If You Give a Chieftain a Cookie

Hey Folks! I am getting around to writing my “morning” post in the afternoon… or at least it will be after noon by the time I finally publish this thing. Yesterday was the official end of our private league that lovingly became known as “Bel League”. I think this was a very interesting experiment and I think that for the most part, it was a success. I created three highly viable characters during the league and one failed character. I made my way through all of the maps save for one that never would drop… the Unique Twilight Temple map, but I still consider that a win in spirit. In the experience ladder my characters sit for perpetuity at First, Third, and Fifth place which seems like a solid performance. The character that did not work was my Volcanic Fissure of Snaking build, but I pivoted that character into what has become one of the more enjoyable Righteous Fire characters I’ve created. Now that I am over in Trade League, my characters are showing up on POE.Ninja so for anyone at home you can check out the state in which I managed to get them all.

As soon as I got access to the trade economy… I of course started fiddling with my characters. The problem with reaching a point of stability with a character is that it is almost like trying to renovate a house of cards. As you swap a piece of gear for something else… you create a deficit that you then have to patch elsewhere. In all of my time in the private league, I never found a single viable Elder influenced helm and since we are playing in a hyperinflation league… I did not want to pay 20-30 Divines for a pseudo-six-link helm to put Righteous Fire in. My first purchase was spending 5 Chaos on a level 85 base Pig-Faced Bascinet that I then proceeded to pour a bunch of fossils into before making do with Level 20 Burning Damage and Level 18 Concentrated Effect. This however meant that I would be losing my +1 to Maximum Fire resistance on my influenced helm. So I got around that by picking up a Rise of the Phoenix with +2 level of Socketed Aura Gems… which bumped my 21/20% Purity of Fire to the next breakpoint and made up that missing Maximum Fire Resistance allowing me to stay at 90% to all elements.

If I was moving Righteous Fire to my helmet, that meant that I needed to either recolor my existing Lightning Coil or purchase a new one. Having access to trade meant that I could find a better-rolled one that was also corrupted and had the +2 to Level of Socketed AOE Gems on it… meaning that my 21/20% Fire Trap gains +2 from the chest, +1 from a leveling Empower, and +1 from my Sceptre for a grand total of Level 25 and soon to be 26 once I gain another level on that Empower gem. Since I am converting 50% of my physical damage taken to Lightning Damage, I thought while I was at it I would pick up a reasonably rolled Taste of Hate to add 15% of physical taken as Cold. I thought these flasks would be much more expensive but I picked it up for 10 Chaos. I am guessing all of the magic find is producing more than the market can absorb.

This left me with one last problem to try and fix. I’ve always had negative chaos resistance on this character since the swap over to Righteous Fire and I really wanted to at least attempt to resolve that problem. Given the high number of uniques that I am using, that left me with three slots that I could swap out pretty easily to try and at least make a dent in this problem. So after some fiddling around I found a new pair of boots, gloves, and an amethyst ring that combined take me close to the cap in spite of not quite hitting it. I’m at least up to a positive 67% which is far better than I was before starting this process. I could in theory swap my necklace out… but given how much I am relying on it to make up attributes I would still want +1 to all fire skills… I figured that would be a more tricky replacement. I would love to be able to run Defiance of Destiny that I lucked into yesterday… but I would need to probably swap over to a full cluster jewel setup in order to make that happen. I’ve rapidly run into a Ship of Theseus problem… where I am not quite certain how much of my build remains the same.

The last thing that I swapped out was my two Ursine charms for slightly better-rolled ones to increase my regen and strength… that will give me some additional health. In the end… I’m about the same armor-wise… down about 200 life, and 200 life regen… but am converting 15% more damage to elemental and have enough chaos resistance to not be completely trashed by any modifiers that deal chaos damage. I also picked up a bit more damage from the swap of Righteous Fire and Fire Trap so am killing things faster…. which ends up making the build feel better as a result. All told… it was a good series of moves that cost me around 5 Divines in total. If I decide to push this build any further… it will involve almost entirely respeccing the character and stacking on a bunch of cluster jewels. For now, however… I am going to let things alone for a bit and just play the damned game.

Sometimes its Bricked

If you have followed me over the last few days, you have watched me playing around with one of the new transfigured abilities called Volcanic Fissure of Snaking. My idea behind the build was to go with Chieftain which gives me easy access to lots of resistances as well as Hinekora, Death’s Fury for big explosions, and Tawhoa, Forest’s Strength for what is essentially a form of melee-based spell echo. Instead of leaning into scaling a bunch of physical damage, the idea was to convert all of my physical fire damage and instead scale that, chance to ignite and ignite damage with proliferation. The hope was that I could run around with a mace and shield, which would give me extra defenses, and then paint the room in firey eruptions. Leveling through the campaign this felt excellent and after crafting a few clusters it seemed to solve my problem with single-target damage.

