Bang Bang Bang Bang

Good Morning Friends. Right now my world is banging… and footsteps… and the occasional saws-all on the roof above me. To keep my calm, I am giving you all a picture of Gracie snoozing on my desk from a few days ago. The cats are unfortunately freaking out, which is not shocking given the amount of noise that is happening that they cannot find. So a few weeks back we had one heck of a windstorm, and a few days after that I found shingles in our yard… which led us to contact a roofer to check for damage. There was some, but more than anything our roof just showed signs of normal wear and tear in the windswept blistering heat of Oklahoma summers. So today we are doing what all homeowners dread… spending a lot of money to get the roof replaced. I’ve taken the day off work because there was no way I could reliably attend conference calls with all of this banging. I also needed to be around in case they needed something… so as a result of both I am getting a bit of a late start.

I am still trucking along in the Crucible season, and am still pretty comfortably melting maps. At this point, I have knocked out 37 of the 115 maps in the process of unlocking my atlas. I’ve now entered the beginning of yellow maps and I seem to still be able to wreck them without much issue. I’ve run a few poorly rolled maps without taking a death, so I am already considering myself in a much better state than I was at this point last league with only 60 chaos spent on gearing. Every single slot could use an upgrade as I am kinda rolling around in what I would consider the bare minimum for everything. I need to pour some more points into Dexterity so I can finish leveling my Fire Trap. I also at some point really need to swap out my Vaal Righteous Fire for a level 21 version of the base skill.

As of last night, I’ve completed the Atlas passives that will fuel Niko missions and be able to Delve as often as possible. I also picked up Shaping the Skies and am now working my way towards Shaping the Seas. I legitimately had no clue how cool these nodes were before now, or I would have made a beeline to them from the start. What I assumed they would do is give me free access to the options on your map device that you already can pay Chaos Orbs to use. What actually happened is I got one called “Monstrous Treasure” where it converted every single pack in my map… to a Strongbox for about 30 or so in total. It took me three trips back to my hideout to ferry all of the loot worth keeping… so many div cards and maps and general currency. It wasn’t really paying out in a ton of chaos or higher, but it was absolutely worth my effort. So I am looking forward to seeing how this feels when I pick up the complimentary node.

I still think Crucible as far as mechanics go is sort of shit. It is very limited in its usefulness and seems to just create dumb items. For example, right now I am using a fairly mediocre Opal Sceptre that I picked up off the ground. The available tree looks a little something like this… and I have bolded the options I took.

  • Adds 7 to 12 Fire Damage. 10% Chance to Ignite.
    • 25% reduced Attack Speed.  Attacks with this Weapon have 30% chance to deal Double Damage.
    • Minion Instability.
      • Inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit.  25% chance to be inflicted with Lightning Exposure when you take Lightning Damage from a Hit.
        • Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Energy Leech.
      • Brand Recall has 40% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate.  40% increased Brand Attachment Rate.
        • 15% increased Explicit Elemental Damage Modifier magnitudes.

So this item doesn’t really make a ton of sense for my current build… but in theory, it would be super useful if I end up building a Minion Instability Summon Raging Spirits build for example. I guess I am just thankful that nothing on the tree that I have chosen comes with a negative effect. For example, if that first node would have been the 25% reduced Attack Speed… that would have been pretty awful for a lot of builds. I think a lot of the complaints from the players have been when the node they cannot “unchoose” effectively makes it so they can no longer use the item. In theory, if you get to the forge map you can scour nodes but that is a lot of fiddling to fix what is effectively a broken item, especially if your item is say… an appropriately colored six-link bow worth a few divines.

It seems like I even had a better night than I thought I did. Granted this is nowhere near what I would consider a wild profit but between the Delve that I did yesterday and maps… without really selling anything on trade I managed to pick up 21 Chaos Orbs. I also picked up quite a few bindings and chromatics but wound up blowing through my jeweler’s orbs making bad decisions. The biggest benefit of last night though is I managed to find enough quality items to finish getting my armor slots to 20% so that was a not-insignificant bump in armor. My hope is eventually to get enough catalysts from Metamorph to put some stats on jewelry. Granted that nothing I am doing is anywhere near the rocket start that most YouTubers and Streamers have, but it feels pretty dang successful far as I am concerned.