A Cache of Caches

Morning Friends! One of the aspects of this season that is super hard to get used to is just how prevalent Death’s Breath ends up being. Given that there are a limited number of items that make sense to be equipped on your follower, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be rocking the Sage set for the bonus to DB drops. This is what it looks like when you destroy a slime goblin and the sea of teal that I am not tired of yet. The challenge however is that every other crafting resource seems more scarce, especially the white quality “Reusable Parts”. This however has been a season where I am never having to worry about enchanting or rerolling items because I almost always have a full stock of items waiting to be used.

Yesterday I talked about my hang up with Set Dungeons, but given it was one of the things holding me back I set forth to complete one last night. I remembered Immortal Kings being fairly easy in the past so I cobbled together the set of gear that goes with that build. Thankfully I pretty much had everything I needed already sitting in my vault because I am a horrible packrat when it comes to Diablo loot. At least in this specific instance it really paid off because after all of the hemming and hawing about doing this… I walked in and got mastery on my first attempt. At some point on my non-seasonal characters I really should go through the process of completing all of the set dungeons so I can get those spiffy wings.

That leaves the only real thing left on my seasonal journey gathering enough bounty caches to get Avarice. Right now I have 10 Torment 13 caches and 13 Torment 16 caches sitting in my vault. If you follow the math that i posted yesterday that would give a grand total of 33,220,000 of the 55,000,000 needed for the Avarice achievement. However when it comes to this achievement I always overshoot the goal because I am scared to death that I will start the process and not have enough gold and end up having to farm everything all over again. So my plan right now is to fill up the 12 remaining slots in that vault with Torment 16 caches and maybe start into a second vault just to make certain.

Another part of the seasonal grind is getting Primal Ancient Legendary items and I have to admit my luck has been somewhat spotty in that department. So far I have gotten four with my first one being a Restraint… which would be awesome in any other season where that is a common item needed for a build but significantly less awesome this particular season. The second item was my Bull-Kathos main hand and probably the best possible item I could have hoped for. After that I have picked up two complete trash items in Kymbo’s Gold and Pledge of Caldeum. I WISH that the last of those was a one handed spear instead of a polearm so at least my follower could equip it. This is sorta the way of primals however because they very rarely drop as something that would be useful to you.

The main problem I am encountering right now in progressing is that whatever changes were made to implement follower loot seems to have damaged the overall stability of the game client. I am seeing a significantly higher instance of crashes to desktop and they seem to always happen at the worst possible time. As such I am not holding my bounties open because way too often I end up crashing out on the fifth zone of bounties each time. I have other friends talking about crashing out while doing Greater Rifts and I have had one of those occur as well. I am hoping that maybe just maybe I will farm up enough caches tonight in order to finish the season.