However when I swapped over from the campaign to tier 1 unmodified maps… I had some significant damage problems. Ash urged me to grab one of my spare boneshatter axes and throw it on the character, which meant swapping around a ton of points that I had put into shield defenses and attack damage while holding a shield. This however killed my defenses and meant that I saw the “rip” screen quite a bit more. So I am living in this middle ground between having enough defenses and having enough offensive power to make up for not having said defenses. I am only level 74, and I know that levels could help solve this problem… but I am not really sure it is worth the uphill battle and the constant flow of regrets to try and salvage this character. The only positive is that I didn’t really go out of my way to acquire gear for the character and most everything I am wearing is stuff I had lying around in my bank already.

On top of the ascendancy benefits, I went chieftain because I thought starting on the left-hand side of the screen near all of the fire and physical damage buffs would help me. The problem is… it is sort of hard to scale both physical and fire damage while also adding enough defensive layers to make the whole mess viable. Then there is the problem with the ability Volcanic Fissure of Snaking itself… because using it with a two-hander means that it is almost comically slow. So that adds a whole other thing into the mix, that I would in theory need to blend in a bunch of attack speed to try and make the mess feel a bit better. There are other ascendancies that might be better served for this sort of build, but I fear that they would have to rely on clusters even more than I currently am. I keep thinking that Physical to Fire Melee Ignite is more viable than it might be currently.

Ultimately I wanted to play around with one of the new abilities and I had a lot of fun with it… until I didn’t. I think there is a build here, but I feel like I am maybe not capable of building it. At a minimum, I think this might be one of those things that is a bit harder to build without easy access to some specific uniques that would make the one-handed version viable. Again I am annoyed at the restrictions of SSF, but I might shelve this until I finally do migrate out of the private league. I think I am going to low-key start trying to farm things that I know I can turn into currency when the transfer to trade takes place. It will be very hard coming from behind over a month into the league and trying to gather up the currency needed to finish my builds. I feel so hamstrung by not having access to trade that while I have enjoyed the communal nature of the league… I am not sure how up for this I will be in the future. Maybe as a short-term 10-day league, but never one that goes on this long.

I think I figured out yesterday what it is that I like so much about trade leagues in Path of Exile. In a game like Diablo III, loot is so plentiful and there are truthfully a very limited number of possibilities that it is a foregone conclusion that you will see a given item. Enough time put in and it will absolutely with certainly drop, and often in even an ancient legendary version and maybe if you are super lucky a primal. Path of Exile however has a much wider loot pool and it is absolutely possible that you can spend an entire league grinding away and never actually see something… for example, we’ve yet to see a Profane Proxy for Kodra but in past leagues, I was chucking these into Loreweave recipes because we had spares. Trade League allows me to convert the things I am getting, or even the things I enjoy farming the most… into the items that I am now seeing drop. Everything that I do feels like I am working towards some deterministic goal and I like that a lot.

This is a similar problem I am having in Last Epoch, I have run countless helmet nodes in the Monolith and still have no Herald of the Scurry to show for it. I also have a slew of Necromancer drops that I have never seen and have no real deterministic way of farming them. It makes me question my thoughts about the trade league going into that game, and whether or not I would feel happier playing with access to buy items from other players. Path of Exile and the trade league I think have skewed my feelings about this in ways that I did not expect. I just get frustrated with the inefficiency of waiting around for a specific thing to drop, rather than just converting other items into currency and buying exactly the item you wanted instead.

I didn’t expect to be so vehemently turned into a “trade league enjoyer” but I guess that has happened. I am not sure what I want to do at this point. I might take a bit of a break from Path of Exile and go back to Baldur’s Gate III and try and wrap that up before the end of the year.

Bolt Crafted Sorta

As we get closer to Friday, I think I have finally come to terms with the fact that I will be going Boneshatter for the league start. After sifting through many different guides and POBs, I think I honestly prefer the one that Zizaran released for 3.22. This is mostly because the gear seems pretty straightforward and craftable and it features some of the things that I knew that I wanted to lean into like double-dipping evasion for armor with Iron Reflexes. We have a Trello for all of the folks doing league starts in the private league we are running and I have highlighted some of the uniques that I am looking out for, but in theory, this should be able to be done with nothing but rares at least for a while. If this can get me down into Delve at around 150 depth I will be very happy.

Additionally, since yesterday was the official stop of the Trial of the Ancestors league, it meant that they opened up the ability to create private leagues for Affliction. So we now officially have the “Bel League Affliction” set up and running and most of the participants have joined. Ash and Kodra helped split the cost of the league three ways with us each chipping in 100 coins, with more folks willing to chip in if we decide to expand it past the initial 40 days. I figure at the 40-day mark we will either allow the characters to drop down into the trade league or if folks are still going hot and heavy, expand it out by another 30 days.

