Crucible League Has Ended

After yesterday’s massive blog post, I figure I am okay to do a bit of a smaller one today. Yesterday was the end of the Crucible League in Path of Exile, and that meant a short downtime and then a bunch of fiddling around to integrate my previous League inventory into my Standard inventory. Essentially what I do is create a folder named after the league and then shove all of my remove-only versions of the tabs into there. For the most part, I don’t bother removing items from those tabs unless I specifically want something. I do however condense most of the valuable things from my currency tab into my main standard currency tab. This meant a lot of last night extracting stacks of things from one tab and shoving them into another tab.

One of the things that I did during a recent sale is picked up a Currency Stash tab for the guild bank. Essentially I figured I would chuck some of my bubblegum currency that overrunneth to help out anyone in our clan that is also playing a given season. So last night when I was cramming things into my own stash, I was occasionally dumping a load of things in the guild stash. I’ve owned the “Dragon’s Hoard” stash MTX for a while now, and this has caused some hilarious results in my own hideout as the amount of raw currency in the guild bank grew. This seems to be the number of items and not necessarily the total market value of items, but I loaded up the bank full of basic useful crafting materials and around 1700 chaos orbs.

Mostly I find myself in a bit of a holding pattern. Before the league ended I did put a bunch of incubators on my gear, one of which is a fairly rare six-linked armor incubator. I am pretty curious to see what sort of armor pops out of that so I might run Crimson Temple or Cemetary until it “pops”. Other than that I am largely just fiddling around waiting for Friday. I need to set back up my Atlas Passive tree because while I did get credit for all 115 nodes, it didn’t copy over my passives at all. One positive is that since I got my third void stone in Crucible, that means I now also have my third void stone in Standard. I have a few youngin characters in Standard that I could fiddle around on, and I certainly have PLENTY of gear to outfit them if I sift through four leagues of remove-only tabs.

Since Standard is sort of a testing ground for my “real” characters later… I might go ahead and do the body armor/helm flip on my Righteous Fire Juggernaut and then see what I can do about getting my fourth void stone. I really really hate the Maven fight… mostly I hate the memory game portion of it. I don’t deal enough damage to really skip phases, but it might be worth a few shots at learning the fight better so that maybe just maybe I can actually do it, next league. Since I took the day off… I am contemplating streaming my league start. Given that I am not super attached to Twitch, I have configured OBS to connect to YouTube and am considering streaming there. Not sure if this is actually going to happen but it is at least something I am kicking around in my head. I think the league goes live around 3 pm my time so it would be a late afternoon thing if it happens.

Anyways I think that is good for a blog post. I hope your week is going excellently, and I am hoping the next few days go by smoothly for me and nothing major comes up to halt my enjoyment.