Ten Books Down

Good Morning Friends! I’ve continued to keep busy with my whole consuming books nonsense and thought I would give some updates this morning. I’m feeling a little groggy this morning because I was up until well after midnight finishing up a book. I’ve also come to the realization that any concerns I had about being a slow reader were largely unwarranted. The speed at which I read seems to be directly related to my desire to read, and maybe the books that I felt like I was reading slowly… just gave me an insufficient drive to keep going. At this point, I am halfway through my 20 books this year goal that I set for myself, which makes me think I maybe need to re-evaluate that goal. I continue to greatly enjoy using the Bookwyrm website/app to track my progress.

I suppose I should have started things off with a Happy Valentine’s day greeting for those who are participating in it. My wife and I are a bit weird when it comes to holidays and our “valentines” activity is going to be on Friday when we both have the day off. It probably says a lot about us as people and as a couple that the chosen activity is going to be hitting up two libraries in nearby communities and getting additional library cards there. One of the neat things about the Libby app is that you can add multiple libraries, which effectively expands the pool of available books to check out. We are part of a massive regional library system already, but two larger communities in the nearby vicinity are not and have their own offerings. They charge a fee to get a library card if you are not from that community, but I am more than happy to support said library systems. So our Valentine’s gift to each other is to go sign up and get two more cards a piece, to theoretically mitigate the holds a little more easily.

Since I last gave a book update I have consumed three novels or more two novels and a novella. The first was The Lies of Locke Lamora and this is something that I had recommended to me numerous times over the years. At the beginning of the novel, I was not entirely certain I would enjoy it, because I don’t usually go in terribly well with the whole thieves guild thing. That said as the adventure unfolded before me, the more hooked I became with the fate of the Gentlemen Bastards. At its core, this is a grand heist novel… but instead of one single heist, it is made up of innumerable smaller outings culminating in one final major event. The flowing back and forth between the current time and past remembering was a bit jarring at times because you essentially needed to keep putting a mental bookmark where each timeframe left off. I figure I will give the next novel in this series a shot, but I expect it to play out in a more linear fashion since this LoLL served as a bit of an origin story as well as the tale of an epic heist.

Next up was Battle Ground, the latest novel in The Dresden Files series and in truth the second half of the novel Peace Talks. For as badly as I viewed Peace Talks, this novel was effectively the payoff, and given that they came out in the same year… my assumption is that a single larger work was crudely chopped in half and then released as individual books. Dresden is best when it is a small personal outing that is focused on a single “monster of the week”. This is the other sort of Dresden novel however that is focused on wide-sweeping cosmic forces… and as a result, it effectively becomes “Changes 2.0”. I won’t explain that further because I don’t want to spoil the flow of the series for anyone who is otherwise unindoctrinated but suffice it to say Changes was a novel that changed everything about the world, and Battle Ground similarly opens a brand new story arc. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but also I am looking forward to dropping down this hill into what seems to be more “Core Dresden” for lack of a better term for it.

Lastly is the novella that I read last night in a single sitting called The Law. This takes place directly after the events of Battle Ground, so I would highly suggest NOT reading it out of order if you have not fully caught up with the baseline novels. This story alone gives me a lot of hope for the sort of Dresden we might see in coming outings because it was effectively an old-school detective case file. It wasn’t exactly the best thing I have ever read but followed the case of someone down on their luck turning to Harry Dresden for help and him having to navigate the subtleties of the supernatural world for them. It makes me anxious for the release of the next proper novel because I think we are going to be entering a period of the sort of Dresden stories that I enjoy the most.

I have a number of holds on books that are not quite available yet, so I think I am going to roll into Heroic Hearts and keep with the Dresden theme for the moment. This anthology has another short story that is set after the events of Battle Ground, featuring the valiant fae Toot-Toot and Lacuna. Toot was one of the first characters you got introduced to in Storm Front, and he is still one of my favorites of the reoccurring cast. I fully expect this to largely be a comedic story because Toot has always at least somewhat served that role in Dresden. The little folk however have also shown that they can be mighty adversaries just due to the sheer number of them, so I expect a proper adventure as well. It should be a fun diversion until some of the more serious novels come off hold and become available.

I think more than anything I wish I had landed upon this pattern of interaction with books before now. I know I tend to be super into one thing for a period of time, but I am hoping that I can sustain this sort of thing because I am really enjoying myself.