Last Day of Blaugust 2023

Good Morning Folks! As I am sitting here writing it is the dawn of the last day of Blaugust 2023. There was so much content generated, and tomorrow I will likely do a bit of a summary when I talk about the event as a whole. I wanted to start out this morning with a bit of expectation-setting. In an average year, the “tabulation day” as I personally refer to it is a bit of an arduous undertaking. Normally we talk around fifty or so blogs that I have to review and count posts on. This year we have one hundred and three… by far the largest participant pool I’ve ever seen. So please be patient with me as I undertake the task of tabulating everything and calculating the rewards. Tomorrow is the day when I get really grumpy for everyone who has a less standard blog layout without a clear monthly post index. Really it is the more Instagram-like interfaces that fluster me the most with irregular tiling.

I know of at least one blogger who I am going to ask to tabulate their results for me because instead of writing traditional blog posts they created their blog as threads on the Fediverse. It is just too damned hard to track these, and while I want to be super inclusive about this event… we gotta figure out a better way if this is going to be a thing that more people do. I think next year if we have anything even vaguely close to this number of bloggers, I am going to have to write something into the rules for self-submitting your blog post count for the month. I mean the entire event is already largely on the honor system and I am already scared to death that I am going to miss count someone’s posts and dump them into the wrong category. It has happened before. Some blogs are just harder to count than others and when you are doing a ton in a row in as short a time frame as you can… mistakes occasionally get made.

I am still delving around the 150 depth and having a blast doing so. I’ve upgraded my resistance and light radius in order to go much deeper, but for the moment this seems to be my happy place. I am not sure if this league’s RF character is stronger than the last league, but it feels at least as tanky. I know flipping Fire Trap to my chest piece seems to have increased my damage output significantly. I dinged 95 last night and am about a quarter of the way into the next level. I spent my passive tree point last night on some quality of life, and 10% more area of effect for Righteous Fire. I wasn’t entirely certain why, but my radius seemed really small to me… so anything to increase that would be pretty great. I know that I am missing the AOE Gems/Radius bench craft on my Necklace which I have not lucked into unveiling so far this league. I spent a bit of time last night running Jun missions on the Raider in an attempt to get it with no real luck so far.

I spent quite a bit of time on the Storm Brand Templar soon-to-be Inquisitor last night. I am still very much in the “ugly duckling” phase of this build and don’t have much in the way of defensive layers yet. I did pick up a pair of Call of the Brotherhood rings with Lightning to Cold conversion, giving me a grand total of 96% of Lightning Damage converted to cold. I am contemplating trying to work a Heatshiver into the build so that would add some fire damage as well. I still think I want an Inpulsa chest, which is going to be pretty expensive… but thankfully “Delve Provides” to borrow a motto from Jorgen. I already have more than enough currency to pick up whatever I need, but I do like to keep a buffer for more of my bullshit projects. Random comment though… the new Kirac’s Vault outfit is pretty freaking great minus the weird helm. I had this glowing eyes/black hood thing from a random cosmetic box and I think it goes nicely with it… and then matched it with some wings I had from a previous supporter pack and two wand graphics.

Anyways also on the docket this weekend, is Starfield. I preloaded it this morning and play on poking my head in when the early access begins tonight/tomorrow. I am not sure if I will give this a ton of attention, mostly because I am still fairly invested in the Path of Exile league. However, it might surprise me, and grab me in the same way that Skyrim did so many years… when I pretty much disappeared from raiding for a week because I could not stop playing the game. I am hoping for a great experience, but I am also trying to cool my jets when it comes to hype. I know Bethesda games can be a bit buggy, but honestly… I’ve enjoyed all of them. Hell, I even enjoyed Fallout 76 quite a bit at launch and had zero problems with Fallout 4 in spite of so many people lampooning it at the time.

It is weird… I can be super critical of games like Diablo IV, but completely give a pass to other games that people are memeing. I think it mostly depends on how important I consider the genre. For me the ARPG is just such a fundamental part of me as a player, that my disappointment got the best of me with Diablo. However, Bethesda games are just something I play for fun on the side from my more mainline MMO and ARPG games. They are just a fun goof rather than my main course. I think maybe that is also why I didn’t really have any problem with the DC movies that so many people lambasted… because I am just not super invested in them. Investment breeds contempt.

