Check Yourself

Master Shake

mastershake_ingredients A few days ago I talked about our purchase of the Nutribullet blender, and starting down the path to madness that is mixing various combinations of things.  Since that moment I have worked towards building the perfect “breakfast shake” that combines giving me enough nutrients to last until lunch, and the consumption of my morning coffee into one activity.  I’ve ventured down several paths until eventually finding the one that seems to make me happy.  Since various readers expressed an interest in my recipe when I finally landed on the one that I like… I thought I would actually snap some photos as I made this mornings shake to show the whole thing off.  I went back and forth with the ingredients but finally landed on a combination that I like.

The Ingredient List

  • Cottage Cheese – 4 tbsp
  • Banana – 1 whole sliced can be frozen
  • PB2 Powder – 2 tbsp
  • Coffee – 12 oz cold made to taste night before
  • Cinnamon Brown Sugar Belvita – 1 pkg ( 4 crackers )
  • Honey – 1 tsp

mastershake_mixed Now to talk a little bit about the various things I finally included in the finished “shake”.  First off we have the base of Cottage Cheese because it is low fat and relatively high in protein as well as calcium.  When thoroughly blended it has an almost cream cheese characteristic which is great.  Most of my recipes include a banana because it adds a good amount of bulk to the mix, and it is chock full of all sorts of stuff including tons of potassium.  If you add it in frozen you get a much thicker mixture.  Belvita biscuits were one of the last additions to this concoction, and in truth they are mostly in there for the fiber… and to give the shake staying power so I am not hungry until lunch.  I think in theory any “biscuit” would probably work as well for those without Belvita.

I experimented with adding peanut butter and nutella, but all of those mixes frustrated me.  Instead I started using a peanut butter powder which adds the flavoring of peanut without the oil and such.  The most important thing is the coffee obviously, and I make this every night as part of my “shutting down the house” ritual.  I tried various things, but ultimately I found it works best if I fix the coffee like I would normally drink it.  Finally I add a teaspoon of honey just to add a bit more sweetness and balance things out.  The end result is pretty great and is this mix of a bunch of great breakfast flavors.  It still very much has a coffee drink taste, but also is extremely filling.  All of the ingredients pretty much get disintegrated in the process leaving only this thick milkshake consistency.  If you give this a shot, let me know what you think.

Check Yourself

Wow-64 2015-03-03 19-23-01-40 A few weeks back our raid leader had outlawed “toys” in the raid, namely after a few incidents with the appearance swapping item… and a poorly placed sandbox tiger during the Oregorger encounter.  One of the toys that I feel like leaders all across the game will be outlawing is the S.E.L.F.I.E. camera.  That said I decided to hop up on a box and take a picture of our raid waiting for the last few people to zone in.  So while I practiced safe screenshotting…  apparently others have not been quite so cautious.  In fact the very popular website that our own raid uses for log parsing has added special support to make sure raid leaders are certain who cast that selfie and when.  So while cute I do hope all of my readers exercise appropriate caution, when attempting to sneak one in.  I of course was being super obvious, since hopping up on a box before the raid.

After we got started last night we had quite a great evening.  We cleared the five bosses that we have defeated before, and put some attempts in on Heroic Gruul.  Oregorger felt surprisingly manageable after spending so much time bashing our head against it.  I think more than anything it was a mental block for our raid, and now that we have cleared it I feel like we can probably finish clearing up the rest of the wings in short order.  We saved the progression bosses for Thursday which tends to be our more serious night.  I feel like I really should at least do the LFR version of these fights between now and then to understand the layout of each of the rooms.  The most frustrating part about LFR right now is the fact that there are zero upgrades for me, and since you can only gain the legendary currency once per boss per week…  there isn’t much incentive there either.

