Set Mastery is my Kryptonite

Hey Friends! This is probably going to be a pretty short post given that I honestly don’t have an awful lot to talk about. I am deep into the Diablo 3 seasonal grind and finding it very hard to focus on anything else right now. I am still trying to make sure I log in at least once a day to do ESO daily stuff because that anniversary event is still going on… but timing has conspired to place this seasonal grind in direct conflict with that. I am nearing the end and am very much in the slow grind portion where there is very little effort required but just a lot ore repetition and grinding bounties.

Shocking to no one who has been on this emotional rollercoaster with me before, but I am once again stalled out on the Set Dungeon Mastery portion of this ride. Something you have to understand about me, I have a massive hang up about when being put on a timer. Like I could go into the emotional scars and explain it all to you… and probably have in the past… but suffice to say this is something rooted deep within my psyche and just something I can’t shake no matter how hard I try. If you put me on a timer I am going to fail at whatever the task is. If you time me without me knowing it I am probably going to execute flawlessly and with plenty of time to spare.

So mostly of my life I have developed coping strategies for this by trying really fucking hard to ignore the fact that there is a clock ticking down and I use this to get over my natural aversion to Greater Rifts. However Set Dungeons are a whole new level of hell for me because not only do they require me to be on a timer, but they also require me to do a little dance that feels unnatural while watching the clock. So as a result I put them off until the absolute last moment. For example when I finally do master a set dungeon… I am going to zoom forward and complete everything but the very last set of the seasonal journey because I have literally completed two full steps that I won’t get credit for until I have finished off Slayer.

Set Dungeon mental fuckery aside… I am super close to wrapping the season up its entirety. All of my gems are above level 65 so a few more Greater Rifts and I will be able to get them all to 70. I can easily do 80s but my survival is still not where I would want them to be so it means that I die quite a bit in doing them… but am killing so fast that there is plenty of time on the clock to spare. Basically today I need to get over my mental block and build a set for the appropriate dungeon and just do the thing.

Last night Grace and I managed to get a Speed Demon clear of a Torment X Rift and I was easily able to get a solo Greater Rift 75 clear for that conquest. That leaves the most likely candidate on the books to be Avarice which is easy enough to complete but just time consuming. Essentially there are two ways to do this… hoping and praying that the stars align with your leveled up Boon of the Hoarder and you can complete this naturally. Then there is the method that I usually do which is farm up a bunch of bounty chests and open them all at the same time so that I can get enough gold to drop to finish this up in one go. I’ve gathered the calculations before in the past but going to copy and paste them here largely for my own benefit later.

A T13 bounty cache contains 1,190,000 gold.
43 T13 caches contain enough gold to achieve the conquest.

A T14 bounty cache contains 1,440,000 gold.
35 T14 caches contain enough gold to achieve the conquest.

A T15 bounty cache contains 1,540,000 gold.
33 T15 caches contain enough gold to achieve the conquest.

A T16 bounty cache contains 1,640,000 gold.
31 T16 caches contain enough gold to achieve the conquest.

Right now I have several T13 caches that Grace and I farmed up last night. I will probably switch over to T16 Caches when I start farming on my own later today. As a result I am probably going to end up in a similar situation that I have been before of farming up a page and a half of these in my inventory before attempting to do a mass opening and getting the achievement. I seem to usually land somewhere around 35 caches before doing the open. I have no clue how long it is going to take me to do the necessary farming but that and the mindfuck that is the set dungeon mastery are really the only things standing in my way. I also need to extract 19 legendaries but the bounty farm will give me more than enough materials to finish that off.