Now time for my second “Anyways” of the post. I hope you all have a great day and a happy last day of Blaugust. Remember… tomorrow will be a stressful day for me. Please give me some space to do the things needed to tabulate the posts.

Broke and Flipped

I had a rather busy day of significant progress and changes to my Righteous Fire Juggernaut. First off I took out The Searing Exarch and while I took a few deaths, I managed to get my void stone well within the six portals. I don’t fight these bosses often enough to be terribly good at them, so there are always things that I forget will kill me. I can tank a single ball at a time during the ball phase, but never two at once for example. Shortly after taking down the Searing Exarch, I went after the Eater of Worlds and the same essential story. I also downed it with portals left but took a few deaths re-learning what I could take and what I could not take.

So that leaves me at 106 maps out of 115 with the “easy” two voidstones slotted into my Atlas. I am not entirely certain how hard I will go after Elder and Maven, or if I will eventually just buy a carry for both to get it over with. Having access to voidstones however, fixed the problem I was having with the scarab market. Essentially it is roughly 2-3 Chaos per Rusted Sulphite Scarab which allows me to force Niko on a map so that I can restock my Delve coffers. There is a specific Charged Compass that has “your maps contain Niko” which lasts for 3 maps and seems to cost in the neighborhood of 1 Chaos each. So while these are a bigger pain in the ass to buy, because no one wants to stop what they are doing for a 1 Chaos sale… it essentially gives me similar results for a minimum of 5 Chaos less. I suppose I should go through the hassle of snapping up a pile of these. Unfortunately, they don’t really stack so I would have to dump them in my “Alt Maps” tab along with my Sanctum books, Temple maps, and Memories.

One of the things that I have been watching the market for is a Brass Dome. This is essentially my chest of choice when it comes to gearing out an RF Juggernaut because you can get over 4000 Armor, up to 5% additional maximum elemental resistance, and crit immunity. However these are always pricey, and since I had four Divine Orbs to play with, and a stash of Chaos Orbs from selling a round of Delve items… yesterday I actually began seriously shopping for something. Essentially what I wanted was a chest with a combination of White sockets and colored sockets that would allow me to flip it back and forth between Righteous Fire in the chest and eventually do the swap to Fire Trap in my Chest and Righteous Fire in my Helm.

What I found was a six-socket Brass Dome with over 4000 Armor, and +5% to all maximum resists that had WWWRRG giving me access to run both the common BBBRRG Righteous Fire setup and the GGGRRR or in my case GGGRRB setup for Fire Trap. It was not linked, so essentially I had to spend another 400 Chaos Orbs to buy the Orb of Bindings to do the benchcraft recipe. I did not really want to fuck around and try and manually link this for fear of spending way more than 1500 Bindings to accomplish the job. This happened to me last league when I was trying to link a chest and burned through 2000 Bindings without ever actually getting a six link. So essentially I wound up spending 5 Divines in total on the chest, but yesterday the cheapest equivalent already linked was 16 Divines. This morning there are two options at 9 Divines so I still feel like I came out ahead.

With my remaining currency or at least part of it, I picked up an Elder Influenced pure armor helm with level 20 Burning Damage and level 20 Concentrated Effect support that happened to be in the right colors to run Righteous Fire. I originally had intended to run the new Brass Dome with Righteous Fire for a bit while I saved up the currency for a helm, but I managed to snag this one for around a Divine and figured no time like the present to complete the swap. Of note… I’ve never actually done this one before and always ran the traditional RF in Chest and Fire Trap in helm setup. The difference is immediately clear when it comes to taking anything down that requires me to drop a Fire Trap. The only negative in this process is that I had an Area of Effect implicit on my previous helmet, so I am getting used to a slightly smaller Righteous Fire aura.