Gladiator Changes

Wow-64 2015-02-19 20-34-55-85 One of the things that has kept me engaged this expansion is just how much I love the  Gladiator spec.  It is essentially that thing I have always wanted to do in a game…  dps with a sword and shield.  Everything about the spec seems ideally suited for my personal sentiments.  That said I knew it was a bit of an odd duck specialization wise, and I have had to seek out specific gear with specific stats to make it work well.  Up until 6.1 everything seemed awesome, and I felt very competitive, sitting in the top five on almost every fight.  Last week I was rather sick, but this week…  I finally noticed how much less damage I seemed to be doing relative to what I could push before the patch.  Now on AOE fights… I am still insane with the amount of AOE bleed and cleave goodness at my disposal.  However on largely single target fights it seems like I have lost a few thousand dps.

My theory is that before the patch I was attempting to shed all of the haste I could from gear and buffing my crit in its place.  Post patch…  we now apparently want to shoot for 700 haste.  So I have a feeling that I will need to rifle through my bank and re-itemize myself.  Thankfully I don’t think I have gotten rid of any items unless they were stat for stat increases.  I am hoping that after some tweaks I can make this work, because honestly a huge chunk of my enjoyment of raiding right now… comes from being able to gladiator.  I hate the way fury feels, and honestly always have.  Arms is traditionally an under performing spec, but if I can get my hands on a Blackrock era 2 hander I might give that a shot.  In any case I will need to spend some time sifting through the changes and adjusting, because I am not quite ready to give up on the dream of sword and board dps.

Gold Token Currencies

Obligatory WoW SelfieWoWScrnShot_030215_181047

With the launch of patch 6.1 I have to admit I was mildly frustrated that  I had not managed to get the selfie camera to appear on my main character.  Instead it showed up in the garrison list of my hunter, so it took me a few days to notice.  Even then the default form of the camera is not a toy yet until you receive the follow up garrison mission to upgrade it.  Now that I finally have it sitting in my toy box…  I guess I have to do the obligatory picture.  Now I have seen so many of these now that I decided not to tweet it, but nonetheless I think its cute and charming.  I am surprised by just how little control over facial expressions you have, so I guess to get the picture you want to take would involve an extreme amount of patience.  This makes the folks who have posted essentially little story vignettes using the camera all the more impressive.

I know that Blizzard has caught hell from a certain brand of player over this patch not having any “tangible” content.  I for one am plenty happy with the results, namely because we got the content that goes with this patch ahead of time.  Traditionally Blackrock Foundry would have been delayed until a patch rather than put in ahead of time and unlocked at a specific time.  Do we really want to fault Blizzard for being proactive?  While it might be stupid, little features like the selfie cam, twitter integration, heirloom system and color blind system breathe life in the game for a lot of players.  While the raiders and pvpers tend to be very vocal groups, they don’t represent the “average” player.  I would imagine that the average player runs LFR and is happy to be doing so, and things like the garrison and heirloom systems really add to their enjoyment.  What I see is a blizzard that is trying really hard not to fuck up the gains they got with Warlords, and a very jaded community that is almost happy to see them fail.  The rabble over this patch is precisely why we can’t get nice things.

Gold Token Currencies


Some time ago Blizzard teased the introduction of a monthly subscription token currency that can be purchased and sold to other players for in game gold.  At the time I dubbed this “BLEX” since it seemed to be based on the Eve Online Plex concept.  Some time has passed and I think many of us had simply forgotten about this until yesterday when an official blog post appeared talking about the “WoW Token”.  Firstly I disapprove of the boring name, and I also disapprove of it being wow specific…  but both of those are beside the point.  It seems like we are now going to be getting the chance to purchase a subscription token and then sell that token on the open market.  Unfortunately many of us are questioning just how open said market will be given that the FAQ states that systems will be setting the price of the currency not the players.  That honestly concerns me a bit, because it makes me think that Blizzard will be trying to manipulate both sides of this equation.

