Non-post Post

I teetered back and forth on this today. However I am going to go ahead and make a post. Ultimately I tried to decide if I would just post something to twitter saying that I wasn’t going to make a post, of if I would post something to the blog. It feels really freaking weird to make a non-post post. Basically I am sitting here exhausted and devoid of inspiration. I am not exactly sure if I am coming down with something again or if the exhaustion comes from somewhere else. Last night I did very little and wound up crashing around 9 pm after sitting on the sofa dozing in and out for a good thirty minutes before that.

I had grand plans to venture forth into a dungeon last night, and had for the most part locked down a team of players. Then ultimately I was the one to let them all down by not being able to do it. Tonight may be different, as today is my Friday. I am off tomorrow as I am scheduling the “fall” check up on our AC system and then have a doctors appointment scheduled for the afternoon. It feels weird to get the check up done already, but I have a feeling much like we had no spring this year, we are likely to have no fall. We pretty much went from cold to hot and think we are probably going to end this 90 to 100 degree heat streak with it immediately dropping to the 40s.

I am not sure what is going on health wise but I have been exhausted all week. It could just be that ragweed is going insane outside, and that is probably my worst allergy… or it could be that I have picked up something along with the allergies. Whatever the case I am completely absent of creativity when it comes to coming up with something proper to write. As such I am going to forego any sort of extended syndication of this post other than the ones that WordPress does automagically for me. It isn’t really worth reading.

I hope you have a great day and I hope I survive mine that is stacked full of meetings I have no interest in being in. May we both exit on the other side of today unscathed.

1 thought on “Non-post Post”

  1. Gack, it does sound a lot like you might be coming down with something. Crashing early and feeling exhausted before feeling anything else otherwise is a fairly common sign of it for me at least.

    Whether it is that or more along the lines of needing a chance to mentally recharge — I hope it passes you by and that you’re able to feel a li’l better soon, Bel.

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