So I am fairly broke… I went into the day with 4 Divines and around 800 Chaos and I exited the day with somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 Chaos. That said… I have another load of resonators to sell and if they sell as quickly as the last batch that will be a significant boost to my vault. Essentially the next few upgrades will be more difficult because I have to be very wary of my resistance, dexterity, and intelligence. Ultimately in a perfect world, I would go after a +1 or +2 if that is even possible Amulet and a +2 Sceptre. I also need to swap out my gems for either 21/20 gems or the Awakened equivalent which will take a chunk of currency to do. Then after that, I am contemplating picking up the Forbidden Flesh and Forbidden Flame jewels to allocate Unrelenting which is the other side of the Endurance stacking tree that gives me physical reduction, elemental damage reduction, and chaos resistance.

All in all a pretty great day, and one that both increased my survivability and my damage output. Currency gain in Path of Exile is always a means to an end for me. I farm currency so that I can do the things I like… which often generates more currency… so that I can buy upgrades to do the things I like more efficiently. At some point, I will start working on some more alt characters when my coffers have filled again so that I have money to play with. Ash continues to push me in the direction of a Cyclone build, and I still want to do a bit of a redemption arc for Storm Brand. Both of these will need things purchased or farmed, and both of which are probably going to happen before the league is up. Essentially right now… I am very “in my element” and enjoying my time greatly.

Frightening Scarab Market

Good Morning Folks! Well, this is the weekend where I officially switched mains it seems as if my Juggernaut has now eclipsed the level of my Lightning Arrow Raider. I gotta say that I enjoyed the Raider quite a bit, but it hit a bit of a hard plateau around red maps. I knew the class was going to have some survival issues, which was pretty understandable… but what I did not expect was just how much harder boss fights would be than I am used to. Essentially so long as the Raider is killing small mobs it can keep its dance of death ongoing forever. However, when I am just fighting a single target, I am not getting near enough life and mana leech to keep everything going and I start harming myself with lifetap. The RF Juggernaut however… is just stable all the time which is I guess what I had been missing.

I am in the awkward part of mapping where I only have a few maps left to go… and they are becoming increasingly more difficult to get to drop. I am sitting at 103 of 115 with a number of those remaining maps being uniques. I am abusing Kirac missions and Scouting reports to try and roll my way into the maps that I am missing, but I have a feeling at some point I will resort to just buying the ones I am missing. I tried the strategy of going ahead and running red maps from Kirac even though they are not corrupted in the hopes of getting raw maps that I can corrupt to drop. However, that really has not worked out terribly well so far even though I have one of those maps I completed but did not get the bonus for in my favorite slot.

It could also be that I have just not been running enough maps lately, because as I have gotten my Juggernaut online, I have spent more time underground. I’m continuing the veer slightly deeper and am comfortably trucking along around 130 depth. Mostly I am chasing cities and will go to whatever depth I need to in order to intercept them. I’ve finished off one full Abyss City, and two Vaal cities including a Vaal boss, and am currently winding my way down to a four-node Vaal City. After finishing that I will backtrack and pick up the Abyss City that I can see on my map. I’ve over-upgraded my Resistance and Light Radius and am beginning to knock out some of the other upgrades as I get the Azurite to unlock them.

I would probably spend ALL of my time down in Delve were it not for the fact that Scarab prices right now are a bit bonkers. I am not sure if Delve is more popular in this league, or if there is some mechanic that used to produce a lot of Scarabs that is not currently being run. Whatever the case right now the humble Rusted Suphite Scarab is going for over 1 Chaos Each, which is a little too rich for my blood. I can still fill my Suphite Meter thanks to the Atlas Passives and getting a bonus from completing maps, but it is fairly slow going. I wish there was some sort of Scarab vendor or something in the game that you could trade bubble gum currency for Scarabs. It does make me wonder if more people are playing Trials than I expected, and since Scarabs are a relatively uncommon reward not as many are making it to the market.

Now that I have the Juggernaut up and running, I have been trying a bit of heisting as well since the Righteous Fire character does really well at Delve and Heist both. I vaguely remember blueprints rewarding quite a few scarabs, so that might be an alternate method for refilling my coffers. I might try rerolling scarabs because I think there is a Harvest recipe. Heist though is fun on its own merits and I still need to go through the process of unlocking all of the thieves and leveling them. There is an awful lot of minutiae when it comes to getting set up in a new league and unlocking everything that you need to really be viable. The good bit is that I have goals plenty to focus on.

