Adepta Sororitas

Yesterday was a good day, although it wasn’t a terribly productive one. Some months back one of my good friends… legitimately probably the only friend that I am still in contact with from my High School years… moved into an apartment in the same suburb of Tulsa where I live. I legitimately don’t see a lot of people right now because still fairly leery from Covid numbers in our area. However yesterday I got out of my comfort zone a bit and we got together for about an hour yesterday afternoon. I had a little something for him and he a little something for me… though his little something is pretty phenomenal. Both of our gifts were a little self serving in that I picked him up a Magic the Gathering Commander deck because I would really like to play some in person Commander soon.

He on the other hand went to way more effort and assembled and painted me this start to a Sisters of Battle Army. Again because he would really like to get some war-gaming in soon when things calm down a bit. The only problem that we foresee is that neither of us have a large table, or really the ROOM for a large table to set up and play on. I did wonder about maybe booking a backroom in the local library every so often for a games day. I miss playing games physically and would love to get engaged in more of that… now that legitimately he lives less than two miles away from my house. The photo does not at all do justice to the models as the lighting I snapped a picture under is not exactly optimal for miniatures.

In other gaming news I have passed the Wall Market section of Final Fantasy VII Remake and honestly am not super far off from the point where I left on in my PS5 run of the game. PC gaming is just more conducive to my lifestyle right now and it is super easy for me to drop into a game. I guess I could be playing remotely through my laptop via the third party app that I have been using. That is probably how I am going to play Horizon Forbidden West but there is just something preferable about controlling these games with a mouse and keyboard for me. The only section that has been particularly awful is the motorbike combat section… where I had to contort my hands in such a way as to hit the throttle button while also steering and swinging a sword. It is nothing that changing the keybinds would not fix but I didn’t take that amount of time to figure out a new scheme.

I am poking my head into New World about once a day to loot three packages and create a sword mold for a daily expertise boost. All of the other activities are sort of a bit “much” for me right now. I am very much only tangentially engaged in the game. The servers have merged and as a result I now play on Frislandia instead of Minda given that all of Arkadia Theta merged into a single server. Everything is definitely more lively and I am sure that I could probably go back to farming outdoor content for expertise levels if I wanted to. However I just have not found the drive to return to group activity. Most of the people that I had been playing with from the larger Minda community jumped ship to other servers and the thought of trying to make inroads from scratch again… does not seem terribly compelling.

I am interested to watch the map over the next few days. When the servers merged we inherited Frislandia’s map which was largely dominated by Syndicate. The only non-syndicate territory was unfortunately Brightwood… where I have my Tier 4 house. Over night it seems that a Marauder guild managed to capture Cutlass Keys, and there are a handful of other wars brewing. According to the folks on Frislandia, the server has always been dominated by Syndicate so I guess we will see how well the upcoming wars shake out in favor of that status quo. It seems like at least one of the servers that merged in was Covenant dominant because almost all of the Wars that are queued up are team Yellow trying to seize territory.

1 thought on “Adepta Sororitas”

  1. I kept it under the 50 hr crafting time mark! lol. Besides, I was really looking for an excuse to paint something completely out of my normal stuff. I love the sisters models, even if they were very finiky to build, and the red paint scheme was nice. I figured the order of the bloody rose matched your “tank” style of play in everything else

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