Accidental Ashava Timing

Good Morning Folks! This past weekend there was another Diablo IV Stress Test event, and I thought I would poke my head in to see how it felt. On the show Saturday night I talked about it feeling much better as a whole and that is true. However better, in this case, does not necessarily equate to “great”. I am still not super sold on Diablo IV but since I was gifted a copy, I figure I will be playing some at launch regardless so I can see if yet again they make a number of tweaks to potentially improve things further. One thing that shocked me about the “Server Slam” event is how short it actually was. I fully expected this thing to last until mid-day on Monday as most “weekend” events do. Instead, it cut off in the middle of Sunday afternoon unexpectedly. The only reason why I realized this had happened is that I finished a quest and could not port anywhere, after trying ten times I opted to log out and back in when I was hit with the “event is over” banner on the launcher. I found it weird that it did not actually disconnect me from the server, it just stopped my character from doing anything meaningful.

Since I was testing out the changes, I decided to play Barbarian again because of the classes available it is really the one that is nearest and dearest to my heart. If there was a Crusader you would likely see me playing nothing but that all the time as I did when I played Diablo Immortal. The last round of testing the Barbarian felt awful. It felt like I had no survivability and struggled to keep up gear levels so that I could actually kill anything before it killed me. Of note… during neither beta did I spend any time “farming” gear drops and instead just sort of subsisted with whatever happened to fall while playing the game. One of the biggest weaknesses that Diablo IV has in my opinion is the fact that the world is constantly leveling up with you. I think this is an attempt at creating an evergreen game that “lasts longer” for the player, but the end result feels like the world gets more difficult faster than you gain power. While it was less noticeable during this test, it still felt like from levels 15-20 I lost power and the time to kill in the world kept getting worse.

One massive change in this test was that they nerfed drop rates into the ground. Like I knew without a doubt that legendary drops were increased for testing purposes in the last open beta weekend. However, I did not expect them to be quite this anemic going forward. It was level 17 before I found a single legendary item, and even then… by the time I finished with the weekend I had seen two and they were both rings. The only gear slot that seems to matter significantly is your weapon slot, and I struggled consistently to find upgrades there. The game just does not really seem to drop a lot of gear in general or when it does… drops them in a manner that is not upgrading. I saw lots of items that were just slightly worse than what I was wearing but extremely rarely ever saw something with more power. Even when you stumbled across a Loot Goblin, they seemed deeply anticlimactic for the amount of effort they took to kill. I took one down on Sunday and it dropped 2 blue items, 2 gems, and some Obols the new pseudo-Kadala currency.

Speaking of Obols… this is a screenshot from the last test of that vendor. It became my prime source of upgrades and was how I got most of the legendary items that I pulled last time around. In this test… it was nerfed into the ground and became a largely worthless interaction. Since I was not getting gear through other sources I kept spending my Obols trying to target specific slots, and the vast majority of the time I would end up getting a white item and trigger the “bad luck” voice line from the vendor. At level 20, I kept trying to target a chest piece and never got anything that would be considered an upgrade. At a minimum, this vendor should be dropping Magic and Rare items much more frequently, because every activity in the game seems to be balanced around paying out a stock of this dumb alternative currency. If this vendor is pure shit, then it makes every interaction with the game feel much worse.

One interaction however that was massively improved was the completion of “Cellars”. These are little mini dungeons where you rush in, kill a pack of monsters and get a chest to drop. These went from being the most useless thing in the game to quite possibly the most lucrative when it comes to farming items. These chests almost always rewarded two yellows, two blues, some gems, and some gold. I feel like Blizzard does not really want us farming Cellars over and over… but also right now as it stands those are way more beneficial than running an actual dungeon given that they both provide about the same amount of rewards but for a significantly lower time investment. I fully expect the cellar system to be nerfed into the ground before launch and for them to once again fade into something that is not worth your time to complete.

The goal of this weekend was to successfully kill Ashava, and for doing so you got some nifty-looking horse armor. I have to admit this was not necessarily my personal goal for the weekend. I wanted to see if Barbarian felt any better, and at least partially it does… not great… but better. After editing the AggroChat podcast on Sunday I decided to finally make my way over to the staging grounds for the Ashava fight. My hope was that if I showed up early enough I might happen upon a decent group and that seems to have paid off as everyone that was milling around in the area was at least level 20. This was apparently a huge problem for players this weekend as level 2 players could wander into the area and essentially destroy the chances of that group succeeding at the encounter since Ashava is templated at level 25 and does not scale.

