AggroChat #482 – Roguelike Asteroids

Featuring: Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, and Tamrielo

Hey Folks! We are down essentially half our folks and as a result, we have a bit shorter show than our normal fare.  We start off with some discussion about Grace’s return to Final Fantasy XIV and how Bel “influenced” them into coming back.  From there we talk a bit about Four Job Fiesta and how the White Mage start is REALLY rough.  We dive into Nova Drift and talk about its roguelike take on Asteroids or Geometry Wars. Tam talks about his love of arcade racers and talks about playing the 2012 Need for Speed: Most Wanted and then Ash and Bel try and sell him on Forza Horizon.  Tam also talks about What the Car…  which is also loosely a “car game” but not really.  Then we try and wrap up the show and suddenly remember that a Nintendo Direct happened and talk about some of the games showed off.

Topics Discussed:

  • Bel Lures Grace back to FFXIV
    • Speedrunning a Post Expansion
  • Four Job Fiesta in Final Fantasy V
    • White Mage Start is Awful
  • Nova Drift
  • Need for Speed: Most Wanted
  • Forza Horizon Series
  • What the Car
  • Nintendo Direct

Chill Edgelord

Morning Folks! I popped into the game for a bit this morning before sitting down to write this blog post about nothing and dinged 89 on Dark Knight. That means I am very easily going to polish off that job today probably by doing a set of Hippo Dailies and a MSQ Roulette. Then I plan on shifting my focus to Gunbreaker so that I can potentially get all of my tanks to 90 prior to the expansion and clear out even more gear. I like the concept of Dark Knight more than I actually like playing it. After level 80 it is a pretty fun class to play, but prior to about level 70… it just does not feel like I have nearly enough tools to make the process enjoyable. So this means things like MSQ Roulette are less than enjoyable because I don’t have for example a charge ability… and have very limited mitigation “oh shit” buttons.

Yesterday my friend Ace reinstalled the game, but I mostly left them alone because coming back… is “a lot”. I know each time I have returned to the game after time away… it takes me a few days of futzing before I finally get back into the rhythm of what I actually need to do. I am kinda hoping by tonight however they have sorted things out and have some modicum of goals in mind, and I can help be pocket-tank to rocket them through the Post-MSQ. Not that I intend to rush them or anything, just trying to be helpful… without also being fucking annoying about it. I know I personally hit a “give a fuck” wall when I encountered the first trial fight, and it took me half a year to get back around to engaging with it again. My goal is to help ease some of those barriers.

I warned you at the top of this post that I did not have much to talk about this morning, and I am delivering in spades. I have a problem… and that problem is constantly searching for the ultimate controller. There is part of my brain that thinks that if I ever find the ideal controller for my mammoth hands… I will finally prefer that style of play over a mouse and keyboard. I know this is a fallacy but I have ordered yet another well-reviewed controller… this time the Gulikit King Kong 3 Pro. Because I was in no rush I popped over to AliExpress to grab it and save ten bucks roughly over the Amazon price. Generally speaking, this is a thing I at least check when I buy a controller or one of my emulator consoles because they are all coming from China anyway… might as well pay the least amount for said item.

What interests me about this controller is that it is roughly the same form factor as a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller… which I dig, but comes with Hall Effect sticks that are interchangeable similar to that of an Xbox Pro controller. I also dig the Gameboy-esc color palate. China has retro nonsense on lock honestly. Of course, at some point after I have played around with it, I will report my thoughts. I linked one of the many review videos on this controller which at least piqued my interest enough to try it. One of these days though… I am going to have a massive controller sale or something because I have sooooo many.

Anyways! For a week where I worked two days… I am exhausted and looking forward to the weekend. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend and I will see you again when I post the AggroChat episode on Sunday. Then again I might see you sooner if you are on either Bluesky or Mastodon because I have been more active lately.

Ill-Fitting Pants

Good Morning Folks! I find myself in one of those transitional periods in gaming… where the thing you really want to be playing has not come out yet, but everything that you are playing is not quite right. I am having a heck of a lot of fun in Final Fantasy XIV but essentially only to the point where I run out of daily roulette bonuses. I spent chunks of yesterday trying to catch up on quests and honestly… I think I am of the mindset of my friend Jay and just going to cancel them en masse and then pick up the pieces whenever I feel in the mood to sort them out again. First I think we should all take a moment to appreciate just how pretty Limsa Lominsa is at night. I think more than anything this is why I decided to switch my allegiance to this city all those years ago.