The other big thing that I did in Path of Exile last night was to get both my personal and the guild’s stash set up in standard the way I want it to look in Affliction. Essentially the state of your standard stash is what gets imported into the next league, and for the guild, I mostly wanted to get the tabs named and affinities set properly so that hopefully I don’t have to do this on the first day of the new league. Similarly, I did a bunch of rearranging things in my personal stash to go ahead and set up some of the common folders that I used in Ancestor League. As far as all of those “Remove-Only” tabs I tend to shove them into a folder named after the league they were created during. Not that I spend much time in Standard, but I figure this will make this a bit easier at a later date when I might be looking for something.

In other news, I have been playing a not-insignificant amount of Guild Wars 2 lately. I’ve talked about this a bit, but I have been popping in at least once each day to chip away at my “wizard chores” which is a humorous term that I picked up from my friend Ace regarding World of Warcraft Dailies. Given that I am actually doing them for a tower full of wizards… and the reward system is called the Wizard’s Vault… it is finally the perfect term for what I am doing. Doing various daily, weekly, and period objectives gives you a currency called Astral Acclaim which can then be used to buy all manner of things from cosmetics, to pieces of usable gear… to probably the most valuable item which amounts to a massive boost in crafting your choice of a legendary from four different options.

Astral Acclaim stacks to 1300 points, and I was nearing the cap where I could not earn anymore and needed to spend down some of it. So I opted to pick up the Legendary Weapon Starter Kit – Set 2. This gave me access to shortcutting the crafting process for Bolt, The Moot, Quip, or The Predator. Since I use Sword on a few of my characters and am looking forward to playing around with Sword on my Necromancer soonish… I opted to go with Bolt. I don’t really love the appearance of any of these weapons, but the other one I was considering for a bit was Quip just to give me access to a pistol as that seems to be a weapon archetype I also enjoy. What this box does is give you the precursor weapon, the “gift of” for the specific weapon shortcutting the need to level a profession to 400, and either a Gift of Magic or Gift of Might. This then requires you to supply your own Gift of Mastery and the Gift of Magic/Might that you did not receive, along with 77 Mystic Clovers, and 250 Globs of Ecotoplasm to craft a Gift of Fortune.

I had already been chipping away at some of the legendary weapon requirements because I have been working towards Twilight… which I stalled out on when it came to crafting the precursor. I should have just sucked it up and bought the precursor and would have likely already completed that weapon before now had I done so. This however meant that I had already done the legwork to craft a Gift of Mastery, and had been stockpiling resources that got me at least part of the way towards the missing Gift of Magic since my package gave me Might instead. I took the easy way out and spent roughly 200 gold to finish gathering the Tier 6 materials needed to craft the Gift of Fortune and then threw all of the expensive bits in the mystical commode to get my very first Legendary weapon in Guild Wars 2.

To be fair… I said “sorta” in the title because it doesn’t feel like I really put in all of the effort required to craft a Legendary weapon. I would probably feel more accomplished had I done so, but given that gathering Legendary gear is the true endgame of Guild Wars 2, it does seem a bit brilliant to give players an onramp to demystify the process a bit. According to GW2 Efficiency, the price right now to craft a Bolt from scratch would require about 1300 gold. This is greatly shortcutting that process giving you the Gift of Bolt (~200 Gold), Gift of Might (~150 Gold), and the precursor (~70 Gold) all for the low price of a month’s worth of dailies. It also encourages players to complete that Gift of Mastery on their own which requires getting full Tyria exploration completion and farming up a Gift of Battle. The more players engage with Legendary crafting, the more they become entwined into the flow of the game… and likely the longer they will stick around. While this essentially handed me 450 Gold… it did so in a way that meant I had to have poured a good deal of my time into the project to make anything of it.

The only annoyance is that I will have to craft a second legendary sword at some point for the characters that would want to dual-wield them. Now that I have broken the seal on this system, however… I sorta want to focus some time on wrapping up Twilight and getting a Greatsword for all of my alts to use as well. I see what you did there Wizard Vault…

AggroChat #452 – Cyberpunk Redemption Arc

Featuring: Ammosart, Ashgar, Belghast, Kodra, and Tamrielo

Hey Folks! We are down a Grace and a Thalen this weekend so we floundered a bit on the topics we were going to talk about.  While we questioned if we had enough for a show, we still wound up going over by about fourteen minutes. We start off with some discussion about GeekGirlCon 2023 which all of our Seattle contingency attended this weekend.  From there Bel talks a bit about a new Switch device that he picked up called the CRKD Nitro Deck that makes the Switch a bit beefer and feel like a Steam Deck.  Tam has been diving back into Cyberpunk 2077 with the release of the 2.0 update and Phantom Libery expansion.  Finally, we wind around to Path of Exile that Ash, Kodra, and Bel are still deeply engaged with this league.  We talk a bit more about the birth of the “Bel League” private league concept.

Topics Discussed

  • GeekGirlCon 2023
  • CRKD Nitro Deck
  • Cyberpunk 2077 2.0
  • Path of Exile
    • Bel League Gaining Traction
    • Random Path of Exile nonsense