This is the one where I am going to complain at length about this encounter and the way it works. The difficulty level of this encounter does not necessarily match the open-world nature of the encounter. This fight feels like it is designed to have a team full of ringers that actually know what is going on. Instead, you get a group of random players and hope that fate smiles upon you and you end up with a group that is at least going to give it their best effort. The limited-time nature of the fight however makes it so that if you failed… you don’t get another chance any time soon. If I were Blizzard I would change the way this works entirely and make it so that you queue into the “serious mode” version of Ashava and then have a much more watered-down version that exists in the real world showing up on a specific timer… but also make that timer fire every thirty mins rather than every three hours.

The group I was in managed to take down Ashava with roughly three of the fifteen-minute clock left. What I did not realize however is that I got in on the very last Ashava kill of the entire testing period. I wandered over through the sheer happenstance of finishing editing and having time to play and made zero plans to actually accomplish this over the weekend. I am deeply fortunate that I happened upon a group of players who did not give up and just kept throwing themselves at the boss. What did annoy me however is that before the fight I purposefully slotted Poison Resistance into every gem slot that I had, and it did not seem to make a damned bit of difference on this fight. This only leads me back down the path of that gear doesn’t really mean anything and only your weapon slot seems to make any significant difference in your performance. For example, in Path of Exile, if you equip a couple of frost resistance rings before you face Merveil, it will absolutely make that encounter much easier and oftentimes just straight-up trivializes it. Poison Resistance did not seem to do a damned thing against getting clipped by one of Ashava’s attacks and only through spamming potions were you able to survive getting poisoned.

I hope at some point that this game is good and worthy of the Diablo name. I like the story well enough, but the moment-to-moment gameplay still just feels bad. Maybe that is the wrong statement to make. It doesn’t feel like an Action RPG should, or at least how I have come to expect one to play. It seems to be going for more consequential gameplay, which is counter-intuitive to this genre for me at least. I care about shredding monsters and getting “phat lewts”, and this game doesn’t really deliver in that department. Fights feel like a battle of attrition more than a power fantasy, and as a result, I am not sure it is ever going to be my jam. The weekend of playing Diablo IV made me dive back into Path of Exile after the event was over and it just felt so much better. Maybe this is just a franchise I need to let go of in the way I have at least partially let go of Zelda after Breath of the Wild and Metroid after Dread. It sucks… but maybe it is time for me to move on considering I apparently have preferences that are not going to be served going forward.

Week In Gaming 9/13/2015

Very Rough Week

As you could probably tell from some of the subtext of my posts this week… it was a pretty rough one for me emotionally.  Work is still being stressful, but honestly that really had nothing to do with this one.  For our country September 11th has some pretty tragic context, but for me it has completely different issues.  Firstly September 11th was the birthday of my grandmother, and she would have been 90 this year.  I miss her an awful lot, and there are days where it is just rough to think about her.  Her birthday always brings back memories of her, which are honestly all good…  but there is a bittersweet melancholy associated with it.  She essentially raised me during the first years of my life, because she was my constant babysitter and companion.  She is also the one member of my family that really seemed to appreciate my wife being a member of the family.  If that were not enough to get me down in the dumps…  this week also marks the anniversary of a pretty horrible period of my life.  In September of 2012 I lost my Grandfather, and the day after the funeral…  September 11th… a pretty horrific event happened at my work place.   It quite literally with zero hyperbole ushered in the worst six months of my life.  Someone screwed up, and screwed up badly…  and I had to deal with the fallout and recovery.  So each time this day comes I get a little gun shy.  So this past Friday I was crawling in my skin as I waited for they day to end.

Demon Huntering

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As far as gaming this week, I had a pretty cloistered time of it.  I am still very much in my “hiding out” mentality, and I guess in part I think it was just me waiting for this week to pass me by, dreading Friday.  I spent some time working on my Demon Hunter in Diablo 3 and I think when I last played I was about halfway through 69.  At some point soon I hope to pop back in and finish leveling him to 70.  I also spent some time farming away on Rifts, Greater Rifts and Bounties attempting to get blood shards…  which I then disappointingly spent trying to get class set pieces.  I have been stuck at 3 of 4 pieces of the set I am going after on my Barbarian for a few weeks now.  I am not sure but Diablo might have worked its way out of my system for a bit.  I finished off the seasonal stuff, but as of last night Grace on the podcast talked about additional seasonal rewards.  I am just not sure if I will be willing to do any of the crazy things that are required to get them.

