you need Betrayal in a very specific state so that you can do one of the rare crafts, there are folks selling those as well. All of it is above board, and governed by a reputation system… but has just been too much for me to wrap my head around. However, I can see myself sliding into that community as I continue to dive deeper and deeper into the trade economy.

Path of Exile really is the EVE Online of ARPGs… where the further you dive into it the deeper the well keeps getting. While I have no real interest in playing EVE, I have always appreciated when my friend Wilhelm talks about that community. I am hoping someone out there feels the same way about my Path of Exile nonsense, because otherwise… I am deeply sorry I keep filling your RSS reader with this nonsense. It interests me greatly and as such… I hate to say that it is probably only going to get worse from here.