In other news, I am finally back on my reading nonsense… as a couple of books had broken me a bit. I tried very hard to get through Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. I am not sure if it was the extremely brutal, violent, and oftentimes racist content… or the general lack of punctuation or any sort of scaffolding to better explain who the fuck was talking. Whatever the case that book beat me, and while I figure it is probably an important read to understand the brutality against the Native tribes that lies behind the Cowboy mythos… it was just too bleak for me to continue trudging through. It knocked me out of commission for several months and I am finally getting back on the horse again with finally reading Old Man’s War by John Scalzi. So far this is a much more comfortable read, even though it has its own bleak content… just not quite as brutal.

I’ve also been struggling a bit with feeling generally out of it. Over the weekend my wife started coming down with something, and I am wondering if I too am catching whatever she brought home from the hellions that she teaches. I’m in a bit of a funk on top of that though. I’m having one of those ” would anyone miss me if I was gone” malaises that washes over me from time to time. I will pull through the other side I am sure because I know it is nonsense. If you made it this far in my blog post I know that you would probably miss me. I think part of it has also been brought on by the fact that it has been way the hell too hot to do anything outside of stay sequestered inside in the air conditioning. Hopefully, that too will pass.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day and a wonderful beginning of the week.

Delving the Darkness

Yesterday I made it through the campaign on my Righteous Fire Juggernaut and by the middle of the night I was back delving which makes me very happy. I burned through a lot of my available currency kitting out my character in gear in order to make my resists work. I purposefully tried to overcap resists by a bit because at some point I hope to swap out to a Brass Dome with +5 to maximum elemental resistances and that will mean losing the resistances that I currently have on my 5-link corrupted chest. Other than that I could probably due for a sceptre upgrade at some point, and then I definitely need to find a pseudo-six-link helm. Those however can wait because for now… I need to get my money printing machine up and running that will fund the rest of my adventures.

I’m very much in the early stages of breaking into Delve and getting my resistances up enough to go down further. I’ve been down to around depth 85 and have done just fine, but my resists are a bit puny for me to go diving down dark tunnels as I am used to doing. Once I get down to around 100 I will finally start seeing a lot of content in the side tunnels and hopefully some cities. There is one already on the map but I have to figure out how to approach it as there is no direct path that I can see. I think that is probably why I enjoy Delve the most, because it offers bite-sized adventures with promised loot at the end. It feels way more stable and reliable than mapping does in general.

When I last talked about my map progress I think I was around 73, and as of this morning, I am sitting at 88 of 115 maps completed. Essentially each time I shift over to run maps for sulphite I am trying to unlock something new. I’ve actually managed to get quite a number of the unique maps out of the way which feels really good. I did miserably fail one of them, but it was a T16 unique map which is always painful. Mapping still feels good on Lightning Arrow Raider, but she is way squishier than the Juggernaut which is to be expected because there is a massive difference in killing power.

Since I am spending way more time in Delve, I am starting to pivot away from Essences and towards Niko missions and Sulphite. I think I think once I finish picking up Niko nodes, I will shift towards picking more Legion on the tree or maybe Blight since the Raider can do those a lot better than my Juggernaut ever could. I think what I dig about having a proper map blaster is that if I decide to dive into mapping a bunch, I can pivot back without much issue. However what I have missed the most is the reliable currency generation of Delve, and the Raider just was not a Delve-friendly character. So much of what comes from Delve comes from careening down dark tunnels looking for treasure, and you really need something sturdy to be able to do that.

I am also still doing the occasional tournament for the league mechanic, and those mostly go smoothly. I’ve not won a tournament outright since crossing the 200 rating barrier, but I am also not really using a mechanic to cheese things. I do well enough to get several rewards though, but last night I saw my first six-link and missed winning it by losing the final match. I did pull a five-link earlier, so it seems like I am starting to get into better rewards territory in general. I feel in this weird place so far in that I have two highly functioning characters but am also mostly broke. Hopefully, a week of focusing on just doing some mechanics to get some stuff will help change that trajectory. Once I have more currency to play with, I will probably start rolling some more side projects.

All told though I am having a lot of fun. I feel much better now that I have my Tankyboi back in the repertoire of characters.