Star Wars the Old Republic

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The big event of this week was that I apparently have fallen into a Star Wars the Old Republic shaped hole.  I have played this game off and on since release, but this is really the first time I have felt I was actually back in the swing of things.  I’ve played alts a lot in the past, but this is the first time I have actually continued the storyline on my Jedi Guardian main.  As of last night I finished Makeb and am working through the precursor content leading up to Shadow of Revan.  My plan is to finish the story content before the drop of Fallen Empire next month.  Additionally I am taking advantage of the insane twelve times experience bonus.  Last night during the podcast I started working on my Chiss Smuggler and I have to say…  having access to Treek as a tanky companion makes that experience so much better.  Seriously… I hate Corso Riggs so much…  and was completely stalled out trying to play a smuggler because he annoyed me so much.  Treek is simply a better tank.. in that she jumps AT the mobs instead of grappling them back to me.  Who though a tank companion pulling back to the healer was a good idea?  Anyways as soon as I wrap this post I intend to go downstairs and play some more Smuggler… that was how much I was into it last night.  I may or may not have stayed up until 1:30 in the morning playing.

Final Fantasy XIV

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I am very much in a lull right now with Final Fantasy XIV.  I talked about this a bit on the podcast, but it is strange… that even while in this lull I still consider it my home base of operations.  I figure when 3.1 lands which should be soonish…  everyone will be invigorated once more and we will return to logging in every single night.  In the mean time I am playing a lot of other games as not to force myself.  I am still raiding on Monday and Wednesday nights, and this week we managed to get a few more people through Bismarck Extreme.  I really want to defeat Ravana Extreme before the new content lands, but one of the big problems we are having is… that honestly it just feels like there isn’t much content for us to be doing.  When we returned to Final Fantasy XIV July 2013 we had a years worth of content to explore since we had last played.  While we managed to slowly whittle our way through all of it… it gave us tons of small goals to work towards.  In Heavensward there really does not seem to be the much for us to work towards.  We can clear Alexander Normal in our sleep, and are pretty successful with Bismarck Extreme.  We are working on Ravana Extreme and I believe it is in our sights…  but Savage Alexander just isn’t a realistic goal, namely because I can’t bring myself to do the gear grinding that it would require to really be viable there.  I am well enough geared to do all of the content I feel like I could do… and I just don’t have the drive to push towards that bleeding edge.  So instead I play other games and wait for another content drop.

AggroChat 74 – Force Binds Us

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We start of this weeks show by talking about our continued adventures in Diablo 3, and while a some of us have slowed down our progress Grace talks about falling back into the familiar rhythm of chilling out in solo play. With the upcoming September 29th release of Wildstar Free to Play she also talks about spending a lot of time on the test server, and the recent hoverboard racing event testing. Thalen this week spent time venturing into some single player games that had never got around to playing. First we revive our discussion of Wolfenstein New Order and why you should play it for so many different reasons. In a shocker we find out that Thalen never actually played Fallout New Vegas, which spawns a discussion about our appreciation of the game.

Kodra on the other hand spent his week mostly playing a bunch of indie titles and talks about Circa Infinity and The Magic Circle. Magic Circle being the game that he spent a significant amount of time at Pax talking to the Dev about. Additionally we are all jealous of him as he talks about his experience playing Mario Maker, which is essentially Infinite Mario. This spawns a discussion about each of our early attempts at creating content for our friends to play like Excitebike, Wolfenstein, Doom and Descent. Related to Magic Circle, a seperate discussion breaks out about the Stanley Parable and what it says about gamers themselves.

Ashgar is still heavily involved in LBX: Little Battlers Experience and has even gotten in his model kits from last week putting at least one of them together. He helped to clear up some of my confusion that there is in fact a Roleplaying game there, and it is very similar to the style of game that Pokemon is. We also get into a length discussion about Pokemon Go and how the Ingress type game is likely going to change what we are playing next year. There is really no way this is not going to be a huge title, and for the most part we agree that Ingress has been a tech demo leading up to this.

Finally several of us have spontaneously gotten sucked back into Star Wars the Old Republic. Right now it is impossible to go anywhere in the world without being bombarded by Force Awakens merchandise, and after a point I simply could not resist the pull of nostalgia. The best thing about coming back to a game after years of being away is the huge backlog of content available to be played. The current twelve times experience bonus for subscribers helps as well, because you quite literally only have to focus on your class story to get leveled which was always the best part of the game. Ash, Bel and Tam are all caught in the gravity well of this game for the moment, and it sounds like some of our other hosts might have gotten the bug as well. We will have to see next week if we are still talking out it, or if we have gotten it out of our systems.

