Mandalorian and Lumina

Not shocking to anyone, I spent a good chunk of my evening messing around on Disney Plus, the latest streaming service vying for some of our monthly budget. The reason of course is due to a single show, at least for now. The Mandalorian was in fact enough to get me to subscribe just to watch the first episode, that and a deal that they were running a few months back where you could get a year of the service for somewhere in the ballpark of $60. That was enough to get me to jump on board ahead of time, and I am happy to report that I am not ashamed of this action thanks to having watched the first episode.

I am purposefully swiping screenshots from the trailers that were released because firstly it is easier to do and secondly I don’t want to give anything away. The show so far is very much like a Clint Eastwood style western set in the Star Wars Universe. I am curious to find out some of the back story as this show is set between the fall of the empire and the rise of the new order. It was always my understanding that much like the Empire hunted down the Jedi… they also more or less decimated what was left of the Mandalorian clans. So I find it really interesting to see what appears to be the remnants of the clan alive and well. That said a lot of the lore surrounding the Mandalorians is apocryphal thanks to the whole tossing out of the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

I greatly enjoyed this first episode… and am now looking forward to Friday when the next one drops. I wish I could have binged through the entire thing in a single evening, but this is probably much smarter for Disney as a whole given that they can string us along with the Mandalorian while waiting on the various Marvel shows to drop. I personally wound up spending my evening watching Star Wars Resistance after finishing the episode because it was a show that I had never actually watched any of. There is enough meat on the bones of Disney Plus to entertain me for awhile, because even if I watch through the back catalog of all things Star Wars… there are a bunch of Disney things like Phineas and Ferb that I have only watched a handful of episodes of. There is also the entirety of Gravity Falls on the service, another show i have caught the occasional episode but would love to start from the beginning.

In other news I finished up the Lumina weapon quest chain in Destiny 2 and it ends fairly abruptly with you just getting the Hand Cannon at the end of completing the final objective. I am annoyed as hell that it dropped at 948 instead of 950, but that seems to be the case when you finish a quest chain. Weirdly I had been putting off on this quest until the other night I was randoming my way into strikes and happened to kill Xol and notice that I got credit marked off the quest. I had originally read that you had to complete the quest in a single go, but it seems like that only pertains to each objective. I queued specifically for Will of the Thousands, killed 11 crystals and got the weapon dropped in my inventory mid strike.

Now I just need to wrangle some time to play when other people I know are on and go run the strike required for the completion of Thorn. I’ve not been willing to risk it since I seem to die an awful lot to the final boss of Savathun’s Song, it would be nice to at least have another person so that we don’t instantly fail when one of us dies.