I’ve been scurrying around trying to do a bunch of prep work, but am starting to feel like I am studying too hard for a test to where I start to second guess myself. I don’t really have enough time to get my gear maxed out at this point, and I have already geared out my Warrior and Machinist to a point where they should be viable for a good chunk of the early bits of Dawntrail. I’ve been pouring “bookrocks” into ninja gear so that I can finish that character out after I have finished leveling my tanks. My Dark Knight is getting pretty close as I managed to knock out two levels yesterday, and will easily get another level today. After that, I will spend the last week working on Gunblade but am unlikely to get it across the finish line before the expansion launch without some dedicated grinding. Essentially I am in this pattern of playing a lot of things… for a little bit of time… and feeling weird about it. Side note if you have not backed up your settings in awhile you might want to do so. I had not backed mine up since 2021.

In Guild Wars 2 I am pretty much playing a little bit each night at reset and knocking out my daily wizard chores. I should be wrapping up Secrets of the Obscure but I gotta say… I am not the biggest fan of Nayos. Right now the story quests have not inspired me to dive deeper into it. The fight with Ceros was easily three times longer than it should have been. That entire instance should have been chopped up into multiple instances because, by the time I finished it, I was ready to gnaw my arm off to release myself from that trap. I am in this weird place with Guild Wars 2 where I still enjoy playing it casually and I like knocking out things that will eventually get me another legendary… but I am having trouble fully attaching to it knowing that I am about to go all in on Dawntrail.

Similarly, I am in an odd place with Diablo IV. My build was good enough to get me to 100, but feels sort of awful pushing harder content. I have been poking at leveling a Necromancer, but the drive to play is mostly gone. Getting to 100 feels like “finishing” the game to me, that was the thing I had never done previously and after accomplishing that goal I was ready to do something else. I enjoy the changes to the game but it also doesn’t really drive me to play more of it. It is nowhere near as rich and textured as Path of Exile and there are not as many different things to interact with. Everything sort of feels very samey where you just keep pushing up difficulty rather than interacting with systems. I keep thinking about respeccing either to Dust Devils Dual Swing or the new Dust Devils Whirlwind… but it feels like it takes too much effort and focus to get me there. So instead I log in… flop around like a fish out of water for a bit and then log right back out.

I am still periodically logging into World of Warcraft Pandaria Remix as my “third game” but honestly a lot of my drive to play it is gone there as well. I’ve leveled and geared one character to the standards I am willing to do during a short event, and leveled a second character…. and now sit less than 10 levels away from the cap on a third. I could level more characters or I could grind out more bronze… but honestly… I scooped up most of the mounts I care about and gearsets are honestly more enjoyable to farm from the raids themselves once the warband changes go in with the expansion. I still have no clue what I am going to do for War Within. I have my Alliance home in House Stalwart, a Horde home on the same server in Facepull, and then another group of friends over on Drenden that have offered me a home. I just don’t really know what I want to do with myself when it comes to Warcraft nor how seriously I want to treat the game.

I feel like I want something that I can really sink my teeth into and no life… but also don’t really want to get engaged in something when in eight days I am just going go degenerate on FFXIV. Path of Exile released a patch yesterday and I logged in this morning because it needed to update its cache after some significant graphical changes. All in all the game seems to maybe perform better. I suppose I could while away the hours where I am not doing dailies in FFXIV or GW2 doing some more POE. There is another league challenge that I could probably knock out if I set my mind to it. I have a bunch of the memories maps and there is one for doing those that I did not touch during Necropolis.

Basically, as the title of the post says… it feels like I am wearing a pair of ill-fitting pants right now and some new ones arrive in eight days. I’m not fully engaged with FFXIV enough to be using this time to its fullest and doing all the raids… most of which I have not even unlocked. I finished up the Stormblood Hildebrand quest so I will keep moving forward in that chain, but I am not sure what else I am really going to accomplish before the 28th. How are you spending your time before Dawntrail? Drop me a line below.