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Paragon Levels with Friends

Blaugust Administrata

Blaugust is officially over…  I mean it… put your pencils down and turn in your papers.  Now begins the fun part of actually attempting to “grade”, and by that I mean tabulate the results.  I started doing this yesterday afternoon with some of the early finishers, and if everyone that was a day away crossed that finish line… we have a pretty huge bunch of winners.  Equally impressive as of yesterday we had 76 “Survivors” meaning that during the course of the month they managed to get in at least fifteen posts.  Mostly I wanted to say a little bit this morning about just how proud I am of everyone who attempted any length of posts this month.  The concept of daily posting is rather daunting and there are still days where I question my sanity as I plunk away at the keys each morning trying to make sense of the jumble of thoughts in my head.  So while I will be terming people as “winning” the challenge you are all winners in my book even if you didn’t make it to fifteen posts.

My goal all along has been to get more people creating more content about the things they love doing.  After a point folks stop caring so much about what you are writing, and focus in on the fact that it is YOU behind the screen that is writing it.  The whole idea behind Blaugust is if you can prove to yourself that you can churn out thirty one posts in a single month…  then posting a handful of posts every week on a fixed schedule is really not that terribly daunting.  Whether or not they realize it, people crave consistency.  I started this blog with a decent boost of readers, but over the years of my lack of posting…  I pretty much pissed all of those regular readers away.  When I became consistent, folks started tuning in every morning to read all of these seemingly useless thoughts I was dumping out of my head…  and apparently enjoying it.  Today is my day for calculations, but I wanted to close Blaugust with one thought.  Don’t let Blaugust be this marathon that you run once a year and then stick back on the shelf until the next year.  Let Blaugust be a spirit that you embrace every day, and an excuse to create regular posts throughout the year.

Boys Will Be Boys

First off I have to say that I have always hated this phrase… but sometimes it absolutely fits.  Last night I talked to my mom on the phone, because it had been a few days since I had called my folks.  They have had to deal with the fallout of a flood in one of the bathrooms, and this weekend they got into my childhood bedroom.  My closet backed up to the bathroom so it was a assumed that pretty much everything in it would be ruined.  The funny thing is… my Mom expected me to remember what I had in my closet over two decades ago.  Luckily it seems that for the most part all of my comic books, and various sundry cards that I never bothered to “move out” were left untouched.  Apparently some plywood seems to have wicked up the bulk of the water that made it through to the closet.  As she was pulling stuff out of the closet she kept stopping and asking my dad what various things were.  Then she got to an item that threw her for a loop.

I was a little skater kid, and there was a phase in my life where everything that mattered about anything…  was skateboard related.  She pulled out this baseball bat that was scrawled with all sorts of skater terminology and logos in a combination of sharpie and paint pen.  She wanted to know why this bat was all scarred like it had been hitting concrete and “defaced” in such a way.  My Dad just said that it looked like “little boys were playing”.  So I had to explain to my mother what the bat was used for.  We used to go to the tennis court with our skateboards, as much padding as we had, and baseball bats.  My friend and I would ride towards each other, each of us on one side of the tennis net like we were “jousting”.  At which point we would put as much padding on our left arms as we could and use the right arm to swing the baseball bat at the other person.  The goal of course was to knock the other person off their skateboard and the padding was in a vague attempt to block the blows.  It is a miracle we didn’t do serious harm to each other.  This apparently did not phase my father, because it turns out his childhood friend and he would fire arrows at each other from recurve bows…  so I guess in the grand scheme of things getting beaned with a baseball bat doesn’t seem that dangerous?

Paragon Levels with Friends


Since a good chunk of our raid was still doing the whole Pax Prime thing, we were not able to put in any attempts on Ravana Extreme last night.  Instead I spent a good chunk of time fiddling with Bitdefender and ultimately uninstalling it.  I guess I should have known better when my good friend Wulf struggled to keep it from blocking the Final Fantasy XIV game client, but I went ahead and gave it a shot.  This time around it was the Glyph client for Trion Worlds that I could not get it to unblock.  I finally uninstalled it and went back to AVG because at least I am used to it.  That of course killed an hour, so by the time I finally logged into Diablo 3 it was fairly late in the evening.  Grace was already hard at work doing rifts and such so I joined her until she left to go eat dinner.  Then there was a block of time when the server was rebooted and patched, and I could not get reconnected to save my life.  All the while I am watching The Strain on Hulu, which is a show I would absolutely suggest if you like Horror.  The added benefit is you get to see Argus Filch playing a Van Helsing like badass… and yes I know the actors name is David Bradley but he will always be Filch to me.