I’ve played several other game that had something similar to the WoW Token, and in all cases played the game at the moment they introduced it.  Generally speaking for the first month it is a buyers market, with a bunch of players trying to play “catch up” and purchase in game currency for real world money.  Then things shift a bit, and the value of the currency goes up significantly, as the ready supply of folks jumping on the RMT bandwagon slow to a trickle.  Ultimately the amount of a token needs to match the value proposal given by third party gold sellers.  Based on some quick googling it looks like $15 gets you around 20k to 30k gold.  So in order to stem the tide of third party gold selling Blizzard has to make sure that the token currency is worth at least that much, essentially that it is easier to use official systems than to risk the danger of unofficial ones.

The positive effect is if this works, the gold selling and gold hacking are in essence going to be a thing of the past.  In the games that have had these token systems, there is still gold selling but nowhere near the levels that existed before hand.  Essentially having a legitimate system drives the price down so much that it is simply not profitable for anyone to bother with.  Unfortunately from the standpoint of players hoping to play for free…  this is more than likely going to be out of reach.  The price of a monthly token seems to rise with inflation, meaning that as it becomes easier to get money in game… it also starts costing you more of it to purchase your token.  I feel like only the most dedicated of players with the most free time, or the best auction house schemes will ever be able to actually play World of Warcraft for free.  In any case… I still think this is largely a positive move.

Final Boss Music

ffxiv 2015-03-02 20-24-45-73 Last night I experienced a bit of a baptism by fire, as it seems that my raid group in Final Fantasy XIV skipped turn 8 and went straight into turn 9 the week I was out sick.  The awesome thing is that it seems like they made serious progress that first night of attempts, and last night in spite of me having to play catch up and seeming to stand in the wrong place at the wrong time…  we made forward momentum.  This is the epic boss fight at the end of the second coil of bahamut, and just like turn 5, this one seems to be a guild killer.  I know groups who have been working on learning this one for over six months.  Knowing this I have to admit I went into the fight with a bit of a mental block about just how difficult it might be.  Turns out just like everything else in Final Fantasy XIV…  it is a rather predictable pattern that just requires lots of precision and execution.

Most of the wipes were absolutely due to me doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.  However as the night drug on I started to grasp the dance and we all got considerably more precise at doing it.  We actually managed to make it to the final phase which is no small accomplishment.  Unfortunately unlike turn 5, the final phase here really does seem to be the hardest.  That said we do seem to finally have a firm grasp on the “meteor” and “golem” phases and we were pretty much executing those flawlessly.  Now we just need to get back in there and start working on that final phase.  I am hoping within four nights of attempts we will have killed us a turn nine and be able to official move on to “current” content.  I love my Final Fantasy XIV raid group and Free Company, for keeping me engaged for roughly seven months now… which admittedly is somewhat of a record.


Bel Folks Stuff 5 – Evening with Qelric

We are going to put on our timey wimey stuff hats and pretend that this show is being released during the month of February, as it was originally intended.  When I record a Bel Folks Stuff I tend to give the victim as much time as possible.  So I approached Qelric back in January to talk about this show… and she every so graciously accepted.  The problem is that life happened in the time between, with her getting an absolutely horrible case of chicken pox towards the beginning of the month, and me dealing this this insane bronchitis mess towards the end.  The result is we recorded the “February” episode in March…  and that I supposed is just fine so long as it came out in any form.

Qelric is quite literally one of the only youtubers I watch with any regularity because she brings to her craft a style that you don’t generally see on youtube any more.  She presents extremely content dense videos in a news like format, making them far easier for me to digest without the rambling exposition.  If you are not familiar with your videos, I highly suggest you check them out.  On top of this however Q is just a downright interesting person, and we have interacted for what feels like years.  I had a delightful afternoon/evening sitting down to record this episode.  Before we knew it a couple of hours had passed and we had a mammoth hour and a half long show.  The awesome thing is… even after the mic stopped recording we wound up talking for another thirty or forty minutes.  I love it when the conversation is natural and flowing.  Hopefully you will all enjoy this as much as I did recording it.

