Heroics and Xinyan and Catfriends

Good morning friends! This morning I am riding the struggle bus to catch the fail boat chartered to the island state of confusion. I have no clue why I am so tired, but my wife would tell you it is because I periodically sleep sitting up during the night. I have no memory of doing this thing at all. She claims that she will wake up and just find me sitting there on the edge of the bed snoring… at which point she convinces me to lay back down. Like last night I do remember getting up to turn on the ceiling fan, but that is all I have in my head. I mostly had nightmares about my folks and needing me to do a million different disconnected things for them.

I had originally intended to spend the evening getting Soul Ash in Torghast, but instead I queued for a bunch of dungeons. There are some significant deficits in my gearing… namely I don’t have a reasonable weapon. Sadly the only Auction House version is around 300-400k which I do not have especially after dumping money into leveling professions. Effectively there are three dungeons I can be running: The Necrotic Wake, Mists of Tirna Scithe, and De Other Side. They each drop a weapon but for some reason the queue times for each of them is completely nonsense. Mists of Tirna Scithe for whatever reason involves people dropping after the first boss… because I guess folks are farming it for a specific drop. All told though the heroics I did run gave me quite a few decent upgrades even though they were not a weapon.

Another day passed netting me another pull in Genshin Impact and I lucked out and grabbed Xinyan one of the new characters on this banner. I am not certain what I thought she was going to be, but I did not expect another greatsword user. She sorta seems like a fire version of Beidou, but I have not spent much time playing her. Since I do not have a Diluc she is absolutely a good pull. I am wondering about trying to level her up as a replacement for Xiangling in my main party. I also wonder how well she would work backed up by Bennet as a main damage dealer.

Something that I meant to talk about yesterday morning but did not… is did some nonsense. A few years back I installed a security cam on the front porch. It was shortly after doing this that we realized we had quite a few cats in the neighborhood. We have been feeding these catfriends and then enjoying watching their lives via the camera. I have been sharing some of these clips with my close friends, and on a whim I decided to create a YouTube channel called Catfriend Television where I upload various clips and write about the babies that were captured in the footage. If you are so inclined for this brand of nonsense then feel free to follow.