The big take away of the evening is that we managed to get Mor to 70 on his Crusader, and I managed to get up to 47ish Paragon levels before the end of the night.  I still cannot deal anywhere close to as much damage as Grace can at this point so I feel like I need to do some research into how best to gear and spec out a Barbarian.  I mean I do respectable damage but I think my gear just isn’t quite at the same level as hers.  She is still absolutely carrying both of us hard when it comes to doing group content.  Though last night I did manage to stay alive most of the time, I think I took two deaths throughout the night, which is significantly better than previous outings.  We spent most of the night on Torment IV, and I can personally solo Torment I pretty effectively… it is just that bosses seem to take forever.  I am not sure how long this current addiction to Diablo 3 will last, but for the time being I am rolling with it.

Blaugust and Nephalem

Last Day of Blaugust

As the subheading says, it is in fact the last day of Blaugust and as such very soon I am going to begin tabulating the results.  It has been an interesting month, but also a very quick one.  It seems like just yesterday I was kicking off this challenge, and now we are staring at the finish line.  It has also been interesting just how many people have participated in one way or another.  Even if you did something as simple as retweet a Blaugust post, you are part of this and I thank you.  In truth I was not really sure how the turn out for year two would end up looking.  The biggest surprise honestly was just how many year one folks came back for this year.  You’d think that they would have learned better by the time the second event rolled around.  As I sift through the results it is going to be interesting to see just how many folks have completed both years at this point.

The big take away this year is that we have already reached a point where we are just too big to be planned somewhat “on the fly”.  Up until July I was still questioning if I would actually go through with a second Blaugust.  I was somewhat shocked at the number of people who were looking forward to it.  So I pulled things together and we ended up with this year, that went significantly more smoothly than the first.  As a result I think for the 2016 Blaugust I will be starting to pull things together about four months in advance.  Folks offering to sponsor prizes was a brand new concept to me, and this year we had Anook and KingsIsle Entertainment both chipping in prizes.  I greatly appreciate them both, but I am hoping if I start the wheels moving several months ahead I will be able to get a few more people to come on board.  It would be awesome to get some game keys donated for a sort of “Blaugust Game Club” like our AggroChat Game Club.  Where every Blaugust writer has the opportunity to play a specific game and write about it, because it is super interesting when you collect a bunch of opinions on the same title.  I realize we are just how wrapping up, and folks are I am sure sick of it for the time being…  but I am already thinking about how to make next year better.

Nephalem Ascended

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Friday night when I got home from eating with friends I started a brand new Female Barbarian, and as of last around 8 pm I managed to hit 70 securing at least some of the Season 4 rewards.  While I managed to get drug along for a handful of levels, this is still the fastest and most dedicated I have ever leveled in Diablo.  In part a huge chunk of it has been that I have largely been leveling with my friend Grace, who keeps pushing me to go do content rather than just piddling around like I normally do.  Pushing is the wrong word because she was not even insistent… she just gave me a reason to keep grouping up and doing interesting things.  The other big change this season is that I pretty much completely ignored the story line.  In Season 3 I attempted to level my way through the story, which is apparently the worst possible way to level these days.  Instead I largely started adventure mode from the moment I created the character, and the result is as I leveled I tended to always have legendary weapons that I could craft for my character.


One of the big changes that came with Season 4 was the introduction of the “Season Journey” interface that serves as a way of unlocking the various rewards.  Just for hitting level 70 on a seasonal character I unlocked the transmogrification pieces, but in order to get the Portrait Frame and the Pet I have to complete all four Chapters of the Season Journey.  As of last night I have completed the first three and they were honestly all pretty easy.  The final element that I needed was to defeat one of the major bosses on Master difficulty or harder.  Since Belial is the fastest to get to on Adventure mode I popped over there and took him out with relative ease.  Now I have to do some of the more grindy things like taking out each of the key masters on Torment difficulty.  I also need to finally use the Kanai cube to extract a Legendary power, but I am trying to sort out what sort of power I want to keep.  Honestly I feel like I need to read up on how exactly that process works before making any decisions surrounding getting powers from it.  I know that once you do this you can choose at least one power as a permanent buff, and I have a few that are really nice.

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I really did not spend much time playing Reaper of Souls, and as such I had never actually done a Rift of any sort until this weekend.  Grace on the other hand is an expert at such things and as a result I spent some of my “post 70” time last night with her working on Rifts and then the Greater Rifts that follow.  I have to say they are crazy amounts of fun, and I am trying to sort out how best to use my legendary gems.  Right now I have two of them, and I need to run more Greater Rifts to power up the second one.  The first one is now at level 6, but once again I think I need to do some research in how best to utilize them.  The game is so much more intricate than I remember it being, and in truth I have never played Diablo 3 seriously.  I am having a blast so I guess that is really all that matters.  My hope is that tonight our Final Fantasy XIV raid can down Ravana Extreme… but after that… I hope to put in big ole dent in some of these Chapter IV objectives.