[download the podcast]


Wow-64 2015-03-02 06-25-36-19 Yesterday was a surprisingly busy day, with dealing with the publishing of two different podcasts and a normal blog post.  As a result especially while waiting for Qelric to get online, I wanted to play something but did not want to get too terribly engaging.  With the introduction of the Heirloom system and the 6.1 patch, it has greatly increased my desire to alt.  My number one frustration while trying to level a character is trying to make sure I have level equivalent gear.  I realize that gear is never as important as I seem to make it, but I like to have at least as good of a weapon as possible while  pushing through the levels.  Now previously I had some heirlooms, but I had to choose which character would get to use them.  Even with the ability to send them cross realm, it became a mess trying to track who had what and I was constantly afraid I would end up losing heirlooms in the mail…  because I have done this before.  The new system however is pretty much ideal for me, since I can generate copies of heirlooms on any and all characters.

When The Scryers server merged with Argent Dawn I set about creating eleven place holder horde characters, since I did not know how the actual merger would work.  It makes me extremely happy that I can have 11 Alliance characters on Argent Dawn and 11 Horde characters on The Scryers…  and use them to play with my AD Horde friends.  I have always been one of those players that tried to span the faction divide whenever I could and through various community efforts I developed just as many bonds on the red side as the blue.  I always feel like a louse however for never really spending much time leveling a character on the “other” side.  As a result I started working on Belgrace my Moocowadin yesterday while waiting for Qelric and while recording the podcast.  As of this morning I am now level 18 and starting the Ratchet area.  It is insane just how fast the levels come when you are completely kitted out in heirlooms.  The only slot that I do not have is the ring, and I am simply not a good enough fisherman to get that.

A Confidence Boost

Wow-64 2015-03-01 11-55-03-53 Over the last few weeks since the launch of the Final Fantasy XIV 2.5 patch I have greatly tapered off the amount of time I am spending in World of Warcraft.  It has become a Tuesday/Thursday experience for me largely which means simply showing up in time to raid.  Now granted I am logging in periodically throughout the week to run garrison missions but in the grand scheme of things that takes ten minutes or so at a time, and I am really not online that long.  I’ve felt kinda horrible because one of my long time friends has been slowing improving her ilevel gear wise on her priest.  Every so often she would give me an update and yesterday she told me she had hit ilvl 626.  I knew the answer before I asked it, but I asked her if she had managed to do any LFR yet?  As I suspected she said no, that she was wary of raiding… and didn’t think she was ready for it.  I hopped on Lodin my hunter, that could still use gear from Highmaul LFR and offered to queue with her for moral support.

Finni had raided before during the early days of World of Warcraft, and as such the bulk of her experience dated from the 40 man era.  So when she thinks “raid” she equates it to super serious business.  Fortunately and unfortunately at times…  Looking for Raid is anything but serious business.  Within what felt like fifteen minutes of queuing we were through the first section, and she got a much needed confidence boost… and thankfully a little bit of gear.  I remember the first time I queued for Looking for Raid upon coming back during Pandaria.  I was scared as hell because the concept of a raid for me too was “serious business” time.  Thankfully we have this wonderful system that allows players without the time to dedicate to at least be able to get in and see the fights in one form or another.  She ended up walking with a few upgrades, and I did as well…  and can now queue Blackrock Foundry on my hunter.  I think we both benefited from yesterday equally, because it seems like she won’t be quite so frightened of the LFR queue.

#WoW #Paladin #BelFolkStuff

Year Behind and Loving It

AggroChat 46 – Hards for Cards Extreme

Last night we once more recorded an episode of AggroChat and this time as one might expect our episode was almost entirely about Final Fantasy XIV patch 2.51.  The patch introduced so much casual content to the game it is just silly.  The primary addiction for our free company however has been the search for Triple Triad cards.  While for some this has meant the constant dueling of NPCs to win specific cards, for me it has been doing hard content in the hopes that maybe just maybe it would drop a card.  Yesterday Tam did some quick math and realized that over the course of the week I had completed more than 90 hard mode trials.  Each of these trials rewards 5 poetics, and I capped almost exclusively through chain running them to get various primal cards.  There are still a ton more that I need but so far I have managed to gather up Ifrit, Garuda, Gilgamesh/Enkidu, Ultros/Typhon and Good King Moggle Mog.