Quest List Clean-Up

Good Morning Folks! I’ve now reached a point on my Warrior where I feel like I am prepared for Dawntrail. I’ve gotten my gear level up to 630 and can technically do all of the content in the game if I so choose. I’ve started focusing on my Dark Knight a bit in trying to get it leveled to 90 as well with me splitting time between roulettes of running Frontlines and Mainstory with DRK, Trials and Alliance Raids with MCH, and then pretty much everything else with WAR. This is giving me one to two levels per day on Dark Knight given that I am also doing the Fae and Hippo dailies as well for an additional boost of experience. I am still having a blast tanking things, and plan on shifting to Gunbreaker whenever I have dinged 90 with Dark Knight.

Probably after I wrap up my tanks I will pop back over and snag Ninja and level it to 90 because that would round out everything but Reaper. I figure Reaper, Sage, and the two new jobs of Viper and Pictomancer will be treated as their own separate adventures at some point. Why do I want everything to max level? So that I will stop hoarding gear on the off chance that I might need it. This is a problem that I have and the only way I know around it is to max out all the things. At some point, I really would love to begin working on crafters because my “Land” jobs are still at Shadowbringers levels and my “Hand” jobs never graduated out of the old world. Crafting in this game is way too tedious for my tastes normally. I greatly prefer the “buy X amount of Y resource and make Z number of items to cap” crafting systems from other MMORPGs.

I think my real focus over the next few days is going to be doing my best to clear as many things out of my quest log as I can for the moment. I am sitting on 20 of 30 quests and would really like to see this cleared out a bit more before the launch of the expansion to give me some more headroom for questing. A lot of these will be simple enough but will require me to do specific content. A lot of the raid content I will probably do as a Machinist because I am just not sure I am ready for raiding yet as a warrior after having just gained back my ability to comfortably do dungeons. Come Dawntrail however I really want to do all of the raid content on Curve and will be pugging that if needed to accomplish it. I am not sure I will ever do Savage, but I at least want to clear the normals every week. I have a lot of debris in my quest log of raids long gone like Sigmascape and even some Alexander stuff.

I’ve unlocked the three Variant dungeons and can now run those, but I have not devoted the time to soloing them. I kind of love that there is now content in the game that can be completed with a variable party size, and that has multiple endings similar to the dungeons in Guild Wars 2. I think it would be fun to Duo these, but I would have to tip Ace over the edge into resubscribing to really make that happen. I am also really interested in the Criterion dungeons, which are similar to something like Mythic Plus is in World of Warcraft. I really dig all of the variable difficulty levels of content for variable sizes of parties so that if you have a certain number of friends that are available to do something, you can probably find something meaningful to fill your time doing.

As far as catching up on content goes, I think my focus is going to be getting up to date in Hildebrand. I fell off the wagon at some point in the past and know now that I am multiple quest series behind on this content. I know that the latest series is also what unlocks the relic weapons and that they are fairly easy to accomplish which is to some chagrin of the community. I remember the Bozja weapons were really easy to get started but a pain in the ass to complete. At some point, I would love to get to the point where I understand the appeal of either Eureka or Bozja but I have not been willing to devote the time to get into either system. They have both felt needlessly obtuse.

Mostly I feel pretty solid with where I am for the start of a new expansion. Both my Main job of choice WAR, and my DPS of choice are ready to go. It is going to be my intention to try and swap between these two so that maybe I exist in the main story with them both at 90 or pretty close to it. I’ve also emptied out my bags and Chocobo saddlebags so I am ready for an influx of new gear. I need to spend a bit more time clearing out my vaults because really… I think I am going to commit to buying full sets of Poetics gear at levels 80 and 90 for various jobs to level them up to 100 eventually. At that point… I don’t really need all that tweener gear because a fully maxed-out set of 80 gear can take you all of the way to 90 and I figure the same will be true for leveling to 100.

I’m trying really hard to get better about letting things go, because really if I want something again… it is relatively straightforward to go get it. I wish FFXIV had a better cosmetic system similar to the games that collect appearances as you acquire items. However, I feel like I will always be wanting things on the systems level because either due to design limitations of the game, or technical constraints… Final Fantasy XIV will always feel slightly behind the curve in the user interface and systems department. I just have to learn to accept its shortcomings and move on with my life, because I realize I am an outlier in the fact that I have played 500+ hours in most of the major MMORPGs out there and as such know there are much better solutions to be had. All games though have their shortcomings, and as much as I would love to normalize the playing field… that is never going to happen.