What I find amazing about this patch is the way that each of us has reacted to it slightly differently.  Some of us have spent time racing Chocobos, others playing the catcpot lottery, and even others doing the various GATE events scattered throughout the golden saucer.  Last nights show was overwhelmingly about our love of Final Fantasy XIV, but we did manage to slide a few other topics in.  Tam and Kodra talk Elite: Dangerous and their recent missions to go asteroid mining.  Kodra talks a new game that he has started called Deer God, and how it is not quite ready for primetime… but still charming.  It was a fun show to record, and it is rare that all five of us are so completely enthralled with the same content at the same time.

Year Behind and Loving It

ffxiv 2015-02-28 20-48-57-14 One of the things that made last nights show so damned entertaining to record, is we were essentially basking in the afterglow of a big raid win.  Saturday night for a couple of hours before the podcast we have been doing this impromptu raid thing as a way of allowing some of the folks that cannot make our normal Monday night raid get some action.  We alternate between doing serious content, and doing whatever eight man content one of our free company mates needs to get them off center.  So as such last night we started off with the Chrysalis, the 8 man trial added with the last bit of storyline.  It took us a bit to learn this fight but I was really pleased to see we could step in after a week and essentially down it in our first attempt.  There was a bit of an intermission as we had to let Warenwolf catch up on the cinematic, but after that we set our focus on Titan Extreme.

For awhile we have had the awesomely named “Quake me up before you O’Ghomoro” sitting in our quest logs taunting us.  This has been one of those things that I think all of us wanted to put behind us… but quite frankly Titan Extreme is one of the most demanding fights I have experienced in awhile.  It requires the entire raid to move with confidence and precision, and there is a really slim margin of forgiveness.  As we talked about on the Podcast it also does something really interesting, in that it makes you relearn your instincts.  We died so many times because it is my tank instinct to run back in after a knockback and turn the boss.  However in this fight there are reasons why that is the wrong decision, and it took awhile last night for me to get past that urge.  Sure it is a year late in us beating this content, but damned does it not feel amazing that we did it… and that content that is over a year old is still relevant.

Faffing with the Mandervilles

ffxiv 2015-02-28 23-08-37-48 This has become my new favorite screenshot, that I took on a whim the other night in the Manderville Golden Saucer.  Before last nights raid, I opted to glamour my axe to the very awesome and very fitting Malignant Mogaxe.  Most of the Good King Moggle Mog weapons have a bit of a silly side to them, but this one is just a very brutal looking axe with a Moogle pattern inlaid into the blade.  It happens to match colorwise with my hair and my current chest piece nicely.  This has been the best part about chain running Hard Mode Trials is the fact that I am picking up so many of the awesome primal weapons for Glamour purposes.  I talked about this a bit last night, but since I have 5 level 50 classes… I have taken to collecting my Triple Triad Cards through running content because it kills two birds with one stone.  There is always the chance of getting the cards that I want to drop, but at the same time all the while I am trying to get it I am stockpiling tomestones of soldiery that I can then use to buy gear for my army of classes.

Over the course of the weekend I managed to get Warrior and Paladin to 116, Dragoon to 110, White Mage to 100… and now I just need to catch up my Bard that is still sitting at 95.  While it might seem tedious to run the same primal fights over and over… for me I guess it is much the same as soloing old school raid content in World of Warcraft.  The fights and zones just feel epic, and I am happy to repeat them over and over.  That has been one of the best things about having a fresh influx of new players… I am able to play “big kid” and run the old content with people seeing it for the first time.  There is nothing quite like re-running content that never actually gets truly trivial.  What I like the best is the fact that my chosen way of playing the game… is not the only one.  Each of my free company mates has figured out their own particular style of play… and all see to be happy doing it.  Nothing quite like being in a group where everyone seems to be happy.